Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Talk About Me Tuesday- Mommy's Peanut Gallery

Mommy’s Peanut Gallery

  1. What's your name? Amanda
  2. Tell me a bit about yourself and your family.  I'm a stay-at-home mommy to two little peanuts, Maria (15 months) and Clare (2 months).  I've been married to my husband Isaac for a little over 2 years, and we live in Minnesota, aka the frozen tundra of the U.S. (It's really not that bad, but it does get pretty cold this time of year!)  We enjoy going out to eat as a family (little Maria loves restaurants!), going boating and fishing on Minnesota's many lakes in the summer, and spending time with the grandparents (they love to spoil their granddaughters!).
  3. What's the name and link to your blog?  Mommy's Peanut Gallery, http://mommyspeanutgallery.blogspot.com/
  4. What is your blog about/What do you like to write about in your blog?  I like to blog about family, cloth diapering, my faith, cloth diapering, green living, and did I mention cloth diapering? Cloth diapering is a huge passion of mine, I love talking "fluff"!  You'll also find some of my random musings, such as embarrassing stories about me and my love/hate relationship with the postal service.
  5. What inspired you to start a blog?  I started out just reading blogs, mainly cloth diapering ones.  I had so much fun reading about cloth diapering and entering giveaways that I decided to give it a try myself!  I've always enjoyed writing, it's a way for me to relax and unwind.  Plus, it's nice to have something to do that doesn't involve taking care of my little peanuts!  As wonderful as they are, blogging gives me a nice break from them.
  6. Do you have any blogging pet peeves?  Captcha!  I absolutely despise typing in those silly non-words.  I'm also not a fan of blogs that have tons of advertising and buttons.  If it takes me forever to find your "follow" button amid all the ads, I probably won't follow!
  7. Do you have any big goals for your blog?  I just started seriously writing for my blog about three weeks ago, so I'm in the process of getting some reviews and giveaways lined up.  Other than that, I'm just hoping to build my following and make a few new blogger friends along the way!
    1. What are some of your favorite blogs to read?  I'm a regular reader of any blog that has to do with cloth diapers, and I've also started getting into some homeschooling blogs since I hope to homeschool my kids someday.

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