Wednesday, June 30, 2010

We are homeowners!!

We closed on the house today! So exciting! And didn't have to pay a dime at closing!!!

So now the real work begins. We are going to get paint and cleaning supplies tonight and starting tomorrow working on cleaning and painting. Then hopefully next week...maybe Wed..we'll rent a big uhaul and move the heck outta here!!! :)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Whoo Hoo!! Avon Giveaway!

So my awesome friend Malanda has a blog and she has purchased some Avon products from me. Well she did a review on these products on her blog and we are doing a giveaway for our followers!! We're giving away the whole 5 piece set of the new Cherry Blossoms Naturals products with the FREE cosmetic bag! So please go visit her blog and read up on how to win this awesome stuff!! And thanks for your support!!! :)

Malanda's BLOG - click here!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

June 30th!!

We are closing on the house this wed, June 30th at 2pm! We will officially be homeowners! Yay! I am so excited! Then Thurs and Fri we are going to clean and paint and then all next week get moved in! I am so so so happy to finally be leaving this crappy appartment and moving into our OWN house and making it a home! :)

Monday, June 21, 2010


It's been forever! We've been so busy! It's summer of course!

We just got back from a 5 day trip to the beach on Saturday. We went to Hilton Head Island, SC. It was a wonderful,relaxing trip! Noah was so easy. He loved the ocean and the sand. He slept good for the most part and was a very easy baby the whole trip!

I can't remember if I mentioned it but I have to have a small outpatient surgery this coming Friday, the 25th. I have som precancerous cells on my cervix that they want to get rid of. I'm kinda nervous but it should be pretty minor. They will drug me up a little and then do what they gotta do, and then send me home. So hopefully all goes well.
We still haven't closed on the house yet. We had a few things that delayed it, but now we are just waiting on the phone call to tell us when and where to be to close. Should be any day now. We are so excited. Really ready to start painting and cleaning and get moved in! We are so sick of this appartment!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Counting down the days!

We close on the house on June 15th! YAY!

I am super excited and mostly excited to be moving out of this appartment! It's been a horrible experience and I am soooo ready to be done with it!

I can't wait to have my own home to decorate and paint and clean and plant flowers and all kinds of fun stuff! It's going to be so exciting and will be great to have somewhere to call home!
