So I went to the urologist yesterday. We waited for 45 min and he talked to us like 5. I didn't really get any answers. He gave me some meds to try for a month. The meds are for overactive bladder. Which I don't think thats what it is. And so far they really aren't helping that much. But we'll see. I guess I should give it some time. Its frustrating though cuz I really wanted some answers. He just scribbled a prescription and went on his way. Dumb doctor. Ugh makes me so mad.
But anyways, today is Brian's bday and I want it to be great for him. I've got a roast in the crock pot and after dinner we are going to Angela and Tre's to celebrate! Happy New Year everyone!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Tatted up!!
Ok so Brian has been begging for another tattoo for his bday and I kept saying no. But yesterday I decided what the heck, let him get one. So we went yesterday to get ideas and prices and I ended up getting one too!!! We got Noah's name. I got mine on my ankle and he got his on his arm. They both look really good and I love it! I am glad I decided to get one too. It has a very special meaning to it. Cuz Noah is my life. He's part of me, just like this tattoo now. It hurt like hell though! No more until I have another kiddo haha! Here's some pics!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Come and Gone
Christmas was yesterday. It was nice. We had a very peaceful, happy day. I got so much stuff I couldn't believe it! Noah also got spoiled lol. He loves all his new toys.
Now Christmas has come and gone and Brian's bday and new years is next. Not sure what were gonna do. We were gonna have Noah stay the night with my parents but we changed our minds real quick after yesterday. Its just to hectic over there and he's going through this seperation anxiety and I just don't want to put him through that. So I gotta figure out a way to make Brian's bday fun, but also have Noah. We can do it. Just got some brainstorming to do. :)
Now Christmas has come and gone and Brian's bday and new years is next. Not sure what were gonna do. We were gonna have Noah stay the night with my parents but we changed our minds real quick after yesterday. Its just to hectic over there and he's going through this seperation anxiety and I just don't want to put him through that. So I gotta figure out a way to make Brian's bday fun, but also have Noah. We can do it. Just got some brainstorming to do. :)
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Christmas is in two days. Man its been a whirlwind of a day. We got a virus this morning on the computer. From stupid facebook. Ugh. Luckily, Angela's hubby knew how to fix it and now its back to normal. But I've been all day without internet. Ugh
And then this afternoon Brian's aunt, dad, and stepmom came over to deliver gifts. They hit it right on the nail for Brian and I. But were way out in left field with Noah. It was kinda sad lol. They got him this stuffed Noah's ark. And some books. Hate to say it, but he'll NEVER play with any of that. Well, he might read the books when he's two. But the stuffed Ark is just gonna collect dust. I really thought they'd do better. But nope. Not so much. But they got us a mircrowave! And Brian's aunt got me a slow cooker!! I was so happy! Oh and I got a month free tanning from them! Whoo hoo! Now I will be sexy and tan in about a month!!
Ok so here's the best part of my day. I am reading the Twilight saga. I'm on New Moon right now. I am totally and ridiculously in LOVE with Edward Cullen! Like I feel like I am having an imaginary affair! With a vampire at that!!! Its insane. Like when I read that book, I feel like I AM Bella Swan. I haven't been this sucked into a book in a while. Its so amazing. Like sometimes I have to step away from the book and tell myself..this is not reality. Its a FICTION novel. haha. And to think I said I wasn't going to get sucked into the Twilight madness! HA!
And then this afternoon Brian's aunt, dad, and stepmom came over to deliver gifts. They hit it right on the nail for Brian and I. But were way out in left field with Noah. It was kinda sad lol. They got him this stuffed Noah's ark. And some books. Hate to say it, but he'll NEVER play with any of that. Well, he might read the books when he's two. But the stuffed Ark is just gonna collect dust. I really thought they'd do better. But nope. Not so much. But they got us a mircrowave! And Brian's aunt got me a slow cooker!! I was so happy! Oh and I got a month free tanning from them! Whoo hoo! Now I will be sexy and tan in about a month!!
Ok so here's the best part of my day. I am reading the Twilight saga. I'm on New Moon right now. I am totally and ridiculously in LOVE with Edward Cullen! Like I feel like I am having an imaginary affair! With a vampire at that!!! Its insane. Like when I read that book, I feel like I AM Bella Swan. I haven't been this sucked into a book in a while. Its so amazing. Like sometimes I have to step away from the book and tell myself..this is not reality. Its a FICTION novel. haha. And to think I said I wasn't going to get sucked into the Twilight madness! HA!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Just Fix me!
Ugh. So I've been suffering from symptoms of a UTI for like a month now, but no UTI. I've been tested twice now. Basically I feel like I have to pee 24/7. Its so uncomfortable. And SOO damn annoying. I've been researching alot and it could be a number of things. Idk what the hell it is, but I wish they would just fix me! My gyno said she would refer me to a urologist yesterday and her nurse is supposed to call me today. But guess what? Its already 3pm. Grrr. I just want to be fixed! I want to stop feeling this way. I want to be better. :(
Friday, December 18, 2009
One week till Christmas!
Christmas is in exactly one week. I am sick with a bad cold/flu. I feel like crap. Luckily Noah shows no signs of getting least not yet. He's had the flu shot so maybe that will keep him from getting it. He started talking this week. He now says ba ba. And I think he'll start saying da da soon too. I've seen him mouth it a few times. I'm so excited for his first Christmas! Hopefully I'll be bettter by then!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Hectic Holidays
Sorry its been another week since I've posted. Its been so insane lately. I finally finished school Thursday. Thank God. That shit was getting old. Now I have a 3 week break. I've been trying to get all my shopping done and presents wrapped and Christmas cards sent. But its been hard. I can't figure out what to buy Brian. I can't decide which pictures to use for the frames I bought. I keep forgetting stuff when I go shopping. Ugh. It's frustrating. I'm just ready to be done so I can really enjoy the holidays.
I took some cute pics of Noah yesterday for the frames. Just thought I'd share those. :)
I took some cute pics of Noah yesterday for the frames. Just thought I'd share those. :)
Friday, December 4, 2009
What a week!
I'm so sorry I have not been updating regularly. We have had a hell of a week this week. Wed afternoon our toilet got backed up and the plumbers ended up making our toilet explode basically and crap was literally an inch deep in our bathroom and hallway. It was disgusting! So we are living at my mother in laws while they are cleaning our appartment and replacing the rug. It was awful. It sucks not being able to stay at home but we are making it. I may go to my parents this weekend while Brian works, because I can only take so much of MIL. haha. I will try to update more regularly. With the holidays and school finishing up I'm pretty busy, but I will def try. Happy Friday!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Cloth Diapers!!
Yay! I have finally got some cloth diapers! I found out there was a store here and she actually has this trial program where you can try one of every kind of diaper for 3 weeks for only ten bucks!! How awesome is that! So my cloth diapers are in the wash now and will be ready for Noah to try tomorrow morning! yay!!!
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving too! I'm excited! It will be our first Thanksgiving as a real family!! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving too! I'm excited! It will be our first Thanksgiving as a real family!! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Take Back Tuesday!
This is one of my all time favorite pictures of me! It was taken back in like 2007 when I was going to TFC. I think I just look hot in this pic haha!
Thanksgiving is fast approaching!!
It's the Tuesday before thanksgiving! I am really praying this Thanksgiving goes ok, considering all the drama with my in-laws right now. (long story). But I am thankful to have my wonderful husband, and sweet Noah to spend it with. This will be Noah's first cute! Tonight we are going over to my father-in-law's house for Thanksgiving with them. Then Thursday we will be going to my mother-in-laws boyfriends..ugh. But I am really going to try to make the best of it, even though I am dreading going. Happy Tuesday everyone!
Friday, November 20, 2009
It's the weekend!
Sorry I haven't wrote in a few days. Been kinda busy lately. Tonight my parents and sis came over for "Thanksgiving Dinner"..a week early. I cooked a ham. It was yummy. Tomorrow we are going to visit mom for the day and then I think I'm gonna go have drinks with some other mommies later that night. Sunday is church, and a potluck dinner with my mommy group. So busy busy weekend. And my poor hubby has a busy weekend at work too. So if I don't post for another few days thats why. Have a great weekend everyone!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
My child is driving me nuts!! I mean I know he is teething and I feel bad for him but good god I'm not gonna hold him all day long! He won't sleep...he's constantly fussing about something...I have homework and a house to clean and everything..but no..he's not gonna let me do that. I hate teething! He woke up at 5am this morning and talked to himself for an hr..then slept for another 30 min. ugh! So I have basically been up since 5!! Grr!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Friday the 13th actually. Lol. Today was a pretty good day. Noah was a tad fussy but he's teething and thats normal. Brian has to go back to work tomorrow after being off for 6 days. Makes me sad. It also makes me sad that Noah will be 7 months old in ONE week! Makes me tear up just thinking about it. It does not feel like that sweet angel has been on this earth for 7 whole months. He's such a sweetheart and the best thing in my life.
Oh and another thing that happened today..I have a job interview on Monday. For an Owner's Assistant. I'm kinda nervous cuz I don't really know what the business is, but I guess I'll just go Monday and check it out. It pays 400 a week! That would be amazing!
Oh and another thing that happened today..I have a job interview on Monday. For an Owner's Assistant. I'm kinda nervous cuz I don't really know what the business is, but I guess I'll just go Monday and check it out. It pays 400 a week! That would be amazing!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Thank God!!
So I just took a pregnancy test and its negative! I was so worried I was pregnant. I kept having symptoms like I did when I was pregnant with Noah so I was totally freaked out. But its a no. I would love another baby, but just not quite yet.
So maybe not...
I'm kinda dissapointed right now. We still haven't heard from the casting agency after driving 2 hrs in traffic for a 5 min audition. I thought for sure we'd get a call. But she said either late yesterday or early today we'd hear from them, and still nothing. Makes me sad. I mean I know Noah is so precious and cute and sweet, but makes me feel like he's not good enough for them. Oh well, he's def good enough for me. I thought he was cuter than alot of those babies, but I think they were looking for a not so white baby haha. Noah's got the blonde hair, blue eyes, all american look. And alot of the other babies were Asian, or black, or had funny hair haha. Oh well, I guess I'll keep trying. And if not..he'll just be my special model baby!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Saturday 7
SO I got another idea from my wonderful friend Malanda- One little monkey jumping on the bed . It's called Saturday 7. Where you write 7 things you did this past week. So here's mine :)
1. Started working out at the ymca with Brian
2. Went to a football game
3. Did TONS of homework
4. Took Noah to the park
5. Fought with my hubby
6. Started drinking more water again...less dew haha
7. Slept in till 9 on Thursday!!
1. Started working out at the ymca with Brian
2. Went to a football game
3. Did TONS of homework
4. Took Noah to the park
5. Fought with my hubby
6. Started drinking more water again...less dew haha
7. Slept in till 9 on Thursday!!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Oh my fn geez!!!
I went to the y today to work out and I weigh 142 pounds! Thats the most I've ever weighed, besides when I was preggo! I am so mad at myself for letting it get to that! I mean I know its just cuz I eat and drink junk!! I really gotta get off at least 10 lbs! 20 would be wonderful! Then I would be at the weight I was in high school! Starting today I'm keeping track of all my calories and cutting out all the junk!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
I'm in over my head
I think I'm in over my head with this school thing. I can never get finished. Never get caught up. And I only have once class! Idk how I'm ever going to get all the work done that I need to. It's so frustrating because I'm so behind simply because we didn't have the money to buy my book. So now I have to buy chapters instead and sometimes we don't even have the money for that. It's ridiculous. And if I get a job its going to get even worse. I don't know how I'm ever going to finish school at this rate.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Take back Tuesdays!
Monday, November 2, 2009
So Halloween was pretty fun. Noah was a grump all day but he's been going through his 6 month growth spurt so thats why. But we went to the mall to trick or treat with Kristen and Rylan and it was so packed! And we didn't even get any candy!! By the time we got in the building they were out of candy! It was retarded and I won't be going back there next year. Luckily Noah won't remember this. But then after that I put Noah to bed and went downtown with Kristen and her friends. We had fun. I went as a pirate and felt totally self consious, cuz the skirt was short and my legs are huge!! Plus super pasty white haha. But oh well it was dark and we had fun and danced our asses off!
I told Brian that its not as fun as it used to be. My priorities have definately changed since having Noah. Used to be my only priority was to go downtown and party every weekend. Now its fun and all, but to me its alot more tiring and its only something I could do like once a month or so. Lol so much has changed!
I told Brian that its not as fun as it used to be. My priorities have definately changed since having Noah. Used to be my only priority was to go downtown and party every weekend. Now its fun and all, but to me its alot more tiring and its only something I could do like once a month or so. Lol so much has changed!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
I'm going crazy right about!
It's been five hrs since Noah woke up and he's refusing to nap. I can't get anything done. I'm exhausted myself. I just want to cry. I'm not going to get to go out tonight...hell we might not even get to go trick or treating if he keeps this up. And of course not one damn person to babysit or give me a break. I hate the weekends sometimes. Oh, happy halloween, hope yours is better than mine.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Sometimes it is really fn hard to be a mama. Like I love Noah, and he's such a blessing and my life is nothing without him. But Gah its so hard sometimes to sacrifice the things I wanna do. Like Halloween is saturday and I got invited to go out with some friends. I want to go soooooo bad! But of course Noah's grandparents still think they are young and are going out too and Brian has to go to work and so I once again have to sit my ass at home while everyone else it out and do nothing. Ugh! Why can't I just have one night of fun! Alone! If there's one thing I miss pre-baby its having the freedom to come and go as I please! Man I miss that!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I'm Such a Proud Mama!
Noah did so good at his 6 month checkup today. The nurse said she had an 8 month old that wouldn't even hold his own bottle yet. Noah is so advanced and learning something new every day. He took the shots like such a little tough guy. He stopped crying as soon as daddy picked him up. I just can't get over how amazing he is. I'm so proud of him. I've never been proud of myself but I sure am proud we created such a beautiful child. He's so amazing. Ok sorry for all the mushy, what can I say, he's precious!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Ahh Sleep!
Noah's been sleeping really good the past two nights and not waking up till almost 8 instead of the normal 6:30 or 7. I love it! Makes me feel so good to get that extra hour of sleep. I hope he keeps it up.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Feeling down lately...
Everything gets me so down lately. I'm so tired of being stuck in the house all the time. We never have any money to do anything. I'm so tired of having to rely on other people for things we need. I'm so sick of getting irritated at Brian for things I know is not his fault. I complain like this but then I don't want to get a job and leave Noah. So I'm basically being a hypocrite. It's just so hard. I want to be able to have the money to buy things for him and do things for him. I just miss when things were easy.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
6 months-Good god what happened?!
Noah is 6 months today! It literally feels like we just brought him home! Like I seriously can't figure out where the time went! Makes me sad cuz I know time is just gonna fly by even faster as he gets older. :(
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
It's way to damn early!
So its 7:30 and Noah's been up since 6. Which is fine and dandy but Brian's up too. But of course its impossible for me to get any extra sleep because he doesn't hear Noah wake up and by the time I get up to get him and Brian wakes up I'm already awake and it takes at least an hour for me to fall back asleep. Grrr. I better get a nap today! haha yea right!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Down with the Sickness!
So we've all had a cold this weekend. Noah got it first for like a day, then I got it, then Brian. Noah got over it really fast. Me not so much. So I'm exhausted as it is and I feel like shit. Well Noah decides to wake up at 5am this morning and not want to go back to sleep. Grrr. Like I love the kid, but really. Why does he always decide to wake up early on the days I really really wanna sleep. It's so hard not to get pissed off at him as he's giggling and climbing all over the place and all I want to do is sleep. My head was pounding so hard. Then he starts screaming bloody murder! Omg that is the most awful sound to hear at 5am with a horrible headache! I was really starting to go crazy! So I fix him a bottle and he eats it, but still doesn't want to go back to sleep. So I just put him in his crib and leave him. Thank the Lord above, he went back to sleep about 10 min later. And slept for 2 more hours. And luckily I feel much better today. I love to cuddle and I love the sweet giggles and happy baby, but just not at 5am!!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Give me Kisses!
Noah is so cute! I taught him how to give me kisses! If I say "give me kisses" He will grab my face and give me a big, wet, opened mouth kiss! It's absolutely adorable! He even did it to Brian today. I will have to get a video so that ya'll will believe me. Gah, I've got the cutest kid!

So I'm starting a bit late. I've been a mommy for 6 months already! And a newlywed for 7 months! So I'll recap the world on my crazy life as a mom and wife! (haha love how that rhymes!)
So I met Brian in April/May of 2008. We started dating like 2 weeks after we met and were living together like a week after dating. In August I found out I was pregnant. We weren't doing a single thing to prevent it so it wasn't that much of a suprise. His fam was super excited, mine not so much, but after a while it grew on them and they became excited too.
We already had names picked out and on Dec. 16 we found out we were having a boy. So right away we knew we were having a Noah Allen. We were both super excited.
On March 6, 2009 Brian and I got married in the courthouse in Lexington. Only his mom was their ( she invited herself) and she took pics. It took all of 10 min to get married. Then we went to Atlanta for our 3 day honeymoon. We went to the zoo, the aquarium and all over Atl. It was perfect.
On April 22, I gave birth to little Noah Allen after 22 hrs of labor. He was perfect. 6lbs 4oz and seriously came out smiling haha. We brought him home 3 days later and life really began. The first night we didn't sleep at all. My milk hadn't come in yet and little guy was hungry! So every half hr or so he woke up wanting more. It was a long night.
Now Noah is almost 6 months old! He's sitting up, almost crawling, eating babyfood, and has two teeth! It's amazing how fast they grow! He's the perfect mix of me and Brian. He's sleeping through the night and has never had any big problems. We are very blessed.
Brian and I are still going strong. We fight alot more than we used to. But we have alot more to deal with than we used to. Having a child is stressful. But its amazing all at the same time. I don't recommend having one unless you are completely prepared for anything and everything. But honestly, me and Brian fight more about money than anything else. I swear that stuff really is the root of all evil!
So thats a recap of my life as wife and mom. Now I'll start posting from today on. And be prepared! Your going to get the real me! And believe me, its not always pretty!!!
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