The Fall Fluff Giveaway just ended and one of my awesome sponsors was Balm Baby! They offer so many awesome products that are all natural and cloth diaper safe! I was given the opportunity to review the Balm Baby Diaper Essentials Kit which includes 32oz Diaper Balm, 9oz Juice Those Wipes, 2.7oz Sanitize Those Hands, and 1/2oz Balm Baby-The Little One!

The Balm Baby Diaper Balm is made with ingredients like coconut oil, chamomille, and lavender. I don't usually have a lot of luck with the "Greener" or more natural diaper creams so I was anxious to give this a try. Isaac has been getting red really easy lately so it was the perfect opportunity to try this. I rubbed some on him at night before bed and much to my surprise the red was completely gone the next morning! I was so excited I even bragged about it to some of my cloth diapering facebook friends! "The Little One" is the exact same thing but the perfect size for the diaper bag! So now if Isaac starts to get a little red while we are out all I have to do is rub a little on him when I change his diaper and I don't have to worry about him getting an all out rash! This diaper balm has far exceeded my expectations!
The next item I tried was the "Juice Those Wipes!" mixture. It is made with ingredients like Taylor's liquid soap, chamomille, lavender, and tea tree oil. All you have to do is pour about a teaspoon into about 32oz of water and stir! Then you add that to 18-24 wipes and your done! I love how easy it is to mix up! There's no waiting for anything to dissolve which is super awesome! It's also full of natural moisturizers so baby's bum stays soft and clean! It has a citrus like smell to it which is a bit strong for me but it's not super strong to where I can't take the smell.

Then once you clean baby and get him/her a new diaper what do you do?! Clean those hands! The next item in the Diaper Essentials Kit is the "Sanitize Those Hands!" This stuff is awesome! It's all natural and kills 99.9% of germs with only 4 ingredients! (62% ethanol, macadamia nut oil, lavender and orange oil) These four items kill the germs and leave your hands feeling super soft! Plus it's safe to use on little toddler and baby hands! This also had a strong citrus scent to it, which most of my other family members liked, but I found it to be a little strong. It doesn't linger for very long though so that's nice. I really like how soft this leaves my hands feeling and it's not a greasy or oily feeling either. It's the perfect size to fit right in my diaper bag so I take it with me everywhere!
The Balm Baby Diaper Essentials Kit is awesome! I absolutely love the diaper balm and it will definitely be purchasing some more when I run out! The wipes juice and hand sanitizer work great! And with their super great prices the Balm Baby Diaper Essentials Kit is the perfect accessory to your cloth diaper stash!
Buy It!
Disclaimer: These items were sent to me free of charge in exchange for a written and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are 100% my own and I was not compensated in any other way.