Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter from my family to yours! 

Friday, March 29, 2013

Imagine One Size Cloth Diapers Review & Giveaway!

I love trying out new cloth diapers, especially ones that are different from what I normally use! So when I was given the opportunity to try an Imagine Cloth Diaper AI2 I was really excited!

Imagine Baby Products was created by Nicki, the creator of Best Bottoms and owner of Nicki's Diapers! She saw the need for spreading education about cloth diapers and wanted to help other cloth diapering parents who were passionate about how great they are, spread the word about cloth! Imagine Baby Products carries a number of different types of cloth diapers as well as cloth diapering accessories such as wet bags, diaper sprayers, and rash cream. 

I reviewed the One-Size AI2. It is made up of a waterproof cover in either aplix or snaps, and microfiber inserts that are topped with fleece. The cover will fit approximately 8-35 pounds and the inserts snap down to adjust to the size you need for the cover. The cover comes in five bright colors! I received the color "emerald" which is a beautiful green color! 

I usually use pocket diapers but, like I said above, I like to give new diapers a try! I was really impressed with this diaper right away. The inserts come in a pack of 3 and the fleece on top is so soft! The inserts snap into the cover also, which was great because now I don't have to worry about it moving around or falling out while Isaac is wearing it.  The insert is really absorbent too! I put Isaac in this diaper overnight, with just one insert, and he woke up completely dry outside of the diaper! I really like the fit I get with this diaper also. I have an aplix diaper so its super adjustable in the waste and the cover also has double gussets in the legs which gives you extra protection around the thigh area. Since it is an AI2 I can use the cover more than once and just switch out the insert, so I am able to get a lot of use out of it. They price is very reasonable too, at just $14.95 for the covers and $13.95 for a three pack of inserts. 

Overall I really like the Imagine One-Size AI2 diaper. Not a fan of AI2s? You can purchase AIOs, fitteds, pockets, and newborn diapers at Imagine Baby Products! I love how Imagine Baby Products is working to spread the news about how great cloth diapers are! They even have a Cloth Diaper Advocacy program where you can earn free diapers just by telling your friends about cloth! It's just a great program all around!

Buy It!
Coupon Code
Use code MOMMYFERG to get FREE shipping on your next order!
Win It!
One lucky reader will win an Imagine Baby Products One-Size AI2 cloth diaper! 
Must be 18 years of age or older to entrant. Only one entrant per household allowed. Giveaway is open to US residents only. 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Teaching the Easter Story to a Toddler

My two boys are three and one. They are young but we still pray every night before bed and teach them bible stories, and raise them by the Bible. With Easter approaching I struggled a little bit about how to share the story of how Jesus died and rose back to life in a way that Noah would understand and not be too traumatized by. As young as he is, he still loves Jesus, and wants to pray to Him, and learn about Him. So I was worried that if I told him he died, he'd be very upset and sad, even if I told him that he came back to life. I was just worried he wouldn't understand it. But at the same time I didn't want Easter to be just about Easter egg hunting, candy, and the Easter bunny for him. 

First I looked around on Pinterest for some activities we could do that would help explain to him the story a little easier. I found a few things, like these Resurrection Rolls, that I thought were great, but a lot of the activities were bunnies or eggs. So then I talked to my mom about it, and I don't know about your mom, but my mom always seems to have the right words when I need them. 

I told her why I was struggling with telling him about the story and how I wanted to be sure he understood it and she told me something very wise. She said, yes he might be sad that Jesus died, because it was a very sad thing that happened, but then you tell him that he rose from the dead three days later and he will believe. The faith of a child is amazing! They just believe! If we all had the faith of a child, oh how wonderful that would be! Hebrews 11:1 says, " Now faith is confidence of what we hope for and assurance of what we do not see."  I just needed to tell my son why we celebrate Easter and why it is such an amazing holiday! There wasn't a Pinterest board for that! Just a mommy, her son, and the Bible would do the trick!

So we sat down the other night and I told him the Easter story. Guess what? He was sad. He stared at the picture I showed him of Jesus on the cross for quite a while. But then, I told him about how he rose from the dead three days later and he was happy again! He believed! We also made those resurrection rolls and they were so cool and such a great way to explain the resurrection! I just needed to have a little faith of my own it seems! 

I'm just sharing this for anyone out there who may be struggling with how to tell your toddler the Easter story, like I was. Or for anyone who needed a little reminder that we just have to have childlike faith that our God is watching over us and will take care of us if we just believe and trust in Him. 

Earth's Best Oatmeal is New and Improved!

I love to eat oatmeal for breakfast! It's a delicious, warm, and filling meal! One of my kiddos, Isaac, loves oatmeal for breakfast too! Not only is it delicious, but it is nutritious also! It can lower the risk of high cholesterol, blood pressure, and can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes! 

Earth's Best Sesame Street Organic Yummy Tummy Oatmeal is a favorite for us! I love that is is healthy and good for my kids and so easy to make for breakfast! Noah's not a huge fan of oatmeal but Isaac gobbles it up every time I make it!

Earth's Best Organic Oatmeal is made with whole grains and has 8 vitamins and minerals! There are two different flavors, maple and brown sugar, and apple cinnamon. Both are delicious according to Isaac! Each serving of Earth's Best Oatmeal has 31 grams of whole grains! The USDA recommends that 3 of our grain servings each day are made up of whole grains, so this is a delicious way to get some of those grains! 

Now Earth's Best Organic has improved their Yummy Tummy Oatmeal and added 25% more fiber and 25% less sugar! Anything with less sugar is a good thing in my book! And even are kids need foods that are rich in fiber to aid in healthy digestion! 

I love that Earth's Best provides such a healthy, yet delicious option for breakfast!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Technical Difficulties!

I just wanted to write a quick post to let you know why I have been scarce and why I may be scarce for a few days or so. My computer has decided to not turn on for me. This is the second computer in a year that has quit working on me so I guess it is time to invest in a brand new one! I'm blogging from my tablet right now, but it's a much slower process than on a computer. Hopefully I will be back within the next few days! When I am back for good I have some fun reviews and giveaways for you! Thanks for understanding!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

EZ Squeezees Reusable Food Pouches Review & Giveaway! {3 Winners!}

My boys love the little pouches of pureed fruit and veggies that you can buy at just about any grocery store! They love any and every kind! I love the little pouches too because they are a great snack for on the go or when we are in a hurry! Plus it's a great way to get in an extra serving of fruits or veggies for the day! One thing I do not love about them is the price! Those little pouches are not cheap! I've seen them ranging from $.99 to almost $1.50 a pouch before! That adds up! Plus you just throw them away as soon as they are done with them, creating a lot of waste! When I heard about EZ Squeezees Reusable Food Pouches I was so excited! These are the same little pouches my kids love but I get to choose what goes in them and I can reuse them! It's the perfect combination! 

The EZ Squeezes are so easy to use! On the side of the pouch there is a large opening that is resealable. That is where you put your pureed fruits or veggies. To reseal it you just pinch the zipper shut like you would a zip lock bag! Then you let your kids enjoy! When they are finished, cleanup is easy too! You can open it up and run hot water through it, or you can place it in the top of your dishwasher to get it clean. The website also suggests using a bottle brush to scrub dried on food off. 

My boys and I both are enjoying the EZ Squeezees reusable food pouches! I love it because I don't have to spend a fortune on the premade ones at the store, and they love it because, since I make them, I tend to make their favorite combinations! The last time I made some for them, I made them a fruit smoothie with bananas and strawberries! They loved it! The EZ Squeezees website has a huge list of recipes you can try also! I'm planning on trying a few of these for sure, especially the veggie ones since my kids are not big fans of veggies! 

The EZ Squeezees reusable food pouches come in packs of three for just $9.99! You can also purchase a 6 pack of replacement caps for only $1.99! I think these prices are great considering you will use these over and over again! With EZ Squeezees you can save money and create less waste which is great for your wallet and your world! 

Buy It!
Win It!
Three lucky readers will each win a box of their own EZ Squeezees reusable food pouches! 
Giveaway is open to US residents only. Must be 18+ to enter. Only one entrant per household allowed. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Is Your Baby an Instagram Star?!

I love Instagram! Seriously I post more pictures on Instagram of my kids than I do on Facebook or anywhere else! I love all the cool filters and being able to add hash tags and everything about it! I also love Earth's Best products and actually follow them on Instagram! 

Earth's Best runs this cool contest on Instagram every month that gives you a chance to win big! All you have to do is take a picture of your baby eating some yummy Earth's Best organic food! So if you don't have Instagram already, be sure to download the free app! Then take an adorable picture of your little one eating some delicious Earth's Best food! Then add a cool filter to it and use the hash tag #babyfoodie in the comments! It's that simple! 

If your baby wins #babyfoodie of the month, Earth's Best will notify you from their Instagram that you are the winner! As the winner, your photo will be featured on the Earth's Best Facebook page, you will receive a two weeks supply of Earth's Best Organic products, and a free 8x8 Shutterfly photo book! 

So if you are like me, now you can use one of those hundreds of pictures you take of your kiddos, and win something with it! So what are you waiting for?! Start snapping those adorable pictures! 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Cloth For Every Bum Twitter Party! {March 26th}

Cloth for Everybum, a Cloth Diaper Charity servicing a 2 hour radius from Savannah, Georgia is sponsoring a Twitter Party and Auction! I'm so excited about this charity because I myself am located in Georgia! Cloth for Everybum is different from other Cloth Diaper Charities because they require that every mom or dad receiving a cloth diaper kit (24 diapers + accessories) attends a Cloth Diapering 101 class. This is a brilliant idea. Cloth diapers may be a foreign concept to many parents, and a simple class could "make or break" their ability to succeed with cloth diapering. In addition this class will provide an open-ended resource if there are any further problems or questions in the future. Below are some pictures of the kits that are handed out to these cloth diapering parents. Every month the first 5 people in need who QUALIFY and attend a class will receive their own kit. To date, Cloth for Everybum has handed out over 42 Cloth Diaper Kits. This means that 42 families attended a Cloth Diaper 101 class. That is great! I can tell you that I have personally had the opportunity to meet the ladies who head up Cloth for Everybum and got a glimpse into all the time and efforts that they put into what they do. I was so impressed with their enthusiasm to spread awareness about cloth diapers. c4eb2 c4eb
I love their mission statement:
"If you teach a man to fish, he will eat for a lifetime. Our mission is not simply to give free diapers to low income families, but to teach the families how to use them. Scheduled Cloth Diapering 101 classes are mandatory for all kit recipients. For recipients in the Mentoring sub-program, a mentor will be matched to the family and follow them for a period of time." c4eb1 As of 2013, Cloth for Everybum has become a lending diaper charity. This means that they will still accept used cloth diaper donations, but many of those donations will be fixed and re-sold on swap and trade pages. The funds are then funneled back into cloth kits containing 18 prefolds, 2 inserts, 3 covers, 4 pocket diapers, 12 handmade wipes, 1 wetbag, 1 salve sample, and 1 detergent sample. Cloth for Everybum purchases quality products cheaply from coops so that the money is used as wisely and as effectively as possible. The reason that the used diapers are re-sold is because a lot of the time Cloth for Everybum can get more money from selling a used higher-end diaper and double the amount of diapers they buy with that money, thus helping more families. The charity hopes that recipients will be able to use the 24 diapers provided in their kit for several months in order to save money from not buying disposable diapers. Then the family may choose to purchase their own cloth diapers of a type they prefer so they will have their own by the time they return the kit they received. Once the kits are returned, they are sanitized and and prepared for the next family in need. Cloth for Everybum will accept brand new, or excellent used condition cloth diapers and cloth diapering accessories of any kind. This can include but is not limited to:
  • All-in-Ones
  • All-in-Twos
  • Pocket diapers
  • Prefolds
  • Fitteds
  • Snappis,Pins
  • Covers
  • Wetbags
  • Cloth wipes
  • Cloth diaper safe rash cream
  • Cloth diaper safe laundry detergent
If you would like to donate either money or cloth diapers to Cloth for Everybum, please e-mail You can also send donations to: Cloth for Everybum c/o Stacy Mojica 227 Augusta Way Hinesville, GA 31313 If you are currently in need of cloth diapers and live in southeast Georgia, please fill out their Application Form to see if you qualify. There are a ton of great sponsors for this event. This event would not be possible without the help of the sponsors and the awesome ladies behind Cloth for Everybum. Here are a list of our sponsors:

Twitter Party Sponsors

BALM Baby Rockin' Green Boingo Baby Glow Bug Cloth Diapers Green Baby Goods Cloth Diaper Guru Viva Veltoro Blog Pink Lemonade Shop Nicki's Diapers Softbums Ecostore USA Kerrific Cloth Diaper Store

Auction Sponsors

TLS Creations Daddy's Diapers Origami Owl EcoBloomers Chelory Diapers Bash Baby Golden Bums Ms Amy's Music School I See France Fluff Life is Full of Blessings Children's Clothing Mary Kay Designs My Hands to Bulgaria Nati's Naturals - Items Coming Soon Amy Burdette Photography And MANY local mama's donating anything thing from sewing diapers, tutoring, music lessons, and photography sessions

Now to the Party Details:

Twitter Party

When: Tuesday March 26, 2013 Time: 9:00-10:00 PM EST How: Twitter, Tweetgrid, TweetChat, Tweetdeck, Hootsuite Hashtag: #C4EB Hosts: @MyCDSatsh @C4eb and a few co-hosts (TBD) **Remember that you must RSVP and tweet at least once with the hashtag #clothforeverybum during the specified hours and date above in order to be eligible to win. If you do not tweet, another winner will be chosen. All winners will be contacted after the party via the e-mail that was entered in the entry form below.

Auction ($1,000 in Items)

When: Starts Friday March 29th - Sunday April 1, 2013 Time: 12AM (March 29th) - 11:59PM (April 1st) How: More details coming soon!!!! a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, March 15, 2013

A Fluffy Rainbow Giveaway!

A Rainbow of Fluff

Are you ready for a super fabulous one-of-a-kind cloth diaper giveaway?!?!?

I am so excited to be participating with the  Blogging Mamas Network  who have partnered with Squishy Tushy Cloth Diaper Store and a select group of bloggers to bring you a unique giveaway event. We're going to be giving away a Starter Kit - 12 bumGenius Freetime Cloth Diapers plus EXTRAS totaling over $250 to ONE very lucky reader! Check out all that Rainbow Fluff below. One sweet baby is going to have a very colorful cloth diaper stash!
A rainbow of fluff event -prize image - bumgenius freetime

How it all works:

You'll enter the giveaway on the Rafflecopter form below like usual. The difference (and the fun part) is that each blogger participating has hidden a "Rainbow of Fluff" image with a COLOR WORD attached on 1 of 3 posts for you to find. After you find the image, you'll come back to the Rafflecopter form and enter the diaper color in the spot provided. It's super easy, fun, and we hope you'll find some awesome posts about cloth diapers while you look around each blog. You'll also find a special COUPON CODE from our generous sponsor - Squishy Tushy!
This giveaway will end at 11:59 pm EST on March 31, 2013.
It is open to US residents, 18+ only.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure:  I received no compensation for sharing this post.  The Blogging Mamas Network Hosts and Members are not responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill prize obligations.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Rockabilly Baby One-Size Hybrid Fitted Cloth Diaper Review!

The New Baby, New Fluff Giveaway Hop is currently going on right now and Rockabilly Baby is one of our awesome sponsors for this event! Bri, the creator of Rockabilly Baby, not only generously offered a custom hybrid fitted for the giveaway but sent me one to review as well! 

I received this adorable ooga booga print to review with a super bright lime green inner material! 

As you can see in the picture it is a one-size diaper with a fold-down rise for size adjustment. At about 22 pounds Isaac can wear the diaper on the largest setting and get a great fit. I'm not a huge fan of the fold-down rise on diapers because I always wonder if the snaps are poking at his belly when they aren't folded down, but they don't seem to bother him too much if they do. I just prefer the snap-down rises on diapers. It's totally just a personal preference though. 

I love how soft and squishy this diaper is! I've washed it a few times already and it is still just as soft as before I washed it. The material is very stretchy too, which I really like. I can overlap the wings on Isaac and get a great fit! Plus that means he has PLENTY of room to grown in this diaper! I don't get any belly slouch with this diaper either which is great because sometimes if there is a little give in the belly we get leaks. 

Like I said, I've only washed this a few times so far, but we've had no issues with leaks or blow outs! It seems to be really absorbent! Isaac's not a super heavy wetter but he does pee a lot and while the inside of the diaper has been really went, around the legs or on the outside stays dry! 

Overall I am loving this diaper! It fits well and works well, and it's super cute! Bri has so many cute prints to choose from you are bound to find one you like! 

Check out the Rockabilly Baby Cloth Diapers Facebook page for fabric choices and be sure to enter to win one of your own Rockabilly Baby One-Size Hybrid Fitted diapers in the New Baby, New Fluff Giveaway Hop

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Lilla Rose Flexi Clip Review and Giveaway!

So lately I've been really into trying new things with my hair. For the longest time I've just worn it down and straight or put it in a simple ponytail. But lately I've been trying to put it up in some different, more stylish ways. Which is why I was so excited when Lilla Rose Independent Consultant Laura Bradley, contacted me for a review of the Lilla Rose Flexi Clip! 

Lilla Rose was created by a man named John, who found his wife's hair accessories to be quite interesting. He then created his own hair accessories in his garage and Lilla Rose came to be! The Flexi Clip is a hair clip that can be worn in so many ways! It comes in six different sizes you can use. Which size you would need depends on what type of hair you have and what look you would like to achieve. The Flexi Clip comes in a huge variety of styles also! 

I chose the medium Scrollwork Heart Flexi Clip, as seen in the picture below. I love the design on this clip. It's just beautiful. My hair is not super thick, but not super thin either. It is just past my shoulders as well, which is why I went with the medium size. When purchasing a flexi clip it is really important to make sure you get the right size for your hair type or it won't work as well as it could. You can view a sizing video to help you choose which size it right for you on Laura's website. I really like this clip because it's so easy to use and there are so many things you can do with it! I like to use it not only to hold my hair up with alone, but also as an accessory when I have my hair in a bun or something similar! It just adds a little flair to the style I'm going for! 

Here's a few of the looks I was able to get with the Flexi Clip in my own hair!

Lilla Rose not only carries the Flexi Clip but a number of other hair products as well! They have bobby pins, hairbands, and more! All of their items are so cute and are perfect for every day use or for special occasions! The prices are really great too! 

Buy It!
Win It!
One lucky reader will win a Flexi Clip of their choice! (Up to $16)
Giveaway is open to US and Canada. Must be 18+ to enter. Only one entrant per household allowed. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Five Ways To Relieve Morning Sickness

Your so excited for the new little bundle of joy growing inside of you! You can't wait to meet him or her! You are so excited to be pregnant! Then morning sickness hits and it's not so fun anymore!

Morning sickness is a symptom of pregnancy that a lot of women get! It can consist of nausea or actual vomiting, just in the morning or all day long! I'm not pregnant myself, but I have been twice and both times morning sickness was a pretty rough symptom for me. With my first baby I vomited every day, at least once a day, the first three months of my pregnancy. I lost 11 pounds! With my second pregnancy I only vomited a few times but was nauseous all day long every day! I tried a lot of different things to relieve my morning sickness and I'm going to share with you the top five that worked the best for me!

1. Lemon - This is one that I don't see a lot of people talk about but it worked great for me when I was nauseous! I would cut up a lemon and carry a bag of it with me everywhere! Any time I started to feel nauseous I would suck on a piece of the lemon! It would take the nausea away! It was just a temporary fix until my next bout of nausea hit me, but it worked. 

2. Light meals, frequently! If I always had something in my stomach I always felt a little bit better than if my stomach was completely empty. I remember keeping a pack of saltines on my bedside table and munching on a few before I would even get out of bed so that I'd have something in my stomach when I got up. Then I would eat small meals, even if it was just some crackers and cheese, every couple of hours to keep my stomach from being empty. This helped so much with the nausea and vomiting. 

3. Hard Candy- Another temporary fix is hard candy. Some mamas prefer peppermint, but I liked to suck on Jolly Ranchers. I don't know how it helped but sucking on some hard candy always helped with the nausea. I would have hard candy with me wherever I went so if I was out and started to feel nauseous I would just pop a Jolly Rancher in my mouth and would start to feel better. 

4. Acupressure wristbands- These nifty little bands are awesome! They go on your wrists and put pressure on your pressure point right between your hand and your arm. Acupressure relieves nausea and believe it or not it really works! I bought a pair of Sea-Bands at Walgreens when I was about 6 weeks pregnant and wore them probably throughout my entire first trimester! I would wear them all day long and they helped tremendously! Here I am at about 8 weeks pregnant and you can see I'm wearing the Sea-Bands in this picture!
 5. Ginger- This one was not one of my favorites because I'm not a huge fan of ginger but it did help. Sipping on some ginger-ale or ginger tea can help with the nausea. I usually only drank some ginger-ale when I was at home and feeling awful, but it did help. 

If you are pregnant and suffering from morning sickness I urge you to give some of these a try. Hopefully one will relieve some of that awful nausea and vomiting. If you are still unable to find any relief and are not able to keep anything down, I definitely suggest talking to your doctor. There are medications out there that can relieve your morning sickness also, and are safe to you and baby. Also, try not to get too discouraged. I remember feeling so discouraged because I was so sick every day, especially with my first pregnancy. But the great thing about it is that it will pass and soon you will be holding your precious baby in your arms and you will barely remember the miserable morning sickness! 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Live Clean Diaper Ointment Review!

I love using my cloth diapers full time, and I love using a good cloth diaper safe rash cream or ointment when Isaac's bum gets a little red, but sometimes when it gets really red or broken out I like to use disposables and use the stuff that isn't so great for cloth diapers because it creates a good barrier between Isaac's skin and the diaper while he's healing. But these other diaper rash creams don't always have the best ingredients and aren't always the greatest for the environment. But Live Clean Diaper Ointment is made with natural ingredients that are better for baby and for the environment! 

Live Clean Diaper Ointment is made from 100% natural ingredients, 80% of that is plant ingredients. It is hypoallergenic and pediatrician tested. It's ingredients include zinc oxide that soothe the skin a provide a protective barrier between baby and the diaper. This keeps any moisture away from your baby's bum while it is healing. 

I've used Live Clean Diaper Ointment on Isaac quite a few times now. I don't use it with my cloth diapers because I just don't know how my diapers will react to it. But it works great with disposable diapers. If Isaac is getting red or has a rash I usually just put him in a disposable overnight and rub some of this diaper ointment on him. Almost every time the rash or redness is gone by morning. I really like that this diaper ointment is as strong and effective as other well known diaper creams but not harmful to my baby or to the environment in any way. That's always a plus in my book! Plus you never need to use a lot for it to work so a tube will last a long time! 

Overall I really like Live Clean Diaper Ointment. Live Clean also has a number of other products for baby such as tearless shampoo and moisturizing baby lotion!

Buy It!
You can purchase Live Clean products at your local Walgreens and at!

Friday, March 8, 2013

I Received a Special Visit from the Fairy Hobmother!

I'm so excited! I've seen other bloggers write about the Fairy Hobmother before and how he gave them a visit and shared a special gift with them! I'll admit I was a bit skeptical at first, but now I am a true believer because he has visited me! 

The Fairy Hobmother is real and he loves to spread cheer throughout the blogosphere to hard working bloggers! I am so thrilled that he has visited me! He has definitely sent some joy and cheer my way! 

If you'd like a visit from the Fairy Hobmother be sure to leave a comment below with your blog link and maybe he'll visit your blog next! Good luck! 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

New Baby, New Fluff Giveaway Hop! #NewFluff

Welcome to the New Baby, New Fluff Giveaway Hop hosted by Coping with Frugality and Eco Baby Mama DramaEveryone loves a new baby AND new fluff! In celebration of Amanda's (from Coping with Frugality) new baby boy we are all excited to be bringing you fluffy prize packages each with a value of at least $25! 

Make sure you enter to win the fluffy Grand Prize valued at over $125!! Then hop to all the other blogs listed on the linky below and enter to win their cloth diapering prizes! Good Luck!

Here at The Not-So-Secret Confessions I have a great prize package for you valued at just under $54! My sponsors are KungPoo Diapers, Cloth Baby LLC, and Rockabilly Baby Cloth Diapers!
The Prize Package includes: 

-One KungPoo One-Size Pocket Diaper in winner's choice of color!
- One $15 Gift Certificate to Cloth Baby LLC!
-One Custom One-Size Hybrid Fitted Diaper from Rockabilly Baby Cloth Diapers!

All you have to do to enter to win is fill out the Rafflecopter form below! Must be 18+ to enter. Only one entrant per household allowed. The winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter and emailed. The winner will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen. Giveaway is open to US residents only!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Rockabilly Baby Sponsor Spotlight!

I'm excited to share another sponsor for the New Baby, New Fluff event with you! Rockabilly Baby Cloth Diapers was created by a work-at-home mom! She creates adorable hybrid fitted diapers in newborn size and one-size. Read a bit about her below!

My name is Bri, I'm the mama behind Rockabilly Baby Cloth Diapers. I am a work at home mama of two sweet boys, B-4 years and A-15 months. I was a long time work out of home mom until the economy in our area started collapsing, I took my love of cloth diapers and frustration of ill fitting or hard to get diapers into making and selling my own diapers to bring in some extra income instead of being away from my kids every night. I now get to create gorgeous diapers and tuck my kids into bed every night and it is seriously the greatest job ever!! I am currently a one woman show, I do everything from choosing fabrics, sewing, snapping, shipping, customer service!

I will be reviewing one of these adorable diapers very soon so be on the lookout for the review! 

Be sure to check out the Rockabilly Baby Cloth Diapers Facebook page for fabric choices and great deals! 

Which fabric would you choose if you won a diaper from Rockabilly Baby Cloth Diapers?

Rockabilly Baby is sponsoring the New Baby, New Fluff event by giving away a One-Size Hybrid Fitted Custom Diaper! 

Cloth Baby LLC. and Kawaii One-Size Pocket Diaper Review/Sponsor Spotlight!

I'm so excited to announce another sponsor for the New Baby, New Fluff event, starting tomorrow! The sponsor, Cloth Baby LLC, has a variety of different cloth diapers and diapering accessories for you to choose from! 

Cloth Baby LLC is a company based in Louisiana. The owner is a mom name Okiema who is passionate about living a greener life by using cloth diapers. Cloth Baby LLC has a variety of brands to choose from such as Kawaii, Tiny Tush, Rumparooz and more!

Okiema sent me a Kawaii Dual Closure One-Size Pocket Diaper to review! I have never seen one of these diapers before! I was very excited to give it a try! Check out my very first video review of this diaper below! 

I really like the Kawaii Dual Closure diaper. I'm not usually a fan of aplix diapers but the aplix on this diaper holds up really well and sticks to the laundry tabs well so it doesn't stick to everything else when I wash it. We haven't had any leaks or blowouts in this diaper and with the dual closure feature I know this will fit Isaac until he potty trains! Here's an action shot of Isaac wearing the diaper!

What do you think of the dual closure feature? Are you usually a fan of aplix or snaps?

Buy It!
Win It!
Cloth Baby LLC is sponsoring the New Baby, New Fluff giveaway hop by giving away a $15 Gift Certificate to their shop! The Giveaway starts tomorrow, March 6th!

Monday, March 4, 2013

KungPoo Diapers Review/Sponsor Spotlight!

I am excited to share with you the first sponsor for the New Baby, New Fluff event starting this Wednesday! They are Kung Poo Diapers and they are kicking the poo out of landfill waste, spending money on disposables, and leaky diapers! 

Kung Poo diapers is located in California and is dedicated to helping parents save money and the environment! They have an awesome variety of "belt" colors for their one-size cloth diapers for your little warriors! I was given the opportunity to review a Black Belt one-size pocket diaper and we are loving it! 

The Kung Poo one-size diaper is made with snap down rows so it will fit most babies from birth to potty training. Isaac is about 22 pounds right now and it fits him best on the largest setting. The wings are still the tightest they will go though, so he still has some room for growing in this diaper. The diaper is made with a PUL exterior and a soft microsuede inner. The diaper pocket has openings on both ends. This is great because it means no pulling out a nasty insert when washing the diaper. The insert will agitate out of the pocket itself in the wash. I really like this feature. All of my other pockets I have to pull the insert out, and while this is not a huge deal, it's just nice not to have to touch another nasty insert. 
The insert is a microfiber insert and has proven to be really absorbent and hold up really well. I've taken Isaac out and about with this diaper on and he's napped with the diaper on and we haven't had any leaks or blowouts thus far. 

I am overall very pleased with this diaper! It fits great and works great as well! At a price of just $9.95 a diaper you are getting a great deal! You can also purchase in bundles of 12 and 24 for a great starter stash! I am so excited to have Kung Poo diapers as a sponsor for the New Baby, New Fluff giveaway hop!

Buy It!
Win It!
One lucky reader will win a KungPoo One-Size Pocket Diaper in the New Baby, New Fluff giveaway hop starting this Wednesday, March 6!

What color "belt" would you choose if you won?

Friday, March 1, 2013

Great News!

If you didn't read my last post on Isaac HERE  I'll catch you up a little bit. I took Isaac for his well checkup and we discovered he had a hernia. The doctor told us he would need surgery to have it repaired and referred us to a specialist. 

Yesterday we went to see the specialist. He was a pediatric urologist. It was a very quick visit with great results! I am happy to share that Isaac does NOT have a hernia and does NOT need surgery! He has the same thing that Noah has, which is a hydrocele, and it does not need to be repaired by surgery! The doctor informed us that if it gets a lot bigger or becomes very uncomfortable for him in the future then we would need to come back but he also informed us that it may very well repair itself and go away on its own!

This is such an answer to prayer for me and I can't do anything but give God all the glory! I was so stressed out about this but God has gone above and beyond what I had expected and now my baby doesn't need any kind of procedure or surgery! It's such a great relief! 

And just because he's so cute, here's a picture of my cute little man!
