Monday, January 31, 2011

Meet Me On Monday

I found this fun little thing on a new blog I'm falling "Never Growing Old"  It's a fun little thing called Meet Me on Monday to let ya'll get to know me a litter bit better! So here goes!

1. What do you put on your hot dog?
I don't usually eat hot dogs. Find them pretty gross actually. But if I do eat one it has to be grilled and I put tons of chili and mustard on it.
2. Do you play Sudoku?
Nope..don't know how

3. What is your favorite vegetable?
It's a tie between sweet peas and squash

4. Do you color your hair?
Yes, blonde is actually not my natural color at all. It's really like a sandy blonde, light brown.

5. What is your favorite brand of clothing?

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Mom Blog Monday Blog Hop!

Are you a Mommy blogger? Do you blog about your kids? Do you blog about great things for Mommies?
 Do you wanna meet other Mom Bloggers?

The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom

This blog hop is hosted by Sippy Cups and Cloth Bums, The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom , and Luxury Living Frugal Style!


All we ask is that you follow Sippy Cups and Cloth BumsThe Not- So- Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom, and Luxury Living Frugal Style.We are the first three on the linky!Then follow spot #4 which is the featured blog! Be sure to leave us a comment so we can follow you back!

We would LOVE it if you'd grab our button and put it somewhere on your blog or in a blog post! This would help us spread the word. However, you aren't required to.

Don't forget to enter my current giveaways! Also be sure to "Like" me on Facebook for the 1000 Follower Celebration coming soon! If you would like to sponsor, any family friendly prize, then just leave me a comment letting me know!! 

Each week we will randomly select one blog to be the featured blog and to take the #4 spot!

The featured blog this week is:
a href="">

Hi! I’m “Cool Mama” a
domestically-challenged Christian stay-at-home mom to a beautiful 18 month old
girl, Adaline. Cool Daddy and I are
trying to conceive again (with a history of infertility) and saving for an
adoption that we hope to pursue in 2013.
I like reading, writing, musicals, all things Disney, and building
puzzles (but who does this with an 18mo around?!). I love chocolate
and ice cream as if they
were my own very yummy children.
When I “have it altogether” I like to write posts about
creative ways to have fun and make traditions and memories with your
family. When I don’t have it all
together (which is most of the time) I post about our family life. If
you enjoy reading the (sometimes) humorous
nonsensical ramblings of a stranger…you’ll love my blog!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

One of the Worst Week's Ever!

I am so glad this week is finally coming to an end and I am praying so hard for a better one next week!

Between my anxiety issues, no sleep, Noah being sick, and all the regular duties of the week, I have been a hot mess! I woke up Wednesday with a migraine. Well that migraine has yet to go away. It is getting better though, because it turns out I have a sinus infection! After taking Noah to the dr yesterday morning, I decided to go myself because I have never in my life had a headache that lasted 3 days straight!

So Noah and I both have sinus infections, but we are both on the mend. Noah is coughing a lot less and seems much happier already. My headache has dulled and I got some antibiotics, plus the doctor gave me some prescription sleeping pills to help me sleep. He said lack of sleep was making it a lot worse, which of course, that's what happens when you don't sleep! I'm so glad to finally have some relief!

So my parents are coming over today to help with Noah so I can catch up on schoolwork I've missed and also try to rest up some myself. Really praying for a better week to come!!

Don't forget, I am still looking for sponsors to our 1000 Follower Celebration! If you are interested in donating any prize and having your blog or business featured, email me at mommyferg02 at gmail dot com!

Also check out the giveaways on the left sidebar! They are all ending VERY Soon!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Book Review- Dining with Joy by Rachel Hauck

If you are looking for a good book, I have the book for you!! "Dining with Joy" by Rachel Hauck is an awesome book that I really enjoyed!!

Without giving away too much, the book is about a cooking show host, Joy. She is funny and beautiful and her audience loves her! But she has a deep dark secret...she can't cook!!  But when a special someone, Luke, comes into her life Joy's whole world changes!

This book has comedy, romance, struggles, and faith! It stays interesting throughout the whole book! I really enjoyed this book! I think if I had the time, I would have probably read it in one sitting! I think if you're looking for a good book to read just for leisure, this is a perfect pick!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

New You 2011! Week 4!

Welcome to New You 2011! If your new, no worries, just jump right in!! This is a link-up for weight loss support and encouragement! Just make a blog post or comment below with the following:
- Weight Goal:
- Last week's weight:
- This week's weight:
- And tell us about what you are doing to reach your goals/how your week has been/ any setbacks, etc?!

Also we've decided to do a question of the week!! This week is:

What's your favorite healthy food/snack?

I'm still at 138lbs this week. I didn't do much working out. School and Noah being sick is my excuse this week lol. I haven't measured myself this week but I will when I take a shower today. 

My favorite healthy snack is raw veggies and ranch dip! Yum! If you get the kind in the envelope that you mix with sour cream and get fat free sour cream..its only 45 calories! I love to dip cucumber and green peppers and celery! Yum!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Well I went to the doctor today! He was very nice and understanding. He did an EKG and took some blood to rule out a thyroid problem. My EKG was normal and I get the blood results back in two days. He agreed that he thought it was anxiety and prescribed me Zoloft.

Well the thing is, we are ready (finally) to try for baby #2! So I don't want to be on some meds and cause danger to my baby if I'm on it before I even find out that I'm pregnant So I've decided not to start taking it.  Plus I don't think this is a permanent thing that I need to take a pill for daily. I think this has been sparked by my being in school full time. I haven't been in school full time since before Noah was born. So this is a huge difference for me. I just get VERY stressed and need to learn how to handle it better. So I may look into seeing a therapists or something to learn alternative ways to cope with this. I've had a few suggestions from friends like yoga and other relaxation methods that I may try. I've also made myself up a daily schedule so that I can fit in everything I need to at certain times of day instead of being overwhelmed with it all at once. Plus there's some time in there to relax and just unwind.

So although I didn't get exactly the answers I wanted from the doctor, I did get a lot. I was able to know that I don't have a heart condition and I'm not dying or anything. So that definitely gave me peace of mind. Hopefully I can learn to control this anxiety and move forward to being a happier and healthier mommy!

Thank you all so much for your support and kind words!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

A Day in My Head

So I've made an appointment to see a doctor about my anxiety. I didn't want to but after last night I can't take it anymore. I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon, and hubby is coming with me. I really hope it goes well and I can find some ways to relieve some of this stress and anxiety. 

I feel like my brain is just a completely different part of me sometimes. And it just won't shut off! This has been my last 24 hours..according to my 

6pm- Omg I am so exhausted ...hope I make it long enough to get Noah to bed and then I am going to bed asap!

9pm- going to bed ...maybe I can actually get some good rest if I go now and maybe I won't be exhausted all day tomorrow for once (went to bed without a sleeping pill btw)

2am- Ugh hubby turn off your alarm! Ugh too late I'm already awake. Oh well its ok..I can go back to sleep...I have 4.5 more hrs to sleep if I go back to sleep now. I'll be ok.

3am- Ugh why does this always happen to me! Ok I just need to relax....I'm fine..I'll still get enough sleep to be fine tomorrow. Just relax Michelle. Just relax.

4am- Omg this is so ridiculous! Why does this keep happening?! Ugh I hear my heart beating again...ugh now I can't breathe good. Dang Michelle just chill out! Stop freaking out!!!

5am- In tears! Ugh why does this always happen to me?! Screw it! I'm skipping class tomorrow and sleeping in! There's no way I can function like this. I have to get up in an hr and I've been up since two!! I'm crazy...losing my mind! I have to go to the dr tomorrow. I can't do this anymore!! What is wrong with me?!

5:30am- Finally back asleep!

6:30am- alarm goes  off. Ugh how am I going to do this. I'll just take Noah to the sitter, skip my first class and sleep. And drink lots of dew today to make it!!

8:30am- ugh I dont' have enough time to sleep now..oh well..guess I'll feel like crap all day. Ugh. ..have to make an appointment today

I went through school...exhausted..didn't drink as much dew as I planned..hoping to sleep tonight. I'm soooo exhausted!!! Hopefully I can get some answers tomorrow! Now ya'll can see how crazy I really am haha!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Mom Blog Monday Blog Hop!

Are you a Mommy blogger? Do you blog about your kids? Do you blog about great things for Mommies?
 Do you wanna meet other Mom Bloggers?
The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom
his blog hop is hosted by Sippy Cups and Cloth Bums, The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom , and Luxury Living Frugal Style!


All we ask is that you follow Sippy Cups and Cloth BumsThe Not- So- Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom, and Luxury Living Frugal Style.We are the first three on the linky!Then follow spot #4 which is the featured blog! Be sure to leave us a comment so we can follow you back!

We would LOVE it if you'd grab our button and put it somewhere on your blog or in a blog post! This would help us spread the word. However, you aren't required to.

Each week we will randomly select one blog to be the featured blog and to take the #4 spot!

The featured blog this week is:

Budget Savvy Diva lives in Los Angeles, CA and is the largest frugal blogger in Southern California. She started Budget Savvy Diva after working as a manager at a Big Box store and became frustrated on the lack of coupon knowledge of the cashiers and the over the top markup of products. Budget Savvy Diva is different then all the other frugal blogs out there because it is updated every hour on the hour so you are able to be in the known about all the latest deals and freebies as they happen.

The Magic Bowl: Potty Training Made Easy- Review

Noah is 21 months old now and so we are preparing to potty train here in the next few months. He has a little potty of his own and has used it a few times but we aren't full time potty training yet. I hope to really buckle down and start teaching him as soon as this quarter is over with school,in March. 

I was super excited to be able to review this fun DVD called "The Magic Bowl: Potty Training Made Easy" Its an exciting little story about three toddlers and their adventures with learning to use the Potty! It's has fun songs, and shows different situations where they want to learn to use the potty for certain reasons.It portrays the toilet as a warm and friendly place, not something scary or unknown. It explains that accidents happen and you may not always be able to go when you want to but with patience and learning to hold it the accidents will stop happening! 

I really enoyed this dvd and Noah did too! He sat all the way through it and really seemed to enjoy it! I think it really brings perspective on what learning to use the potty really means, and shows kids that it may take some time but eventually they will get it! It's encouraging and fun!! I definitely plan on using this dvd when we buckle down and get Noah potty training!!

Go here to purchase "The Magic Bowl: Potty Training Made Easy" from! 

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Another Successful Publix Trip!

I didn't get too much today because we didn't need much but I got all this for only $9.92! I saved almost $22 too! The Pop tarts were 50% off today and tomorrow only (hubby takes them to work every day so we stock up when we can). The mac and cheese was BOGO and I had 2 $1/1 coupons. The Glade refills were also BOGO and I had two more $1/1 coupons. And the Oatmeal was also BOGO and I had $1/1 I got those for about $.50 each! 

I'd consider that a very successful trip even though I didn't get much! Now just wish I could save that much at Target! I need to start checking the deals for Target. I went in there before I went to Publix and spent nearly $40!! But I did get a 120 load box of Tide for $ thats not bad. Right?? I can use that on my dipes too so I say well worth it! 

Friday, January 21, 2011

1000 Followers Celebration Giveaways!!

I cannot believe I am almost at 1000 followers! I never would have imagined I'd have this many followers when I started my blog! Ya'll are some amazing followers and have been so supportive and helpful!! I can't thank you enough!!

To thank my awesome followers, I am going to have a 1000 Followers Celebration!! I will have a giveaway, on my Facebook page most likely, with a number of different sponsors and all kinds of different prizes!! It will be super exciting! If you haven't yet, be sure to become a fan on Facebook, so you don't miss out!!

Once we reach 1000 followers I will set a date for the event, most likely within the same week! If you are a WAHM or own a business or blog and would like to sponsor, the prize can be anything (as long as its family friendly) and any dollar amount! So please contact me at mommyferg02 at gmail dot com!!

Also help spread the word so we can get to 1000 fans very soon!!  Again thank you SOOO much for being such awesome followers and friends!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New You 2011! Week 3!

Welcome to New You 2011! If your new, no worries, just jump right in!! This is a link-up for weight loss support and encouragement! Just make a blog post or comment below with the following:
- Weight Goal:
- Last week's weight:
- This week's weight:
- And tell us about what you are doing to reach your goals/how your week has been/ any setbacks, etc?!

Also we've decided to do a question of the week!! This week is:

What's your food weakness?

This week has been fairly good for me until about two days ago. I have been doing the 30 Day Shred with Jillian Michaels. But then I had some anxiety issues that I mentioned in my previous post so I haven't done the workout since Sunday. I'm getting better about not eating after dinner and watching my snacking. Hopefully that will pay off. I haven't weighed myself today and don't want to weigh myself till morning so I'll post my stats tomorrow morning! 

Here's my stats from this morning 1/20
Goal Weight : 130
Weight: 138 (yay down 2 pounds!)
Waist: 37 inches (same as last week)
Thighs: 22 inches (2 inches down!)
Butt: 40 inches (.5 inches down!)

My food weakness is Chocolate and Mountain Dew!!! Oh so hard to say no to those!!

We'd love it if you linked up below the blog post your write!! Also we'd love if you grabbed the new you button and helped spread the word! Have a great week!! 

Learning to Let Go

So I've been dealing with a lot of anxiety lately. Going back to school and being here full time has really taken a toll on me. I'm talking to the point where I can't sleep even when I'm exhausted and even have had some spells where I can feel my heart pounding and have trouble breathing. It's not cool. I'm trying to deal with it naturally because I really do not want to be on another pill or have to go to another doctor. Sometimes I feel like thats all I do.

So part of trying to do deal with this is learning to let things go. And by this, I mean a number of things. For one, I get so overwhelmed with what I have to do. I have 3 not-so-easy, and very fast paced classes this quarter. I have homework in all of them almost every night. Plus when I get home I want to spend time with my boys, get the house clean, get dinner cooked, and everything I would normally be doing if I wasn't in school. I'm learning that the dishes and laundry can wait, dinner doesn't have to be a 3 course meal, and sometimes even the homework can be put off for a bit. I need to also start relying on hubby more to help around the house. He will clean and cook, not always when I want him to though..but in his own time he gets the stuff done. I need to remind myself of that. I am learning that I need to just let it go and let it wait till tomorrow. The world is not going to come to an end if the dishes aren't put away tonight!

I also am learning that I need to let go of some bad habits I have. These, I feel, are also contributing to my anxiety. For one, I am horribly addicted to mountain dew. I drink it every morning and usually throughout the day too. It's basically my coffee and keeps me going strong through the day. But it has tons of sugar in it and lots of caffeine and I know its taking a toll on my health. For one my teeth have gotten really bad since I started drinking it, and I feel sure it has something to do with the pounding heart issue I've been having too. So I'm trying to cut back on it for now, to just one glass a day, and eventually quit all together. Another bad habit I have is since I don't sleep well at night, I take a sleeping pill almost every night. I know that is not good for me either so I'm hoping with the cutting back on the dew, I won't need as much help getting to sleep and I can stop that too.

So yea, thats my goals for now to get this anxiety under control. Hopefully they will work and I won't have to see a doctor. I'll keep you updated. Thanks for listening! :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Talk About Me Tuesday- Songberries!

What's your name? Carol

Tell me a bit about yourself and your family. I'm a mother of 5 with 2 left at home, I have 3 grandchildren. I love to run and hike with my kids. I love to listen to my kids play the piano, violin and flute. So much to do!
What's the name and link to your blog? Songberries~
What is your blog about/What do you like to write about in your blog? I like to cover a little bit of everything because that's the way life is! I blog about crafts, sewing, baking, cooking, hiking, sewing, my family and lots of reviews and giveaways sprinkled in!
What inspired you to start a blog? My daughter started her blog first and it looked like so much fun.
Do you have any blogging pet peeves? Not really, I have met a lot of friendly helpful new friends!
Do you have any big goals for your blog? I would love to get more readers so I can get a bigger variety of products for giveaways.
What are some of your favorite blogs to read?
Thank you for sharing Carol! If you are a blogger and would like to be featured on Talk about Me Tuesday, email me at mommyferg02 at gmail dot com!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Be a Chiquita Mom- Review and Giveaway!- 5 Winners!! ***CLOSED***

I'm sure most of you have heard of Chiquita Bananas! We are big Chiquita banana fans here! Noah LOVES bananas and so do Brian and I! I am also proud to consider myself a Chiquita Mom! Chiquita Bananas has created an awesome website just for moms with recipes, nutrition tips, and great information about ways to keep your kids healthy and happy! Go here to visit that website!!

I was very excited when I was given the opportunity to do a review for Chiquita Bananas. Like I said..we love bananas here! I received an awesome Chiquita Mom kit that included:

  • A flip book with tons of awesome information in it!
  • Some awesome Chiquita bibs for Noah!
  • Chiquita Banana recipe cards!
  • A Baby-Safe cup, bowl, and fork and spoon set!
  • A Chiquita Mom grocery tote bag!
  • Chiquita freezer bags!
  • A coupon for FREE Chiquita Bananas!!
My Review
I received my Chiquita Mom kit on Christmas it was like getting an early Christmas present!! My favorite items were the recipe cards!! There are some awesome things you can do with bananas!! The Chiquita Mom Flip book is really cool too and has great information about the banana, how much potassium you and your children need, and when is the best time to eat a banana!! We use the bibs and baby utensils almost daily with Noah! And the grocery bag is super great too! Who am I kidding?! It's all great! You know I used my coupon very first chance I had! We love bananas!!!
Buy It!
Check your local grocery store for Chiquita Bananas or go here to see if your local store sells them!
Win It!
The awesome folks at Chiquita Banana are giving away FIVE (5) Chiquita Mom Kits, just like the one I received,(baby bowl, cup, and utensils will not be included) to five lucky followers!!
**Mandatory Entry**
 Tell me, who in your family LOVES bananas?! 
Be sure to leave your email so I can contact you if you win! This entry must be done before any other entries will count!
Extra Entries
(1 entry) Follow my blog via GFC
(2 entries) Subscribe to my blog via email. Make sure you verify it! I will check!
(1 entry) Enter any of my other current giveaways. One entry per giveaway.
(2 entries) Blog, Tweet, or Post on Facebook about this giveaway. You must link back to this blog post. You must leave a verifiable link to where you posted!!

Don't forget to leave your email address with EVERY entry!

Giveaway will end on Saturday, February 5th at 11:59 EST! The winners will be chosen via and emailed. The winners will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen! Giveaway is open to US residents only! 

Finally Saved More Than I Spent!!

Just when I write about how I'm not that great at using coupons yet, I go and prove myself wrong!! But I had some help!!

Today I went to Publix and got about 36 items...I spent $42.23 and saved..... $52.70!!!

I was sooooo excited! This is the first time I have EVER saved more than I spent!!!
So here's how I did it!!! I HEART PUBLIX!!
No really, I do..but this is the name of another blog that I have discovered!! And her site is so helpful!!
I Heart Publix
She has a section of the blog that has the weekly ad sales for that week. As well as posting the sales she posts what coupons will match up with it to make it even less $$!! And she not only posts coupons from the paper but coupons for the internet with links to where you can print them!! How cool is that?! 
So yesterday I made my list off of her weekly ad sale instead of just the paper itself, and then I was able to see exactly what coupons would match with each sale!! And that's how I did it!! Thank you I Heart Publix!! 

If you don't have a Publix in your or look around for other blogs similar to I Heart Publix. I know there is an I Heart the Mart (walmart) , and an I Heart CVS. There are some really amazing blogs that focus just on coupons and finding the best deals! So just take a look and do your homework! It'll be worth it in the end! :)) 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Mom Blog Monday Blog Hop!

Are you a Mommy blogger? Do you blog about your kids? Do you blog about great things for Mommies?
 Do you wanna meet other Mom Bloggers?

The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom

This blog hop is hosted by Sippy Cups and Cloth Bums, The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom , and Luxury Living Frugal Style!


All we ask is that you follow Sippy Cups and Cloth BumsThe Not- So- Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom, and Luxury Living Frugal Style.We are the first three on the linky!Then follow spot #4 which is the featured blog! Be sure to leave us a comment so we can follow you back!

We would LOVE it if you'd grab our button and put it somewhere on your blog or in a blog post! This would help us spread the word. However, you aren't required to.

Each week we will randomly select one blog to be the featured blog and to take the #4 spot!

I'm a Spanish piano teacher, married for 6 years and a mommy of two beautiful angels Noarai 27 months and Lucia 9 months. The blog is the diary of our journey with the girls. We have two special bloghops one for Boxes ideas on Tuesday were we share our boxes and look for new ideas, and Daddy's time Friday were we give some words of love to our daddy for the time he has spend with the girls and we love to see what other daddy's are doing with their kids. We have lots of ideas for working the alphabet/numbers/shapes and different themes. We have special action songs for babies and we have our favorite you tube videos. Finally we have a very special weekly post about what I learnt from God through the girls.

Couponing- Still Learning

I started couponing over the summer. I learned the basics from other blogs and bloggers. I've really enjoyed it and have saved a lot of money since doing it! But I'm still learning. I don't get a million free things like some do. I don't always buy something on sale..if its something I really want I get it. I'm not a pro yet by any means!

I do have my handy binder that I keep all my coupons organized in and it is so helpful! It does take a lot of time to organize each week but I don't mind it if I can find the time to do it.

I guess the whole point of this post is I'd like to learn more about couponing! I want to be one of those who can stock up on stuff I got for free and find all the best deals! I just don't know how! I mainly shop at 2 stores. Publix and Walmart. Publix for the sales and Walmart for meat and anything else we need. (Hubby works for the company of Walmart so we also get a discount) Being in school full time I don't really have the time to shop at 5 different stores. But I guess for free stuff I could probably make the time if I had to lol!

So if you consider yourself a pro at couponing! If you get great deals and free stuff all the time..I want you!!
I think I'm going to have a few guest bloggers to help me and others learn the ins and outs of couponing and how to REALLY save!! You can comment below or email me at! Happy couponing!!

Half Off Advertising Deal EXTENDED!! And More Winners!!

First I just want to let everyone know that I am extending the 50% off advertising rates one more week, until January 23rd!! So if you didn't win the free month of advertising you can still advertise for amazingly LOW prices!! We're talking single digits here! Email me at mommyferg02 at gmail dot com for rates!! 

Now to the winners!! The winners of the Free Advertising for a Month giveaway are.....

Comment #5 and Comment #16!! Congrats! You will see their ads very soon on my right sidebar!!

And the winners of the Purex Complete Crystals Softener giveaway are.....

Comment #22, #69, and #53

All winners have been emailed!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Winner! And Giveaways Ending Tonight!!

The winner of the Tiny Tush Elite OS Pocket Diaper giveaway is comment #76!!!
Mrs.Smitty said... 76
"Like" The Not-So-Secret Confessions on Facebook

Rebecca Smith

Rebecca has been emailed!!

Don't forget!! Tonight at 11:59PM EST there are TWO giveaways ending!!

  • One Month of FREE Ad Space Giveaway with Two Winners!! Go Here to enter!!
  • Purex Complete Softeners Giveaway with Three Winners!! Go Here to enter!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Jillian Micheals 30 Day Shred! My First Day!

So I know New You was yesterday but I just got this today so here we go!!

I've heard a lot about Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and how it will kick your butt right into shape! Well I finally decided to give it a try! I picked it up today at Walmart and gave it a try when I got home. Man oh man does it kick your butt! I was amazed at how many body parts she can work in just 20 minutes! But I was able to finish it and afterward I felt really energized and accomplished! I'm really hoping with this workout and some better eating habits I can lose the 10+ pounds that I'd like to lose and really get in better shape!

I also measured myself yesterday after taking a shower and I'm going to keep track of that along with my weight for New You every Thursday! So here they are:

Weight: 140lbs
Waist: 37 inches
Left Thigh: 24 inches
Right Thigh: 24 inches
Butt: 40.5 inches

Hopefully those will be smaller numbers next week!!
Let me know if you've tried the 30 day shred before! Did you get results?!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Mommy Struggles

So I've mentioned to ya'll before how much I have the baby fever! I think we've finally come to an agreement to start trying/not preventing next us a November due date if it happens right away. So not long at all till we begin to try! But for some reason I am still having such a hard time being truly happy for my other pregnant friends.

I'm jealous!!

I'll admit it! I know I am! I know its wrong! But I am! I want to be truly happy for them, but I also REALLY want to be pregnant right along with them! I'm also having the issue with gender. Meaning, a lot of my friend are finding out they are having the opposite of their first child (ex: boy first, girl next). I would LOVE to have a girl next. I want to have a girl next. But for some reason I just don't think that's going to happen. No idea why.  But I fear so much that I'm going to get pregnant, find out its a boy, and be dissapointed. And I don't want that! I want to be happy regardless! And I may be, but I don't know!

Ugh with Noah we weren't trying but we weren't preventing either. It happened and we just moved forward from there. With planning a baby there are so many what if's and questions that have to be asked and figured out! It's stressful?!

When you were planning for a baby or if you are, was it this stressful for you? What fears, if any, did you have? Do/Did you have the fears and thoughts I am having? Or am I just crazy?! Haha!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New You 2011- Week 2!

 The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom

How's everyone been doing this week as far as healthy eating and working out?! This week share how your weeks as gone! If you've met your goals/stayed on track? Did you fail miserably? Have you lost any weight this week? What goals do you have the next week?!

This week I have done ok. Not great...but not horrible either. We've been snowed in since Monday night so I've been a lot lazier than usual. But I did try to get a workout in by playing the Kinect. Eating still hasn't been great. I need to learn to portion my meals better and I still need to find better snacks! If you have any ideas for me , let me know!

I haven't lost any weight! Maybe this coming week!

Write a blog post letting us know how your doing and link up the post to the linky below!! If your joining us for the first time, just introduce yourself and tell us what your weight loss goals are as well!

Pear Tree Greetings Valentine's Day Cards Giveaway!! ***CLOSED***

Valentine's Day is right around the corner and it's just about time to start picking out the kiddos cards for school! I want to tell you about the awesome Valentine's Day Cards you can get from Pear Tree Greetings!

Pear Tree Greetings has so many awesome types of cards to choose from for Valentine's Day! They have photo cards, such as the Queen of Hearts Valentine card! They also have Valentine's Day cards that the kiddos can color and personalize themselves!

Buy It!
Win It!
Pear Tree Greetings is letting me give away 24 Kids Valentine's Day cards in winner's choice of design!!
***Mandatory Entry***
Visit Pear Tree Greetings Valentine's Day section and let me know what your favorite card is! Leave a verifiable link! Also leave your email so I can contact you if you win!!
Extra Entries
(1 entry) Follow this blog via Google Friend Connect.
(1 entry) "Like" Pear Tree Greetings on Facebook. Leave your FB name in the comment.
(1 entry) Like The Not-So-Secret Confessions on Facebook. Leave your FB name in the comment.
(2 entries) Subscribe to my blog via email.
(1 entry) Follow MommyFerg02 on Twitter. Leave your Twitter ID in the comment.
(1 entry) Enter any of my other current giveaways. One entry per giveaway.
(2 entries) Grab my button and post it on your blog somewhere. Leave a link in the comment.

Do not forget to leave your email in EVERY comment!

Giveaway will end Tuesday, February 1, 2011 at 11:59 pm EST! The winner will be chosen via and emailed. Then winner will have 48 hours to respond to the email or another winner will be chosen! Giveaway is open to US residents only!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Please pray for baby Gavin!

On December 17th a friend of mine gave birth to her second child, Gavin. He was born via emergency c-section due to low fluid in his sac. He was about 5 weeks early. He was immediately brought to the NICU and hooked up to ventilators. His lungs were not working when he was born.

I don't know very many details but I do know little Gavin is fighting for his life. He's had many ups and downs, but is still not breathing on his own. I know they had him on an ECMO machine and he's been taken off of that. I believe he is now on a ventilator again. They may have to do surgery to repair one of his lungs. Like I said I don't know the details, but if you pray, please say a prayer for this sweet baby well as his family. I cannot imagine the pain my friend is going through right now. Whether or not little Gavin makes it, this family is going to need lots of prayer! So please pray for sweet Gavin and if you can spread the word also! The power of prayer is amazing and God can create a miracle here if he so chooses!

Talk About Me Tuesday- Holly's House!

Our Featured Blogger today is Holly from Holly's House- Not a Perfect Mom's Blog!
Are you looking for a mommy blogger who tells it like it is? Well, then you're in luck, because I'm her! I blog at Holly's House...NOT a perfect mom's blog, and you guessed it, I'm Holly.

I stay home with my four kids, two boys ages six and almost five, and two girls, the oldest one almost three and the baby will be one this month. I know, are we crazy or what? But we planned all these kids...and now we're sleep deprived and constantly tripping over bright plastic toys and stepping on teeny tiny legos and action figures. I spend my days driving kids all over town, desperately trying to keep the house decent (though I'm a terrible housekeeper), playing tea party, and breaking up arguements.

My youngest daughter Brooke was the inspiration for me to start blogging. She was born with Down Syndrome and also had a very severe heart defect that required open heart surgery (which she rocked!) and some people recommended a few blogs to me. I had never been a reader of blogs before but I found comfort in's always nice to know someone has been where you are right now! I thought...hmmm, maybe I should do the same....I would love to offer support and encouragement to other parents with a child with Down Syndrome! Yay me!

Guess what? That' is so not my thing though. Not that I don't want to offer support to others, but after I started blogging I realized that DS is just a part of our life, not our whole life, and our real life is actually pretty damn funny! So now, I found my groove. I blog mostly about the humorous side of mothering, though I don't censor myself, so if I'm feeling badly about something, I'll let it out....

I love to blog now, I love to put my words out there...the comments people leave letting me know I made them laugh, or they totally relate make my day! Like me on facebook, follow me on Twitter, leave comments and you'll have a happy Holly! Topics and posts are always going through my mind, so I'll be around for a while...

And if you want to check out some of my favorite blogs, head over to , , , or . Oh,and a couple of new ones I've been reading and liking are  and . I know I'm leaving out so many that I like too...ugh...after four kids my memory's been shot!

Happy reading!

Thank you Holly for sharing with us about your life and your blog! If YOU want to be featured on Talk About Me Tuesday go HERE to get more information on how you can!
