Saturday, April 30, 2011

Pregnancy Update! 10 Weeks Today!

This pregnancy is going by sooo much faster than it did with Noah! I credit a lot of that to Zofran saving my life...and Noah keeping me busy lol. But that's fine with me! I am especially ready to be out of the first trimester so I can finally have some energy again!

I'm not near as nauseated anymore. I only have to take half a Zofran a day and I'm good usually. BUT now that the nausea is going away the headaches have come to visit. This same thing happened with Noah although the headaches aren't near as bad. When I was pregnant with Noah I got all out migraines and had to stay in bed some days because they were so bad. This time they are just that pain above my eyes that won't go away. Sucks. But other than that I feel good! Wish I had more energy, but I know that will come!

If I wear a tight tank top or shirt and low cut or stretchy pants you can seriously see my baby bump. I asked hubby if I just looked fat or if I did look pregnant and he said definitely pregnant..its that high baby bump instead of just chubby. Good answer!! Haha! Here's a pic I took this week at 9 weeks 5 days! PLEASE IGNORE THE MESS! (My house is always a mess lately..and my bedroom is always the last to get touched!)


  1. You look great! I am 19 weeks pregnant with my second and I feel like a heifer. Lol

  2. I agree with "gracie" about you looking great, I mean. I was a huge fan of zofran with my second. It made me feel like a human again.

  3. What a cute little bump. Be prepared, this pregnancy will FLY compared to your first. I am due in the next few weeks and am totally unprepared. It's nice to see someone else's bedroom is a mess too! I give up on mine :)

  4. sweet to see that belly bump! You looks darling :)

    I miss being pregnant. Well, not the first three months (yucky morning sickness!) but the rest of it is fun! I've been pregnant a total of 10 times, with 8 healthy babies as a result (lost two in miscarriage) and I swear I would do the pregnancy-thing 20 more times, if I could. I love pregnancy and I love babies. Such a precious time in our lives, our child bearing years. Enjoy this time- it goes by quickly ;)

  5. Many congrats to you and your hubby!! Such exciting news! I'm a new follower. Looking forward to following along your journey!


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