Sunday, October 31, 2010

Mom Blog Monday Blog Hop

Are you a Mommy blogger? Do you blog about your kids? Do you blog about great things for Mommies? Do you wanna meet other Mom Bloggers?

The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom

If you answered yes to any of those questions then link up!

This blog hop is hosted by Sippy Cups and Cloth Bums, The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom , and Luxury Living Frugal Style!


All we ask is that you follow Sippy Cups and Cloth Bums, The Not- So- Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom, and Luxury Living Frugal Style.We are the first three on the linky!Then follow spot #4 which is the featured blog! Be sure to leave us a comment so we can follow you back!

We would LOVE it if you'd grab our button and put it somewhere on your blog or in a blog post! This would help us spread the word. However, you aren't required to.

You can follow as many or as few blogs as you'd like.

Each week one lucky blogger that links up will be chosen to be the featured blog.

This week's Featured Blog is.....

Belly Charms Blog

My name is Sonya and I am very excited to be featured for Mom Blog Monday. I have been married to my husband since 2005 and we have 2 boys that are 3 and 4. I am a WAHM with 2 businesses Belly Charms and Vital IDs and 2 blogs. This means I never get to sleep:) I started my Belly Charms Blog in April and I blog about the joys of attempting to work at home with 2 wild little boys. I also introduce all of my new items on my blog and offer sales and special discounts to my followers almost every week. I love blogging and connecting with other moms. I never knew it would be this much fun.

Well Boo!

And not boo as in scary boo! Boo as in boo hoo!

My town was one of the silly towns that celebrated Halloween last night. And it was fun. We got lots of trick or treaters, dressed Noah up in his cowboy outfit, and got to see some good friends. But today, Halloween, there's nothing to do! No fun! Although, I do think we are going to go to a pumpkin patch/corn maze with the in laws. It still just feels very strange.

I guess thats what we get for living in the bible belt. God forbid we trick or treat on a Sunday. I get it. I do. But its all too confusing and difficult. I hope from now on we can keep the holiday on its designated day. And since we had trick or treaters last night I really hope there aren't any confused trick or treaters tonight, cuz I'm just about out of candy!!

Oh and since its going to be a pretty normal day for the most part...I decided to do some hopping! Welcome new followers!!

BWS tips button

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween Weekend!

I hope everyone has a fun and safe Halloween weekend! We went to a birthday party this morning and then this evening we'll probably do trick or treating at a few houses and then hand out candy at our house. Our county is doing ToT tonight. Tomorrow we may possibly go to a fall festival at my parents church! I'm excited to dress up my little cowboy and show him off! Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Uncommonly Cute Cool Baby Clothes Review & Giveaway! **CLOSED**

Uncommonly cute is a clothing company that loves kids! They have adorable t-shirts and onsies for boys and girls! They are sold in stores around the United States and you can purchase them online at

More about Uncommonly 

Uncommonly cute was founded in 2004. They are all about making providing your little individual with little individual clothes that match their personality! The onsies go up to 12 months and the shirt go up to size 6!  Each shirt or onsie is made of  100% combed cotton and are super soft! Their shirts and onsies are machine washable, safe, and durable. They also support some really cool charities!

What we Think

I was so excited when I got to choose a t-shirt for Noah to attend. There are so many adorable prints to choose from! We finally decided on "Tuff Guy (Like My Dadd)". When it arrived I just loved how soft it was! I washed it and it didn't shrink at all! It was super soft and fits Noah great! I love it!

Buy It!

Win It
The wonderful people at Uncommonly Cute are giving on lucky follower one (1) onsie or t-shirt in the design of the winner's choice plus free shipping! A $25 value!

**Mandatory Entry**
You must follow this blog via Google Friend Connect and go here and tell me what your favorite shirt design is! Post a link to your favorite design!

Extra Entries
(2 entries) Like Uncommonly cute on Facebook and post on their wall:
"Thanks for sponsoring the giveaway at The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom"
(1 entry)  Follow Uncommonly Cute on Twitter.
(1 entry) Subscribe to this blog via email
(1 entry) Like the Not-So-Secret Confessions on Facebook. Leave your facebook name.
(1 entry) Follow MommyFerg02 on Twitter. Leave your Twitter ID.
(2 entries) Grab my button and post it on your blog. Leave a link.
(1 entry) Enter any of my other current giveaways. 1 entry per giveaway.
(1 entry) Vote for me on Top Mommy Blogs (right sidebar)

** Please leave your email with every comment! I cannot reach you if you don't leave your email! Don't forget!! Winner will be choosen by and will have 24 hours after being emailed to respond or another winner will be choosen. Giveaway will end on November 13, 2010 at 11pm EST. Open to US only! Good Luck!**

Thursday, October 28, 2010


My Trilash Giveaway is ending tonight at 11pm EST!! There are going to THREE winners so be sure to enter, because your chances of winning are really good!!

I am doing TWO giveaways on my Avon Facebook page one I reach 300 fans! One random fan will win a prize and then one person who sends over the most people will win a prize! All you have to do is send you friends over to "like" the page and post on the wall that YOU sent them! Once I get to 300 fans I'll pick two winners!

I have a couple other giveaways ending within the next week or so! Plus more to come! So always keep your eyes peeled! All my giveaway are listed on the left sidebar of my blog!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Shutterfly Holiday Cards!

So I am a huge fan of Shutterfly. I have purchased Christmas Cards and Noah’s first birthday invitations from Shutterfly. They have so much to choose from and always at a great price! They run really great promotions too!

Last year at Christmas I choose two different types of Christmas cards from Shutterfly. One thing I really love about their cards is that you can add your own photos to the card and personalize it exactly how you want it. I choose one with one picture in it and then was able to type the text that I wanted, exactly how I wanted it. It was great! And they turned out so cute!

This year my new favorite is this card:

I have decided I like the folded card best and I just love that with this card I can put three different pictures of Noah on the card! And the design and font is great! I definitely think this is my new favorite card!

I highly suggest checking out Shutterfly when you’re shopping for your holiday cards this year. They have all kinds to choose from. They have the photo Christmas cards I talked about, and religious Christmas cards, and even holiday cards for holidays other than Christmas! So take a look! I know you’ll be pleased!

Days 12, 13, and 14 of the Blog Challenge

Day 12-What you believe

Well, I believe in God. I believe He died on the cross to pay the price for our sins so that we can live eternally in Heaven with Him. I believe good deeds don't get you to Heaven. I believe once you become a christian you don't lose your salvation. I believe God is a loving and forgiving God, and no matter how much we mess up and how bad things go, He is always there for us to pick us up, dust us off, and guide us.

Day 13-Goals

A huge goal I have right now is to finish school. I am VERY close to being done and I should graduate next June. So that will be a huge accomplishment for me. Long term goals is to just be successful and be able to provide my children with a loving, and stable home and for them to always be happy and know that they are loved.

Day 14-A picture you love

This is a recent one I took , last Sunday actually, and I love it!

So Behind!

I am so behind on everything! Homework, laundry, and even blogging! I can't believe I didn't even post yesterday! Thats the first time in a very long while that I have done that! And for that I apologize. Things are just really busy here! But ya'll know how that can be! I promise to catch up! I'll be catching up on my blogging this afternoon during Noah's nap!

In the meantime I'm hopping! Welcome new followers! Leave me a comment so I can follow you back! Also, check out my giveaways! They are on the left hand sidebar! One ends tomorrow!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Getting So Excited!!

So the Merry Fluffy Christmas Event is a little over a month away and I am getting VERY excited!! I have some wonderful sponsors!! What I am going to do is, during the month of November I am going to have one featured post for every sponsor! Some will have reviews and some will even give you hints to extra entries! Then December 1-5 will be the event, where there will be giveaways each day valued at $25 or more!! So mark it on your calendar, tell all your friends, and get excited!! Here's some of my sponsors!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Mom Blog Monday Blog Hop!!

Are you a Mommy blogger? Do you blog about your kids? Do you blog about great things for Mommies? Do you wanna meet other Mom Bloggers?
The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom

If you answered yes to any of those questions then link up!

This blog hop is hosted by Sippy Cups and Cloth Bums, The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom , and Luxury Living Frugal Style!


All we ask is that you follow Sippy Cups and Cloth Bums, The Not- So- Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom, and Luxury Living Frugal Style.We are the first three on the linky!Then follow spot #4 which is the featured blog! Be sure to leave us a comment so we can follow you back!

We would LOVE it if you'd grab our button and put it somewhere on your blog or in a blog post! This would help us spread the word. However, you aren't required to.

You can follow as many or as few blogs as you'd like.

Each week one lucky blogger that links up will be chosen to be the featured blog.

This week's Featured Blog is.....

Currently, I am a stay a home mom of two. My son just turned five and started kindergarten and my daughter is two and a half and is a sassy little thing. I am also the wife of an amazingly funny and supportive husband. Blogging is now a way of life for me. I love reviewing a new product or talking about life's up and downs. It is great to meet people from all over the world and to be a part of one big blogging family.

 Be sure to check out my current giveaways and enter!! They are listed on the left hand sidebar!

Day 10 & 11

I guess I'm going to have to just start doing this every other day since thats all I can seem to remember to do!

Day 10-Something you're afraid of

I'm horribly afraid of losing a member of my family. I've never lost any family members except maybe distant relatives. So I know when I do lose someone its going to be very hard. I just pray every day that it doesn't happen anytime soon.

Day 11-Favorite tv shows

Desperate Housewives, hands down. And then I'm a big reality tv buff. Teen mom, Dancing with the Stars, Jersey Shore, Kate plus 8. All those silly shows lol

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sunday Blog Hops!

Well almost Sunday. I don't normally hop on Sundays so I'm excited to find some new blogs to follow. :) If your a new follower , Welcome!, and leave some love so I can follow you back.

Carmex Skin Care Review and Giveaway! **CLOSED**

I am a proud member of the Carmex Blog Squad! We've all heard of Carmex. The awesome little chapstick in the yellow tube! But did you know that Carmex had skincare?? Well they do!! "What makes your lips healthy, now makes your skin happy". They have two different types of skincare... Healing Lotion and Healing Cream.

About Carmex Skincare Products

The Carmex Healing Lotion delivers healing and moisturization without a greasy feel. You can use it anywhere on your body, and daily use is the best way to keep dry skin away. Some of the rich, healing ingredients include Aloe and Vitamin E.

The Carmex Healing Cream delivers a concentrated healing for your driest, roughest skin. It has 9 healing ingredients that penetrate skin to help repair your dry, rough, and cracked skin.

What we thought

So we received this really awesome gift set from Carmex with one each of the Healing Lotion and Healing Cream, plus some other great goodies! I was super excited to try this stuff because I love Carmex chapstick. I was very pleased with the Healing Lotion. It has a nice scent that isn't strong or overbearing. It rubs in really easily and isn't sticky. I've been keeping it in my kitchen for when my hands get dry after washing dishes or cooking dinner. I really like it! I even let hubby and my little sister try it and they both really liked it too!

The Healing Cream is nice too. It has the same pleasent smell that isn't too overbearing. It is a little thicker, so therefore a little bit sticky, so I don't use it for my hands. But for my elbows or knees, its great!

Both the Healing Lotion and the Cream come in a stand up tube that is big enough to last but small enough to stick in a bag or purse to take with you out and about. Its the same great quality of your Carmex chapstick, but in a lotion. Even the same yellow packaging! Overall I'd say this is a great, well made product that does what it is supposed to.

Buy It
You can purchase Carmex Healing Lotion or Healing Cream at Walgreens,, or

Win It!
I get to give away this:
This is the kit I received and I get to give away one just like it! It is a $52.32 value! It comes with one(1) Carmex Healing Lotion, one (1) Healing Cream, three (3) Carmex Moisture plus sticks, and a flavored collection of the core lip products in tube, stick, and jar!! Plus the super cute makeup tote!!

***Mandatory Entry***
You must be a follower of this blog via Google Friend Connect!Go here and tell me what your favorite Carmex product is!!
You must do this entry before any other entries will count! I will check!!

Extra Entries
(1 entry) Like Carmex on Facebook. Leave your Facebook name in the comment.
(1 entry) Like The Not-So-Secret Confessions on Facebook. Leave your FB name.
(1 entry) Follow MommyFerg on Twitter.
(1 entry) Subscribe to this blog via email.
(2 entries) Enter another one of my current giveaways. (2 entries for each giveaway you enter!)

***Please leave your email with EVERY comment! Winner will be choosen by and emailed. If the winner does not respond within 24 hours another winner will be choosen. This giveaway will end November 10, 2010 at 11pm EST.Giveaway open to US Residents Only!Good luck! ****

Friday, October 22, 2010

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

So I've been going through something pretty challenging lately. I've decided I want to share. Maybe ya'll can give me some encouragement or maybe one of ya'll have been in my shoes before and can help me out.

So here goes...

I have baby fever!!

Like really bad! I've cried and comtemplated, comprimised with my hubby...the works! I've had it for a while now but its recently gotten a lot worse. Almost all of my friends are pregnant, just found out, or are trying to get pregnant. Literally almost every day this week I have found about about someone new being pregnant. So now I have the fever while everyone else has the baby. Its so hard! The last person I found out was pregnant, I burst into tears! LOL. I'm losing it!

The problem is, besides hubby not being ready, truly I am not either. I will be finished with school in June 2011. I have been working on this degree since 2005! (with a few breaks of course). So thats a really big accomplishment I'd like to get out of the way. We have a small car. Like VERY small two door Honda Accord. By the beginning of next year , we are hoping to get a bigger one , but not before then. So that's another reason we need to wait. We could definately not fit two carseats in the car we have now.

Our original plan was I'd go off the birth control when Noah turned 2 in April. It's a good plan, but I feel like I just can't wait that long. Hubby says we can start trying in a month or 2 if I really want to, which I do, but I just don't know if thats truly the right time for us. I mean it would definately work, but are we going to be truly ready? Know what I mean?

Ugh I hate the baby fever!! So many decisions and choices! How did you decide when you were ready for baby #2? Were there any obsticals that needed to be overcome before you started trying? Are you glad you waited until you did or wish you'd have waited longer, or started trying sooner?? Any thoughts are greatly appreciated!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 8 and 9

I did it again! Forgot to do the blog challenge yesterday!!

Day 8-A place you've traveled to

I've traveled up and down the east coast. Never been to the west coast though. Would like to though lol. Our next traveling experience will be to upstate New York where I have family! We will be there for Thanksgiving, so a little over a month left! Exciting!

Day 9-A picture of your friends

Wow I don't think I have a picture of all my friends together. But here's a few of my fairly closer girlfriends and I.

The picture on the top is me and my old college roomate, Tonya. Love that girl! And the bottom picture is my friend Holly, who I actually met online, on Babycenter (awesome website) and we live fairly close to each other so we've been able to visit each other some! They are two of my very close friends and I love them!!

Thursday Blog Hopping!!

I'm hopping today! Welcome if your a new follower and leave a comment so I can follow you back!!

The Two Savvy Sisters

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

CSN Stores Review!

I was super excited when I was given the opportunity to review a product from CSN Stores. If you haven't heard of CSN stores, you are missing out! They literally sell anything and everything! They have over 200 stores ranging from household products to fashion products and everything in between! I highly recommend shopping at CSN Stores for the holidays! I bet you can find a gift for everyone on your list!

I ordered from the CSN Baby store. I got a two back of  Baby B'Jorn soft bibs with the little opening that catches food  and a two pack of spoons from also from Baby B'Jorn. Placing the order was super easy. I just added the stuff to my cart, filled out my information, and hit purchase. I got a confirmation email right away, which is always very important to me when I purchase something online. I ordered on a Friday too and get this, that evening I got a shipping confirmation! My products shipped the same day I ordered them! That is a major perk! We received the package just a few days later and I was super excited to try the products out! So after washing the bibs and spoons I gave Noah a little snack of yogurt! A true test to see if the bibs worked! And, of course, they did!! I love the spoons too because they are the perfect size for Noah and he can hold them well. Plus they have a wide end so its easier for him to pick food up.

So as you can see CSN really delivered!They have great products, great service, and fast shipping! You can't beat that these days!  I will be purchasing from CSN again and I hope you will too! Go check them out, they literally have everything!!

Huge BabyLegs Halloween Sale!!

We love BabyLegs! They are so cute and make changing diapers so easy! It's the perfect time of year for BabyLegs too! I love putting them on Noah when we're hanging out at home playing. They are just too cute!

Noah in his ghostly babylegs!!

BabyLegs is having a huge Halloween Sale right now too! Get 60% off $60 or more! And a lot of their costume leg warmers are $10 or less! Use code SPOOK60! Happy Shopping!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 6 & 7!!

Sorry I forgot to do yesterday's blog challenge! Here's Day 6!

Day 6-A picture of something that makes you happy
This little guy makes me soooooooo happy!! I mean really, who can resist that face?!

Day 7-Favorite movies
Man on Fire, Beauty and the Beast, The Notebook, My Fair Lady...just to name a few :)


Uh Oh! Getting close to potty training!

So Noah has begun to notice when he goes in his diaper. He will grab his crotch and speak in his weird little language..sorta sounds like uh oh. Haha. And he even sometimes runs to the diaper changing table for me to change him!! So I think we are getting close to potty training time! This scares me to death! I know nothing about potty training haha! Except that its messy!!


Those of you who have potty trained...I want any advice you have for me! I'm not sure when we'll actually start since he can't really talk much yet, but I want to be educated before I do start. So tips, advice, tricks, anything I wanna hear it. Let me know when you started with your kiddos too, and how long it took to get them fully potty trained!

Thanks bunches and wish me luck for when we do actually start!! LOL

Monday, October 18, 2010

Ecover All Purpose Cleaner Review & EcoMom Discount Code and Giveaway!! **CLOSED**

I was so excited when I was given the privilage of doing a review for EcoMom! I had heard so much about this store and wanted to learn more about it! I can definitely say I was impressed!!

About EcoMom and Ecover All Purpose Cleaner

EcoMom makes healthy living easy! They address the connection between the health of our environment  and the health of our children.They sell everything from cleaning products to cloth diapers to toys!  They are affordable too! They have this really cool program called EcoPass. It allows you, my followers, to purchase a $99 annual membership, which provides you a 15% discount on EVERY order, as well as free shipping with no $50 minimum requirement. EcoPass will pay for itself in as few as 4 orders and costs only $8.25 a month!

Ecover is an all purpose cleaner with a natural lemon scent. It is safe for all washable surfaces. It has plant based ingredients and has quick and complete biodegradability. It also has not been tested on any animals and is safe for septic tanks! And its only $5.99 a bottle!

What we thought!!

I have used this cleaner to mop my floors so far. I plan on getting a spray bottle and using it for my counters soon too! I LOVE love love the smell of this stuff! The lemon smell is fresh and not overbearing.Even hubby commented on the smell! It made my house smell amazing! One of the great things about this product is a little goes a long way. I mixed two capfuls with about half a bucket full of warm water and it was plenty sudsy! I will probably only use one capful next time. Even though this is natural, plant based, and doesn't have any harsh chemicals, it does a wonderful job! It got up the gross stuck-on food  underneath Noah's chair and had my floors shining! The smell is a wonderful added plus!

I really love this stuff and recommend to anybody who is looking for a safe, natural way to clean their home!!

Buy It!
Discount Code!!
Get 15% off your order by using code SBBL630. Code good through October 31, 2010
Jody, the CEO & founder of EcoMom has been gracious enough to offer a $15 gift certificate to one lucky follower!!

***Mandatory Entry***
You must be a follower of this blog via Google Friend Connect and visit EcoMom and tell me another product you would like to try or a product you have tried and love!
Extra Entries
(1 entry) Follow EcoMom on Twitter. Leave your Twitter ID.
(1 entry) Like EcoMom on Facebook and thank them for the giveaway on The Not-So-Secret Confessions! Leave your Facebook name.
(3 entries) Sign up to receive the EcoMom newsletter HERE.
(1 Entry) Follow MommyFerg02 on Twitter. Leave your twitter ID.
(1 entry) Like The Not-So-Secret Confessions on Facebook.Leave the name you "like" under.
(2 entries) Grab my button and post it on your blog. Leave a link in your comment!
(5 entries) Blog about this giveaway with a link back to this post
(2 entries) Tweet or Update your Facebook status telling others about this giveaway. Leave a link where you posted it. This can be done once a day.

** Please leave your email with every comment you post. If I don't have your email I can't notify you if you are the winner!! Giveaway is open to US and Canadian residents only! The giveaway will end November 1, 2010 at 11pm EST. The winner will be choosen by and will have 24 hours to respond to my email or another winner will be choosen! Good Luck!**

Disclaimer: Although I did receive this product from EcoMom at no charge, I was not paid for this review and the views expressed on this review are my own. Giveaway prize is the responsibility of the sponsor.

Birthday Celebration! Flash Giveaways!!!!

To celebrate my blogs 1st birthday I've decided I want to do some flash giveaways one night this week! I LOVE flash giveaways! They are so fun! If you don't know what they are you need to haha! I'll explain it in greater detail on my FACEBOOK page. So go like me if you haven't yet!!

But to do flash giveaways I need sponsors!! I need companies to donate a prize of any sort to give away! In return the company gets lots more likes on their fb page and even hits on their website!

Can't do the giveaways without sponsors..and the quicker we get sponsors the quicker I can do the giveaways! SOOOOO I need your help in spreading the word for me! Post on your blog or fb or twitter what I'm planning on doing and link back to me!! If ya'll could do that it would be AWESOME! Plus if you do this you can get TWO (2) extra entries in any of my giveaways currently going on!!

If you would like to sponsor, we would love to have you! Any prize, big or small will be greatly appreciated! Just email me at to discuss further!!

Thank you thank you thank you!! Ya'll are really amazing fans and followers and the whole reason my blog has been so successful!!

Happy 1st Birthday!!.....To my Blog!!!

Today is the first birthday of my blog! I have been blogging for one whole year!! This is very exciting for me! I don't usually stick with something that long and I have! And its become something totally different than I expected!! I love blogging! It's a great way for me to express myself and connect with others! I look forward to another year of blogging and hopefully many more! Happy Birthday The Not-So-Secret Confessions!!

Here's my very first blog post:


So I'm starting a bit late. I've been a mommy for 6 months already! And a newlywed for 7 months! So I'll recap the world on my crazy life as a mom and wife! (haha love how that rhymes!)
So I met Brian in April/May of 2008. We started dating like 2 weeks after we met and were living together like a week after dating. In August I found out I was pregnant. We weren't doing a single thing to prevent it so it wasn't that much of a suprise. His fam was super excited, mine not so much, but after a while it grew on them and they became excited too.

We already had names picked out and on Dec. 16 we found out we were having a boy. So right away we knew we were having a Noah Allen. We were both super excited.

On March 6, 2009 Brian and I got married in the courthouse in Lexington. Only his mom was their ( she invited herself) and she took pics. It took all of 10 min to get married. Then we went to Atlanta for our 3 day honeymoon. We went to the zoo, the aquarium and all over Atl. It was perfect.

On April 22, I gave birth to little Noah Allen after 22 hrs of labor. He was perfect. 6lbs 4oz and seriously came out smiling haha. We brought him home 3 days later and life really began. The first night we didn't sleep at all. My milk hadn't come in yet and little guy was hungry! So every half hr or so he woke up wanting more. It was a long night.

Now Noah is almost 6 months old! He's sitting up, almost crawling, eating babyfood, and has two teeth! It's amazing how fast they grow! He's the perfect mix of me and Brian. He's sleeping through the night and has never had any big problems. We are very blessed.
Brian and I are still going strong. We fight alot more than we used to. But we have alot more to deal with than we used to. Having a child is stressful. But its amazing all at the same time. I don't recommend having one unless you are completely prepared for anything and everything. But honestly, me and Brian fight more about money than anything else. I swear that stuff really is the root of all evil!

So thats a recap of my life as wife and mom. Now I'll start posting from today on. And be prepared! Your going to get the real me! And believe me, its not always pretty!!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mom Blog Monday- Week 8!!

Are you a Mommy blogger? Do you blog about your kids? Do you blog about great things for Mommies? Do you wanna meet other Mom Bloggers?

The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom


If you answered yes to any of those questions then link up!

This blog hop is hosted by Sippy Cups and Cloth Bums, The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom , and Luxury Living Frugal Style!


All we ask is that you follow Sippy Cups and Cloth Bums, The Not- So- Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom, and Luxury Living Frugal Style.We are the first three on the linky!Then follow spot #4 which is the featured blog! Be sure to leave us a comment so we can follow you back!

We would LOVE it if you'd grab our button and put it somewhere on your blog or in a blog post! This would help us spread the word. However, you aren't required to.

You can follow as many or as few blogs as you'd like.

Each week one lucky blogger that links up will be chosen to be the featured blog.

This week's Featured Blog is.....
Laura from Baby Bunkins

I'm so excited to be the featured blogger today and would like to say a big Thank You to this blog hop's sponsors! I'm a SAHM to 2 boys, ages 20 & 3. I actually like having my 2 boys so far apart in age even though we didn't plan it that way!The 20 year old is away at college right now, but we get to see him lots. I "homeschool" the 3 year old for preschool, but he will start Pre-K next fall at a local Church.
My blog is a mix of Life, Craft Tutorials, Product Reviews, and Giveaways. I LOVE to do lots of different kinds of crafts, but what I like best is Dollar Store Decor.
Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you again soon!

Day 5 - Your Siblings

I get to talk about my sissy's today!! I have two younger sisters, Kristen and Kellie. Kristen is 19 and Kellie is 15. They are precious. We weren't all that close when we were younger. We mostly fought lol. But now we are pretty close and get along really well. I love them and I love that they love my hubby and Noah to death. Here's a pic of us! Do we look alike lol??

We have some winnners!!

The winner of the Kissaluvs AIO is comment #85!

Jen and Andy said...

I follow Kissaluvs on Twitter @JenLee3838

And The winner of the My Lip Stuff prize pack is comment #31!!

Jasmine1485 said...

I'm a fan on Facebook (Kate Ryan)

Congrats! I am about to email these winners! The winners have 24 hours to respond to the email or another winner will be choosen!

**Just wanna add a little note...please be sure to leave your email address with every comment! I had a different winner for the diaper, but they didn't leave an email address and there wasn't one on their profile! So I had to choose another winner! This is a VERY important part of the entry you cannot leave out! Thanks!**

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pumpkin Fun!! And Day 4!

Thursday afternoon we went pumpkin picking with Noah. He loved it. He found him a little baby pumpkin and held on to it the whole time! We each got us a pumpkin to take home. It was a lot of fun!

Then yesterday Noah and Brian carved one of the pumpkins! Hubby did such a good job! I was so proud!!

We had so much fun! I think this is definately the start of a yearly tradition!!

Now on to Day 4 of the 30 Day Blog Challenge.... Your Parents.

My Parents are Kevin and Sarah. They are awesome parents. They are still married despite some hard times. They know how to tough it out and work through it instead of just giving up like most couples do. They raised me and my sisters well. My dad is a retired pastor and currently a corrections officer  at a prison. My mom works full time in a retirement center and has her CNA license. They are great and I love them very much!

Here's a pic of us at my wedding!!

Giveaways Ending Tonight!!

Don't miss out on these awesome giveaways that are ending tonight!!

Plus don't forgt to check out ways to get extra entries to ANY of MY giveaways!! :)

Good Luck!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Blog Challenge- Day 3

Your First Love

Do we really have to go there? Ugh. Well I guess we can, but don't expect me to go in to detail. My first true love was Nick. We dated for 3 years. He broke my heart. We were so close. It wasn't a good relationship and we were very young and immature. I was jealous and tried to control him too much. We argued a lot. But boy was I in love....

Featured Fluff Friday- BumGenius All-In-One

Today's Featured Fluff is the BumGenius All-in-One. It's another favorite in this household! My hubby loves it because of how easy it is to use! The information I have for you today about this diaper is from and my own personal opinion!

BumGenius AIOs are known for being easy and simple! They are cloth diapers but just one piece like a disposable. There's no folding or stuffing! They are fastened by hook and loop just like a disposable. The outer material is safe to wash in hot water, and lining fabric keeps baby's bottom nice and dry!

We love the BumGenius AIO because of the simplicity! My husband doesn't have to worry about stuffing anything before-hand and all he has to do is stick it on Noah's bum! They are very well made and durable! We've had ours for months now and they are still in great condition! They absorb great too! They have an opening in the back inside which you can use to add extra inserts and when we did that, Noah could sleep in one of these diapers all night long with no leaks! The ONLY problem I have with BumGenius AIO's is because they are all one piece , they take a LONG time to dry. Longer than any other of my diapers. BUT thats the only con and the pros definately outweigh the cons!

Check your local or favorite cloth diaper store  or visit Cotton Babies to purchase!!

Friday Blog Hops!

I love Fridays! No school for me and I get to spend the whole day with hubby and Noah! I am hopping today! If your a new follower..Welcome! Be sure to leave me a comment so I can follow you back!

Don't forget to enter my giveaways (the list is located on the left sidebar)!! Two of them end TOMORROW night!! So hurry and enter!!

Have a great weekend!!

Smart and Trendy MomsBoostMyBlogFriday

Thursday, October 14, 2010

30 Day Blog Challenge-Day 2

Meaning behind your blog name.

When I started my blog I wanted to come up with a creative name that also gave you an idea what the blog would be about. I knew I wanted it to be about the craziness of being a first time mom. And I knew I wanted to be very honest in my blog..spill my guts...share my confessions. But it wasn't any secret confessions, cuz I am sharing them with the whole there ya go...The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom. Ya like the name??? :)
