Monday, December 13, 2010

All Done! (For Now)

So despite being up all night with a sick toddler with the stomach bug, and not feeling so great myself , I took my last two finals today and I'm done with school for three full weeks! I am soooo excited for a nice break! Christmas is in a week and a half and then New Year's eve and hubby's birthday! It's going to be a great 3 weeks!

Hopefully I'll have lots of time to do some blogging and be on the lookout for some more great reviews/giveaways coming during these next 3 weeks! I have some great ones lined up so be sure to check back! ;)


  1. Congrats on some "free time" My husband has till Friday at 10 then he's got 2 full weeks off. We're so excited to actually see him. And I hope your little guy gets feeling better, my kids are both getting over the 24 hr bug. Not so fun.

  2. Congratulations on making it through the term! Enjoy your time off over the holidays! Hope everyone feels better soon!


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