Monday, February 28, 2011

Guest Post- 5 Fun Educational Websites for Children

Each new generation of children are heading online earlier and earlier.  The Internet has become another mode where children can learn and play.  There are a number of fun educational Websites for children that incorporate cartoon characters children may admire, interactive games and much more.

We outline below 5 fun educational Websites you can check out with your child.

Fun Educational Website for Kids


    This site offers fun, educational games and coloring for children. Learn about the alphabets, animals, art, colors and more. Many activities may be played online or printed out for kids.  Fun craft videos are also available with creative ideas for both parents and children to do together.  Find games and activities specific to your child's age.  The site has categorized games by grade level -- from preschool to 6th grade.

    This   site is part of Highlights Magazine. The magazine has a long history  of  offering fun and education to children ages 2 to 6. On its Website   children can find highlights to the current issue, fun games such as   searching for hidden objects in puzzle pictures, read about jokes,   riddles and tongue twisters and there are also science experiments to   learn about and try out at no cost. Highlights Magazine is offered   through a paid subscription with 12 issues per year.
  3. Preschool Disney

    Find characters from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Handy Manny, Cars, Toy   Story and more all part of Disney Preschool's online games, activities,   music and crafts. Children learn about numbers, counting, colors,   searching and can even learn creative craft ideas such as   creating character cupcakes with adult supervision.
  4. PBS Kids

    PBS  Kids is part of the Public Broadcasting Service where you can find  traditional children's shows such as Barney & Friends, Curious  George, Sesame Street, Sid the Science Kid and many more. Their Website  offers educational games, activities and videos that help children  prepare for school while incorporating characters from children's  shows.  There is also PBS Kids Play!,  a premium subscription service where you can personalize learning  activities and games. There are more than 50 educational games where  children can learn more about math, science, foreign languages and other subjects.
  5. Scholastic's THE STACK

    Scholastic's  kids' site THE STACK is offered in a beta version at the moment, but  it's fully up and running with a variety of games, activities and  materials to read. Find information specific to popular  book series, games, blogs, videos and message boards.

This post was written by Wendy Lau who also writes on earning a bachelor degree online and on the topic of online court reporting schools for educational websites.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mom Blog Monday Blog Hop!

Are you a Mommy blogger? Do you blog about your kids? Do you blog about great things for Mommies?
 Do you wanna meet other Mom Bloggers?

The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom
his blog hop is hosted by Sippy Cups and Cloth Bums, The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom , and Luxury Living Frugal Style!


All we ask is that you follow Sippy Cups and Cloth BumsThe Not- So- Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom, and Luxury Living Frugal Style.We are the first three on the linky!Then follow spot #4 which is the featured blog! Be sure to leave us a comment so we can follow you back!

We would LOVE it if you'd grab our button and put it somewhere on your blog or in a blog post! This would help us spread the word. However, you aren't required to.

Each week we choose a random blog via to be the featured blog! This week's featured blog is.....

One Creative Housewife is an eclectic look at the adventures of a spunky, spontaneous gal.  Here, you will find a myriad of musings, tales, recipes, random thoughts, and quotes of the day, all taken from snapshots of the adventures of one creative housewife.  Lindsey is a twenty-something mom who is quickly nearing thirty.  She fills her days caring for her two children, two doggies, four fish, and one husband.  In her spare time, she stalks the local arts and crafts scene and attends middle and high school productions of her favorite plays and musicals (they're cheaper, you know.)  In her blog, Lindsey writes about her daily adventures, favorite recipes, recent craft projects, commentary on recent events, and tales of the hilarious happenings of one creative, yet accident-prone, housewife.  

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Where I Get My Coupons

"Where do you get all those coupons?!"

That's a question I get a lot from people..especially when they see my in the store with my big coupon binder. So I've decided to write a post about it so everyone will have a good reference to where to get the best coupons and start saving some money!!

  • Sunday Paper- Yep, there are still coupons in the Sunday paper and this is where I get the majority of my coupons! The bigger papers are the best for getting the most coupons. For example, I live in Georgia so I get the Atlanta Journal Constitution. It is the biggest one around here and usually have quite a bit more coupons than my local paper. I usually send hubby for 2 papers each Sunday so I can get double the coupons.
  • Free Printable Coupons-Besides the paper, I also get free coupons online. These are easily accessible and are free other than the paper and ink you use to print them out! Some of my favorite websites to go for free coupons are:

Another great place to find coupons is the product's website. For example, my husband wanted me to pick up some medicine for him, so I went to the website for that medicine and there was a $2 off  coupon for exactly what I was looking for.

  • Coupon Services- If you are super busy and don't have a lot of time to cut coupons and divide them up and organize them, a coupon service might be exactly what you need! Coupon services sell you coupons that are already cut up or even whole inserts for a low price! This way you're just getting the coupons without having to go out and buy the paper! If you get some that are already cut up that gives you even less work to do!  I personally have never used a coupon service but I have heard great things about them!  A few I have found are:

So there you have it! That is where I get all those coupons! ;) Once you start gathering enough up and checking out the sales that match up with the coupons you have, you will really start saving some cash!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Fun With Food Friday- Preview Post!

So remember when I posted about starting a recipe exchange?! Well don't worry, I haven't forgotten about it! I have actually been in the process of getting it all figured out!

I am proud to team up with Mama Chocolate  and bring to you Fun with Food Friday!!

Mama Chocolate

Here's how this will work:

  • You the followers email us your favorite recipes!! You can email me at Please keep these recipes fairly simple..the best ones are the ones a busy mama can whip up quickly and easily after a long day!

  • Mama Chocolate and myself will then pick one for the week and make it! (She will pick one and I will pick a different one, so you get two seperate recipes each week!)

  • On Friday we will then post the recipe we chose for that week and also review it! We will talk about how we liked it, how our family liked it, and how easy or hard it was to make!

  • We will also link back to each other's recipe so you can easily get to both!

  • You then have two new recipes each week to try out!! You can also feel free to email us your reviews of the recipe and let us know what you think about it!!
Sound good?! I think this is going to be really exciting and I look forward to trying out new recipes and sharing them with you! So what are you waiting for?! Get to emailing us those recipes! We'll be posting our first set of recipes next Friday! If you have any questions please feel free to comment below or shoot me an email!

We'd love it if you help spread the word by grabbing the brand new button or posting about this on Facebook or Twitter! Thanks!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Six Letter Word That Scares The Crap Out Of Me!

Let's see if you can has to do with money! Its something we should have already been doing but we aren't so its time to start.... any guesses???



Not sure why this scares me so bad..but it does. I think maybe because we haven't really had to and we didn't really pay attention to how much money we were I feel like if we do have to do that then we aren't doing very well financially or something. But really thats not the case...always.

This month we seemed especially broke and I couldn't really figure out why. Well today I decided to do some investigating and broke down all our income and spending for a month! WOW! That's basically all I can say about that! I cannot believe how much we are spending in some areas (like eating out)! I even think we spend too much at places like Walmart! I know with all the coupons I have stocked up I could be at least saving some more money on groceries, toiletries, etc.

So I've decided we need to do a budget. We will be needing a new, bigger car soon and we really need to start saving for that. And even besides all that we just really need to know exactly where our money is going. I am totally clueless to how to budget, which also scares me, but I am willing and ready to learn!

So my question for you is, do you budget? If so how? Do you have a strict system you stick to? Any good resources for me to check out to learn how? Comment below or feel free to shoot me an email for any tips or advice you may have! Thanks!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Guest Blogger- Tracy from Having Fun Saving!

 Tracy from Having Fun Saving is guest blogging for me today! She has soooo many great ways to save and really helps you find the greatest deal! Here's her post about helping others while you save! Thanks Tracy!!

My name is Tracy and I am the author of the web-site Having Fun Saving!  I love to find deals and use coupons to help my family as well as others.  When I first started couponing, it was out of necessity to help my family survive.  Along the way I realized that I could help others at very little cost to myself...which has given me a great sense of fulfillment that I am making a positive difference in my community.

This is a picture of my donation this week. 

I spent a total of $2.52.  Amazing, huh?  I always share with my readers my donations and how exactly I got all of them because I truly hope in my heart of hearts that it will inspire someone else to do the same or something similar.  You can see my weekly donations here.  I donate all the food and hygiene items off to my local food bank and I always print/cut out all the baby coupons I see and donate them to the local pregnancy center.  Now, I may not need those items anymore, but I definitely remember how expensive formula, diapers, food, and wipes can I like to help others with that cost.  AND, didn't cost me a thing but a few moments of my time.  So, why not?  Why not help others?  I can't come up with a reason not to, so I DO.  Do whatever you can too, whether it's a food donation, requesting samples and donating them, or just leaving those baby coupons on the shelf for someone to use...SOMEONE will appreciate it and I promise it will make you feel good inside.

Have a great day and thank you for having me!

Tracy @

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

So Here's The Deal...

The next 3 weeks of school are going to be brutal. I have 3 projects due(one for each class) before the end of the quarter on top of my regular school work! Yea, it toally sucks. But I don't want my blog to suffer for it, so I am looking for some guest bloggers to write about things such as being frugal, using coupons, cloth diapering, being green, parenting, etc. Anything family friendly really! I will still be here to post just not as often! I hope that won't make you un-follow me or anything but this school work has got to get done! Plus its only for 3 weeks! That's not too long right?!

So if you're interested in doing a guest post for me, or even just being featured on Talk About Me Tuesday, let me know by emailing me at .

Ps- remember the recipe exchange thing? Don't worry, I haven't forgot about it either! Look for a preview post coming this week!! :)

Thanks for understanding ya'll!!

Talk About Me Tuesday- Peace, Love, Cloth!

What's your name? On my blog I go by my nickname, Skye.

Tell me a bit about yourself and your family. I'm a stay at home Mama to one little dude. Little Man is 6 months old today, and I'm sooo not ready for it! On my blog I call him Leo, or 'Little Man" -it's a deal I worked out with his Daddy. He's a TINY bit protective... My hubby is a firefighter, and in so many ways, my polar opposite. Somehow we fell madly in love four years ago, after knowing each other since he was 9 and I was 13, (yes, I robbed the cradle). He's tough when I'm being a pushover, and I talk him down when he gets too fired up or protective. He also keeps me from going crazy with the fluff buying, while still being supportive. *sigh* I love me some FireDaddy ;) We cloth diaper, co-sleep, babywear and I breastfeed, but I try to keep it low key. I don't like it when people try to shove parenting methods or choices down my throat, so I try not to do that to others... I figure if I put the ideas out there and people decide to do something totally different in their family, that's great. At least they're making an informed descision! We've had a bit of a struggle because my husband's family is super conservative and my hippydippy ways don't quite mesh with their ideas... but I'm slowly winning them over, and when I can't, I'm finally confident enough as a Mama to know that I'm doing what Little Man needs.

What's the name and link to your blog? Peace, Love, Cloth and it's at -

What is your blog about/What do you like to write about in your blog? Mostly musings about my life, random thoughts about cloth diapering and breastfeeding. Little stories about life with Leo. I'm working on a couple posts about being a firefighter's wife, and I want to finally get my "birth story" posted (Don't worry, there will NOT be TMI pics or "descriptions". I promise!) I've also been working on one about being a Mama with depression - but I'm not sure if I'll be brave enough to post that one.

What inspired you to start a blog? Well... I was in labor, crazy as a loon, and I really needed a distraction. I'd been following Preemie Mama's blog for a while, and I wanted to do something similar to share my journey. I had this vague idea that I'd blog every single day through Leo's childhood... Yeah. That didn't exactly work out so well. Right now I manage to post at least a couple times a month - but I'm working on making that once or twice a week... and then who knows, maybe I'll actually hit my goal and be able to post every day. I love to write - it literally keeps me sane!

Do you have any blogging pet peeves? I don't know what I'm doing, so my blog isn't "fancy" - at all. I can't figure out how to "link" with people yet and it's frustrating - I barely have time to post, let alone learn everything I need to know to fix up my blog and find an audience. And "grabbing" buttons and "blog hops"? I'm clueless. I really want to learn, I'm just technicaly challenged and a total dork. Oh - and I really, really hate not being able to post as much as I'd like.

Do you have any big goals for your blog? I'd love to get big enough to do some cloth diaper / baby carrier reviews and giveaways, but really, I just want to write something on a regular basis that people think is worth reading.

What are some of your favorite blogs to read? Preemie Mama / amanda's blog and The Not So Secret Confessions Of A First Time Mom for sure. She's a Maineiac cracks me up, Canadas Diaper Ladies has some good CD info - but she hates the word "stash" which I happen to Iove, and thinks "Stash Mama's" are bonkers, but... I still stalk her blog. I've alway's known I was bonkers. I embrace it. :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Mom Blog Monday Blog Hop!!

Are you a Mommy blogger? Do you blog about your kids? Do you blog about great things for Mommies?
 Do you wanna meet other Mom Bloggers?

The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom
This blog hop is hosted by Sippy Cups and Cloth Bums, The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom , and Luxury Living Frugal Style!


All we ask is that you follow Sippy Cups and Cloth BumsThe Not- So- Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom, and Luxury Living Frugal Style.We are the first three on the linky!Then follow spot #4 which is the featured blog! Be sure to leave us a comment so we can follow you back!

We would LOVE it if you'd grab our button and put it somewhere on your blog or in a blog post! This would help us spread the word. However, you aren't required to.

Don't forget to enter my current giveaways!

Each week we will randomly select one blog to be the featured blog and to take the #4 spot!

Today's Featured Blog Is....

Holly is most definitely not a perfect mom who spends what free time she has blogging about life with four kids under the age of seven over at Holly's House.  Most of her time is taken up with driving kids all over town, answering ridiculous questions, wiping butts, or playing either light sabers or tea party.  Holly tries hard to find the humor in parenting so that she doesn't go crazy in the journey of motherhood....because these kids?  Just love to keep her on her toes...

No More Mrs. Nice Mama!

This title applies in so many aspects of my life right now!

I consider myself a nice person and I try to be helpful and caring towards others, but I am learning that I need to say No sometimes. Mostly for my own happiness and the happiness of my family. I tend to let myself get guilted into things and then stretch myself too thin or regret getting into something that I don't enjoy. This has recently happened to me a few times and I have began to realize that I just can't do it anymore.

Another aspect this applies to is Noah. He's hit the terrible twos and as much as I hate to say or think it, he's just not my sweet little innocent baby anymore. He's learning what his boundaries are and testing those boundaries. He's starting to learn right from wrong. Which means I cannot be sweet, nice mommy all the time anymore. Yesterday he did something that really shook me to the core. He ran out into the middle of the road!! With a car coming!! Thank God the car saw him and was able to stop without even going near him. This was really a wake up call for me! After crying for about an hour and analyzing how I "punished" him and seeing his reaction to my punishment, I have realized that I am going to have to be that mean mommy sometimes....especially when it comes to Noah learning to listen and obey me ...even more especially when it comes to his own safety.

Now I don't want to be flamed for how I do things or how I parent. That's not why I wrote this post. It is basically me coming to the realization that life is full of priorities and my priorities are my son and my husband. They are most important to me aside from my relationship from God, and they will always come before any other human being out there. I am Noah's mommy and it is my responsibility to raise him correctly and to teach him right from wrong and what's safe and not safe...even if that means I have to be the "mean" mommy sometimes. I can't always be nice....even if I want to be....not always to other mothers...not always to other family members...not always to Noah. I'm not sure if this even makes any sense but I hope you get my jist.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

So many things to say, not sure how to say them!

I was planning on writing this big blog post about some things that have been on my mind, but I'm not finding the words I need to say them. I guess it would be considered writers block. Boo :((

Hopefully I can find the words and come post an interesting blog post here soon! Sorry to keep ya'll waiting! :/

Friday, February 18, 2011

Publix Viva Italia Sale!! Score!!

So this week at Publix they are having their Viva Italia Sale which means TONS of Italian items like Hunts Diced Tomatoes, Progresso Soup, Progresso Breadcrumbs, Sargento shredded cheese and so many other Italian items are on sale!  Plus they have some really great store coupons like $5/20 of the Italian items on sale and there was even a coupon for $5/30 purchase that I was able to stack with it! These went along with all my other regular coupons as well!

I started planning Tuesday by looking at and finally felt ready to go today! There were a few things they were either out of or I couldn't find or they didn't carry, which had me pretty disappointed but overall I did pretty good.

I spent $54.85 and saved $70.36! I used $28 worth of coupons and saved $42.36 in special price savings! I was very please, despite not getting everything I wanted! :)   If you have a Publix near you I highly recommend you take advantage of this sale!!
All this for $54.85!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New You 2011!

Welcome to New You 2011! If your new, no worries, just jump right in!! This is a link-up for weight loss support and encouragement! Just make a blog post or comment below with the following:
- Weight Goal:
- Last week's weight:
- This week's weight:
- And tell us about what you are doing to reach your goals/how your week has been/ any setbacks, etc?!

Also we've decided to do a question of the week!! This week is:

When was a time you were at your "happy weight"? 

I am still at 136lbs. No weight loss :( I'm suprised I haven't gained because I've been eating Valentine's Day chocolate like crazy this week! But I have also been working out this week so maybe that's why I haven't gained lol.

Suprisingly, the last time I was at my "happy weight" was right after I had Noah. I think it was the breastfeeding. I was really small and had big boobies and I loved it! :)

Wordless Wednesday!

Best Buds ♥

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Go Green Pocket Diapers- The Champ Diaper- Review & Giveaway! ***CLOSED***

I am a huge fan of Go Green Pocket Diapers! They were a sponsor for A Merry Fluffy Christmas and Leah is an awesome woman to work with! I did a review of the original Go Green Pocket Diaper back in November, before the event, and loved it! So when I heard about the new Champ diaper, I had to get my hands on one to review!!

About The Champ

The Champ is a one-size diaper that can work as a pocket diaper or an ai2. It has two pocket openings so the insert comes out in the wash! There are 4 rows for the rise and 2 rows of waist snaps! The diaper comes with 2 bamboo-microfiber blend 3-layers inserts.

My Review

I received the Giraffe Champ and was immediately amazed at how large it was! It is truly one-size! With 4 rows of rise snaps, it literally can fit newborn to toddler!

 I also loved the snap in insert option! It snaps in the front which is super nice for the little boys! No leaks with this diaper!! And the great thing is, BOTH inserts come with a snap!
Another really awesome feature of this diaper is the double leg gussets! Like I leaks are happening with this diaper! 

Overall, this diaper is amazing! I love the wonderful features it has! It fits Noah great! He can wear it on the largest rise and the tightest waist setting (skinny little guy lol). So I know he will be able to wear this till he is completely potty trained! He's napped in it and all and not once had a leak! I really REALLY like this diaper!

And the best part is..its super affordable! At only $14.95 a diaper, this is an awesome diaper to start up a stash with!! 

Here's the little guy himself in his Giraffe Champ!

Buy It!

Win It!
One lucky follower will win a Champ diaper of their own from Go Green Pocket Diapers!

***Mandatory Entry***
Visit Go Green Pocket Diapers and let me know which Champ diaper you would choose, or another item you would like to try from Go Green Pocket Diapers! OR if you can't get the pictures to load, go HERE and tell me which color you like best. 
Don't forget to leave your email!! 
**Extra Entries**
(1 entry) Follow this blog via Google Friend Connect
(1 entry) "Like" Go Green Pocket Diapers on Facebook. Leave your FB name in the comment. 
(1 entry) "Like" The Not-So-Secret Confessions on Facebook. Leave your FB name in the comment. 
(3 entries) Subscribe to my blog via email. Make sure you verify it!
(8 entries) Go HERE and "like" Doodle Dypes, and then go HERE and "like" Noah's picture to vote for him so I can win some free fluff as well! (Thank you!!) 

Don't forget to leave your email with EVERY entry!

Giveaway will end Friday, March 11, 2011 at 11:59 EST! Winner will be chosen via and emailed! Winner will have 48 hours to respond to the email or another winner will be chosen! Giveaway is open to US only! 

Talk About Me Tuesday- Sprinkle of Fun!

This week's featured blogger is Mari, from Sprinkle of Fun! Thanks Mari for sharing!!

What's your name?

Tell me a bit about yourself and your family.
I am a home schooling mom of 4 boys and a girl american bull-dog. I am into photography, scrapbooking, going out, love to meet people, and just have fun around both adults and children alike. I am also president to a non profit home school organization called Independent Home Schoolers Network.

What's the name and link to your blog?
Sprinkle Of Fun is the name of my blog and here is its link

What is your blog about/What do you like to write about in your blog?
I write about many things on my blog including education in many different ways, including resources, my thoughts and opinions, I of course write alot about my boys and show their pictures and viseis and I also show off our ameri-bully too. I am also doing product reviews and give aways now as well.

What inspired you to start a blog?
I originally started the blog to be a home schooling/educational blog, but I simply cannot write just about that, it isn't me. So I have decided to expand the topics more and hope that it is more interesting to more readers.

Do you have any blogging pet peeves?
Yes, when blogs are super cluttered with buttons and graphics, I have seen some blogs so stuffed with buttons and graphics that they over lap eachother. Another is when the blog does not have am email subscribe to option, and I don't mean rss feed, I mean an actual email update option. The other thing is the give away blogs, they join in hops, but have absolutely no posts to leave a comment that your a new follower or something, and they are not posting about the hops to spread the word. Again not all bloggers do this, but lately I have been seeing this. I love give aways, and I do join them, and I do host them myself, but some blogs just annoy me when they are completely solely about buying/selling/give aways and nothing else. I know there is more to that person, and I would like to know what makes people tick.

Do you have any big goals for your blog?
Gain more readers, followers and subscribers. Find a better layout that is more eye pleasing to readers and loads faster. Get more interesting content posted and more often.

What are some of your favorite blogs to read?
I love to read a large variety of topics, I just love to read.
**If you would like your blog featured on Talk About Me Tuesday, go HERE to find out how!!**

Monday, February 14, 2011

Don't Love to Do This...

But I need a favor!!!

I haven't won anything in a long while and I'd really love to win this one!!

Please go HERE and "Like" Doodle Dypes Facebook page and then go HERE and "Like" the picture of Noah! Picture with the most likes gets free fluff! So I would LOVE to win that!! I am a huge fan of Doodle Dypes and it would just be awesome to win!

For some incentive, if you vote, let me know you did and you can have 5 extra entries into any current giveaway! OR you can save them for the next review/giveaway coming up in the next few is for FLUFF and I'm pretty dang sure you'll love it!! 

Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!

Here's what the picture of Noah looks like so you know for sure its the right pic:

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mom Blog Monday Blog Hop!

♥ Happy Valentine's Day!! ♥

Are you a Mommy blogger? Do you blog about your kids? Do you blog about great things for Mommies?
 Do you wanna meet other Mom Bloggers?

The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom

This blog hop is hosted by Sippy Cups and Cloth Bums, The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom , and Luxury Living Frugal Style!


All we ask is that you follow Sippy Cups and Cloth BumsThe Not- So- Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom, and Luxury Living Frugal Style.We are the first three on the linky!Then follow spot #4 which is the featured blog! Be sure to leave us a comment so we can follow you back!

We would LOVE it if you'd grab our button and put it somewhere on your blog or in a blog post! This would help us spread the word. However, you aren't required to.

Don't forget to enter my current giveaways! 
Each week we will randomly select one blog to be the featured blog and to take the #4 spot!

Today's Featured Blog Is....

This week's featured blogger is: 
Jaime from Triple Duty Momma

Triple Duty

Triple Duty is a blog about Jamie's life as a wife and SAHM of 3 young children.  Breastfeeding, cloth diapers, and motherhood are some of her favorite topics.  Triple Duty is also home to family-friendly product reviews and giveaways. Jaimie is a really sweet mama be sure to check out her blog HERE

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Save The Date! Pear Tree Greetings Review and Giveaway!! ***CLOSED***

So Spring will be here soon enough (hopefully) and spring and summer means WEDDINGS!! If you're getting married anytime soon, or maybe if your sweetheart pops the question this coming Valentine's Day, Pear Tree Greetings has the perfect Save the Date cards for you!!

Pear Tree Greetings has a HUGE variety of Save the Date cards that I love! I totally wish I would have known about these when I got married! They have photo cards, postcards, magnets, and die-cut cards! I love how you can personalize them with your own pictures and style! They are cute and special and a perfect way to let everyone know about your VERY special day!

Check some of these designs out!!

How cute are those?! I love them! And there are so many more designs on the website

Go Here to check out Pear Tree Greetings latest coupons!
**BUY IT!**
**WIN IT!**
Pear Tree Greetings is giving away a $20 gift code to one lucky follower!

**Mandatory Entry**
(This must be done before any other entries or they will not count!)
Visit Pear Tree Greetings and tell me something you might spend your $20 on! 
Leave your email in the comment!
**Extra Entries**
(1 entry) Follow my blog via GFC
(2 entries) Subscribe to my blog via email
(1 entry) "Like" Pear Tree Greetings on Facebook. Leave your Facebook ID in the comment. 
(1 entry) "Like" The Not-So-Secret Confessions on Facebook. Leave your Facebook ID in the comment. 
(1 entry) Follow me on Twitter. Leave your Twitter ID in the comment. 
(2 entries) Grab my button and post it on your blog or website. Leave a link to it in the comment!

Remember to leave your email in EVERY comment so I can contact you if you win!

Giveaway will end on Thursday, March 3, 2011 at 11:59 pm EST! Winner will be chosen via and emailed! Winner will have 48 hours to respond to the email or another winner will be chosen! 

I REALLY Heart Publix! has become my new favorite website! I check it out once a week and write down the items on sale that I want and at the same time I am able to figure out the  coupons that match up with them! Its pretty awesome!

This week at publix I got some awesome deals!

Yoplait Fiber One Yogurt 4 packs were BOGO at $2.50 ...I had a $.50 coupon (4 of them) and my Publix doubles coupons $.50 and under so I got $1.00 off with the coupons each. SO I paid a total of $.25 for each 4 pack!! 

Lysol Disinfectant Trigger spray was BOGO at $2.69. ... I had a $1/2 coupons bringing my total to $.84 each! 

Jell-O pudding was 3/$6 putting them at $2 each..I had a coupon for $1/2 bringing it to 2/$3 :)

M & M's were BOGO at $4.63 ...I had a $1/2  bringing them to $1.81 each!!

(I hope my math is right on these lol!)  

Regardless, I paid $13. 98 for my total bill and SAVED $ I deem that as a VERY successful shopping trip! 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Recipe Exchange!

So tell me what you guys think about this?!

What if you we did like a weekly recipe exchange? Ya'll could email me recipes, I can post them one each week on here! I can even try the recipes and sorta kinda review them as well! I am always on the lookout for new recipes so I thought this might be a good idea! Let me know your thoughts! Yay? Nay??

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

New You 2011!

Welcome to New You 2011! If your new, no worries, just jump right in!! This is a link-up for weight loss support and encouragement! Just make a blog post or comment below with the following:
- Weight Goal:
- Last week's weight:
- This week's weight:
- And tell us about what you are doing to reach your goals/how your week has been/ any setbacks, etc?!

Also we've decided to do a question of the week!! This week is:

What is your favorite way to exercise?

My Weight Goal is 130. I'm at 136lbs right now. I haven't had a wonderful week ...still haven't worked out at all. But I maintained the 4lbs that I did lose so thats not to bad. My favorite way to exercise is dancing! I love to dance! Any kind of dance! 

Come link up and let me know how you're doing! 


I feel like this rubber band here lately. Stretched and stretched! I am so busy lately and feel like I'm being pulled in a million directions! It's rough. I never imagined school would be this hard for me. But between being sick, and trying to spend time with my guys, keeping my house clean, still maintaining somewhat of a life, and just finding time to I said...stretched.

I've worked on trying to manage my time better but even then I find myself not getting everything done. It doesn't help that I am STILL behind on my schoolwork from being out for a week when it snowed. I'm thinking I'm going to have to start getting up super early to make more time for homework and other things that need to get done, so that during the days after school I can spend time with Noah and Brian.

I've considered taking a break from blogging but I don't want to do that. Blogging is seriously a hobby for me and an outlet and a way to relax and express my feelings. So yea, maybe I'll just get up at like 5am to do the things I need to do. Ugh seems so early though! So thanks for letting me vent. I may be kinda boring here for the next month but I don't plan on stopping my blogging.

If you have tips on time management, let me know! I'd even be up for someone writing a guest blog post on it!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Winners and More Winners!!

The Winner of the Pear Tree Greetings giveaway had also won some from another blog, so she was nice enough to let me pick another winner! So...the new winner is....

Comment #2!

Dana said...2

I like Pear Tree Greetings on FB. Username is Dana Robinson

The Chiquita Mom Kit Winners are....

Comment #1, #49, #20, #48, #42!!

(ya'll don't need to see every comment right?? hehe...if you do let me know and I"ll post em!) 

Congrats winners! If you didn't win, be sure to keep your eyes peeled! I have a CSN Stores giveaway up right now and MORE giveaways to come soon! Including some new cloth diaper giveaways! 

Talk About Me Tuesday- Sippy Cups and Cloth Bums!

Today's feature is my good friend M's Mama from Sippy Cups and Cloth Bums! She is awesome and inspired me to blog! Check her out!!

What's your name? M's mama

Tell me a bit about yourself and your family.- I am the mother to my son, M. He's currently almost 21 months old. I just got married to an awesome guy! We have a small family, and I like it that way! :)

What's the name and link to your blog?The name of my blog is Sippy Cups & Cloth Bums

What is your blog about/What do you like to write about in your blog? My blog focuses around just the daily life of my family. My posts are pretty random. I find that if I write about things I love ( my family) then it sounds more genuine. I also do reviews/giveaways for cloth diapering products and other products I think my readers would enjoy.

What inspired you to start a blog? I first started blogging on my personal blog February 2009 to document these amazing moments in life. It's just been an ongoing thing and has kept evolving.

Do you have any blogging pet peeves? Eh, not really. If something blogging wise annoys me I ignore it or stop reading their blog.

Do you have any big goals for your blog? Um.. Not really. Maybe gain more active readers. I love reading/responding to comments. I guess building a nice little community on my blog.

What are some of your favorite blogs to read? Well of course I love reading The Not-So-Secret confessions of a FTM, IROCKSOWHAT, The Chronicles of Corbin, A Good Life, Here comes the sun, TART, and trust me there are a lot more just can't think right now. I follow well over 100+ blogs.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Mom Blog Monday Blog Hop!

Are you a Mommy blogger? Do you blog about your kids? Do you blog about great things for Mommies?
 Do you wanna meet other Mom Bloggers?

The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom
his blog hop is hosted by Sippy Cups and Cloth Bums, The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom , and Luxury Living Frugal Style!


All we ask is that you follow Sippy Cups and Cloth BumsThe Not- So- Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom, and Luxury Living Frugal Style.We are the first three on the linky!Then follow spot #4 which is the featured blog! Be sure to leave us a comment so we can follow you back!

We would LOVE it if you'd grab our button and put it somewhere on your blog or in a blog post! This would help us spread the word. However, you aren't required to.

We don't have a featured blogger this week due to not getting a response in time, but we'll be sure to pick one next week!
