Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Talk About Me Tuesday- Coming Soon!

Talk about Me Tuesday is another fun thing I want to do starting in 2011. I am going to be back in school full time starting next week so I will be crazy busy! But I don't want my blog to suffer. So to give me a little bit of a break from blou are interested gging and to feature some really awesome blogs I am going to start Talk About Me Tuesday!

Basically every Tuesday I am going to feature a different blogger! Any family friendly blogs are welcome!

If you want to be featured one Tuesday then all you have to do is email me at with the subject as "Talk About Me Tuesday" and answer the following questions! Also leave me your blog button code so I can post that as well!

  1. What's your name?
  2. Tell me a bit about yourself and your family.
  3. What's the name and link to your blog?
  4. What is your blog about/What do you like to write about in your blog?
  5. What inspired you to start a blog?
  6. Do you have any blogging pet peeves?
  7. Do you have any big goals for your blog?
  8. What are some of your favorite blogs to read?

1 comment:

  1. Oooo, I have sent my email, thank you sooo much for this.


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