Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fall In Love With Fluff Cloth Diaper Giveaway Event!

Fall In Love With Fluff - Valentine's Day Cloth Diaper Giveaway Event
Are you ready to fall in love with fluff
and win $500 of cloth diapers and accessories?!
Welcome to the Fall In Love With Fluff Giveaway Event presented by Daily Mothering and Eco-Crazy Mom! Over 100 blogs are coming together to celebrate our love for fluff with this awesome Valentine’s Day giveaway! We are giving away a Cloth Diaper Prize Pack valued at $500 to one lucky winner!!
Fall In Love With Fluff is sponsored by Sandbox Lane and Kissed By The Moon!

Sandbox Lane
Sandbox Lane is your one stop shop for affordable & stylish eco-friendly baby products! This family-owned business is known and loved for their great selection of affordable cloth diapers and cloth diaper accessories in a wide variety of styles and brands. They also carry a variety of stylish baby clothing and accessories, breastfeeding supplies, mama cloth, eco-friendly laundry products, swaddle blankets, toys and other earth friendly products to help get your little one off to a great start. Be sure to check out the Sandbox Lane Blog, and follow them via Facebook, Twitter, and Newsletter for information on sales, events, new products & more! Free shipping is offered on all purchases over $30, and all orders under $30 ship for just $3. *Shipping is only offered within the US and Canada at this time.

Sandbox Lane is offering a special 10% off coupon code for giveaway participants during this event! Use code Fluffylove10off at checkout to receive your discount! Excludes Bumgenius, Grovia, Flip, and Econobum.
Prizes Sponsored by Sandbox Lane:
BumGenius Freetime One-Size AIO Diaper
(Snap closure, winner's choice of Print/Color)
BumGenius 4.0 One-Size Pocket Diaper
(Snap closure, Winner's choice of Print/Color)
Flip One-Size Cover & Stay-Dry Insert
(Snap closure, Winner's choice of Color)
Econobum Trial Pack: 1 One-Size Cover and 3 Prefolds
(Winner's choice of Color)
Fuzzibunz Elite One-Size Pocket Diaper
(Winner's choice of Color)
Charlie Banana One-Size Pocket Print Diaper
(Winner's choice of Print)
GroVia One-Size AIO Diaper
Sweet Pea One-Size Pocket Diaper
(Winner's choice of Color)
ones & twos One-Size AIO Diaper
(Winner's choice of Color)
Incredibum Bamboo One-Size Pocket Diaper
(Winner's choice of Color)
Incredibum Small Wetbag
(Winner's choice of Color)
Rockin' Green Hard Rock 2.0 Detergent
(45/90 Loads)
Rockin' Green Funk Rock
(9 oz.)
Incredibum Bamboo Wipes
(2 packs - 8 wipes total)
Sweet Pea Cotton Velour Wipes
(2 packs - 10 wipes total)
BabyLegs Leg Warmers

Kissed By The Moon
Kissed By The Moon was created out of a passion for cloth diapering and eco-friendly living. This mama-owned shop is a favorite of many, well known for their cloth diaper rental packages, kissed cash rewards program, user-friendly gift registry and awesome weekly specials. They offer a wide variety of new and pre-loved cloth diapers, cloth diaper accessories, laundry solutions and everything needed to make your cloth diapering experience a success! Be sure to sign up for the Kissed By The Moon Newsletter and follow on Facebook and Twitter to be the first to know about sales, promotions, giveaways, and upcoming events. Shipping is always free for orders over $25 (US Only), and international shipping is available!

Kissed By The Moon is offering a special 10% off coupon code for giveaway participants during this event! Use code LOVEFLUFF at checkout to receive your discount on orders over $25! Excludes sale items, GroVia, Flip, and Bumgenius.
Prizes Sponsored by Kissed By The Moon:
Oh Katy One-Size Pocket Diaper
(Winner's choice of Color)
Rumparooz One-Size Pocket Print Diaper
(Winner's choice of Print and Closure)
Bummis Tot Bot Easy Fit One-Size AIO Diaper
(Winner's choice of Color/Print)
Green Line One-Size Cover
(Winner's choice of Print)
Green Line Soaker
SoftBums Omni One-Size AI2/Pocket Diaper
(Aplix, Winner's choice of Color/Print)
SoftBums Snap-In Pod
itti bitti tutto One-Size AI2 Diaper
(Winner's choice of Color/Print)
Swaddlebees Simplex One-Size AIO Diaper
(Winner's choice of Color/Print)
Planet Wise Flannel Wipes
(Set of 10, winner's choice of Color)
Leslie's Boutique Pail Liner
(Winner's choice of Color/Print)
Rumparooz Print Wet Bag
(Winner's choice of Print)
Changing Diapers: The Hip Mom's Guide to Modern Cloth Diapering
(by Kelly Wels)
THiRSTiES Booty Luster
(4 oz.)
2 CJ’s BUTTer Samples
(1/2 oz. each)

And now for the giveaway!

ONE WINNER will receive this ENTIRE prize pack:
(most colors/prints will be winner's choice as listed above)
Fall In Love With Fluff $500 Cloth Diaper Prize Pack
This giveaway ends at 11:59 EST on February 7th, 2011.
Use the Rafflecopter form below to enter.
If you have not yet signed in to the new Rafflecopter forms, use either your Facebook account OR your name and email address to sign in. Click "Do It" for instructions on how to complete each entry. There is no mandatory entry.
The more entries you submit, the better odds you have of winning!
This giveaway is open to U.S. and Canada* contestants only.
*If a Canada winner is drawn, some prizes will be substituted with other products
or store credit of retailer's choice due to shipping restrictions on certain brands.

Jack Be Natural Review & Giveaway! {New Year, New Babies, New Mommies of 2!}

Today I want to tell you about another one of my favorite cloth diaper stores- Jack Be Natural

Jack Be Natural was created by a mom, Stacy, in 2010 after she was fed up with disposables and all the chemicals that were in them. Like many moms, she had been discouraged by friends and family when it came to using cloth diapers. But after she found out what was really in disposable diapers she switched to cloth right away and created Jack Be Natural.  Jack Be Natural not only sells cloth diapers but they work to educate moms on cloth diapers so they can find out for themselves the many benefits of cloth! 

Jack Be Natural sells cloth diapers but also natural detergents and lotions, natural toys, and even natural bedding!

I love Jack Be Natural! They have free shipping to the United States, including Hawaii and Alaska! They also ship super fast! I purchased some diapers from Jack Be Natural when I was cloth diapering Noah and I always loved how quickly I got my diapers! I purchased a diaper from them when I was pregnant with Isaac and received the diaper super fast once again! I received a GroVia newborn AIO to review from Jack Be Natural and once again..super fast shipping!  Jack Be Natural also has a rewards program! For every $15 you spend you get $1 in rewards that is credited to your account. So next time you make a purchase that credit is used toward your purchase! How cool is that?! 

Check out my GroVia Newborn AIO review HERE!

My not so happy little guy in his owl print GroVia Newborn All-in-One from Jack Be Natural!

Overall, Jack Be Natural is a great resource for cloth diapers and all things Natural! Not only can you purchase products like cloth diapers, natural detergents and lotions, and even shampoos and soaps for yourself and your baby, but you can also learn about the benefits of cloth diapering and other natural products with Jack Be Natural!

Buy It!
Win It!
One lucky reader will win a GroVia Newborn All-In-One in their choice of color/print from Jack Be Natural!
Be sure to visit So Easy Being Green today to enter to win a Tiny Tush Elite Mini Pocket Diaper!

Monday, January 30, 2012

My New Life as a Mommy of 2!

I knew life would change when our second child arrived, but I didn't realize how much! While things are very much the same, things are very different now also! A good different though! I'm stretched a little bit thinner than I was, and I don't get near as much sleep as before, but I have two adorable boys who love me and love each other and make me smile on a daily basis!

I really love the age difference they are now and I'm sure I'll love it even more later. Noah is old enough to be fairly independent and knows what I'm talking about when I explain to him that babies cry and Isaac needs help getting dressed, etc. but he's still young enough to want snuggles with mommy and need me to chase away the monsters in his closet. 

Isaac is such a good baby. He's such a snuggle bug! He only cries when he's hungry or his belly hurts, and he sleeps so well already! At 10 weeks old he is sleeping 7-8 hours almost every night! Naps are a bit of a challenge sometimes but he usually does well with those too. He is a very smiley and happy baby most of the time and for that I am so thankful! 

Splitting time between the two can be a challenge sometimes, especially when Brian is working and I'm all by myself. Sometimes one of them has to wait for a minute while I get the other food or change a diaper or something. Usually Noah is pretty good about waiting while I'm doing something for Isaac. When Isaac is napping sometimes I have to let the housework go so I can spend quality time with Noah. Sometimes that's hard because I think about all the things I need to get done like dishes and laundry, but quality time with my little guy is more important. 

So yes, there are some challenges to being a new mommy of 2, but just like being a mother or one or ten, there are so many rewards as well!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Mom Blog Monday Blog Hop! {FACEBOOK!}

Are you a Mommy blogger?
Do you blog about your kids?
Do you blog about great things for Mommies?
Do you wanna meet other Mom Bloggers?
So Easy Being Green
With the announcement that Google will soon be pulling the plug on GFC, Mom Blog Monday is beginning to evolve! We will be rotating Social Media Outlets each week, featuring different ways to follow some of your favorite {and new} Mommy Blogs!
The rotation will follow this sequence: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, RSS/Email
All we ask is that you follow the 3 Co-Hosts: The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom, Luxury Living Frugal Style, and So Easy Being Green… the first three blogs on the linky! Then follow Spot #4 which is the featured blog of the week!
We would LOVE it if you’d grab our button and put it somewhere on your blog or in a blog post! This would help us spread the word. However, you aren’t required to. Please be sure to link up to the correct Social Media of the Week and leave us a comment so we can follow you back!

This week’s Featured Media is Facebook!

This week's featured blogger is…

Fuzzibunz One Size Cloth Diaper Review! {New Year, New Babies, New Mommies of 2!}

Today I want to tell you about one of my favorite types of cloth diapers! I loved it when I cloth diapered Noah and I love it even more now that I’m using cloth on Isaac! I am talking about the Fuzzibunz one-sized pocket diaper! Why do I love it even more now you ask? Because this is the first one-size diaper I was able to use on Isaac! Even when he was under 10 pounds! 

The Fuzzibunz One-Size cloth diaper fits approximately 7-35 pounds. It is a bit different than most one-size diapers in that it uses buttons to adjust the waist and thigh area. Since the diaper is so adjustable it is easy to get a perfect, snug fit for your baby’s unique shape!

Like I said, this is the first one size diaper I was able to get on Isaac. A lot of the other one-size diapers I have are just now fitting him well at their smallest setting. The Fuzzibunz one-size I was able to get a good fit on him at about 3 weeks old! That just added to my love for Fuzzibunz cloth diapers! I have always loved my Fuzzibunz because they are such well made diapers. They are made with a PUL outer layer and a soft microfleece inner layer, and I’m talking soft! They come with two microfiber inserts that are super absorbent! I don’t think I’ve ever had a leak with a Fuzzibunz diaper on Noah or Isaac! Another thing I love about the Fuzzibunz one-size diaper is how durable it is! ALL of my Fuzzibunz one-size diapers I used the 17 months I cloth diapered Noah and are still in great condition now that I’m using them on Isaac! What’s great is the one-size diapers come with extra elastic just in case the elastic does get a little worn and needs to be replaced. But to be honest, I haven’t even had to replace the elastic on any of mine!

A lot of mamas wait to use cloth diapers until baby can fit in to one-size diapers because they don’t want to worry about newborn diapering. My suggestion to you if you are one of these mamas  is to get some Fuzzibunz one-size cloth diapers! You’ll be able to put your little one in cloth sooner and start saving money and helping the environment sooner too! 

(This is not a sponsored post)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Guest Post- Preparing an Older Child for a New Sibling! {New Year, New Babies, New Mommies of 2}

Hi everyone I'm Darlene from http://youngmammatales.blogspot.com  I'm so excited to be here today! I'm going to share with you guys today a little bit about preparing for baby number two!

Everyone says your older child is in for a big change when number 2 comes along, and for us I think that will be even more so the case when baby girl comes along at the end of April. By then, our son Jasper will have had almost FIVE years being an only child. Almost five years of staying home with me every day, never having to share me, his dad, our attention, his personal space or toys. When grandparents come to visit, it's just to see him and he knows it. He was the first grand child on both sides, and has been spoiled from day one.
 Soon he will have another person here that he has to share his mom and dad with, and since he is old enough to know and remember how things used to be, I'm imagining this change will be much more difficult than if we would have given him a sibling while he was just one or even 2.

We want to make the transition as smooth for him as possible and we are doing everything we can do help him prepare. How could we not? His life is about to be completely turned upside down!

I've read books, blogs and online magazine articles and talked to parents with multiple children to try to figure out what will work best for our family, since every child and every situation is different.

Here's what we have come up with.

1. Since he will be sharing a room with his sister (around 5-6 months when we transition her in there) we   have already bought her crib, and as soon as we get back from Christmas we will put the crib in there and start preparing him for the invasion of his space. We think it will be better to do this before she gets here, to give him more time to get used to the idea.

2. Involve Jasper with as much baby stuff as possible. So far he has been to both ultrasounds, and that really got him excited and made it more real. We had a 4D ultrasound and they gave us a DVD to take home and he always asks to put the movie in to watch the baby.

3. Get him involved in the shopping- so far he loves picking out baby outfits to buy- we think this gets him excited about it instead of feeling left out and that shes the only one that is getting new things, now he actually gets excited and has even bought an outfit with His money!

4. Get some big brother books- he loves having us read to him, so I think he will love this.

5. Get him around some babies! We are heading back to Iowa for 2 weeks of Christmas fun and I have a brand new baby niece and two friends who just had babies so getting him around babies will help him visualize what is coming in April!

6. Talk (a LOT) about how important big brothers are. We have already started this and he already realized what an important part of her life he is going to play. I think we will come up with a few special big brother jobs- he is always such a great helper and it makes him feel important so he needs to have some big brother jobs to concentrate on!

7.After baby gets here, we plan on having separate Mommy Jasper, and Daddy Jasper dates. We do those now, and it's something fun and special, and I don't want that to stop when she gets here. They will be pretty short in the beginning, like going down the street just the 2 of us for ice cream when I'm able to leave her for a little while, but continuing this special ritual is very important to me. I grew up in a family with 5 kids and my parents would make the time to take us out one on one and it was always So special to have mom or dad to ourselves! And hopefully this will make him feel like he isn't being replaced at all.

Anyone else have any great tips to getting the older child to adept to a new addition? I know it won't be easy, but hopefully these steps will at least help prepare all of us for the changes that are going to come this spring!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Bummis Easy Fit Diaper Review & Giveaway! {New Year, New Babies, New Mommies of 2!}

Bummis diapers are another brand of diapers I had always heard great things about but never actually tried myself. I always preferred pockets over all-in-ones and snaps over Velcro so I just wasn’t sure if I was going to like Bummis diapers. But when I was pregnant with Isaac I decided this was another diaper I really wanted to try.

I received the Bummis Easy Fit diaper in chocolate (brown). The Easy Fit fits approximately 8 to 35 pounds. You could consider the Easy Fit an all-in-one but it works like a pocket diaper really. The insert is just attached to the diaper. But you have the choice of stuffing it in the pocket or laying it over the top. The connected insert is made of two layers- rayon from bamboo and polyester microfiber. The rayon from bamboo absorbs moisture 70% quicker than cotton. The rayon from bamboo is also super soft against baby’s skin!

Here’s a great video to show you how the Bummis Easy Fit works!

I am happy to say Bummis Easy Fit diapers are one of my favorite diapers now! I really like that the insert is attached yet I can still fold and stuff it to my particular needs. I absolutely love the fit on Isaac! I honestly think I get the best fit from the Bummis Easy Fit than any other diaper I have!  It fits perfectly around his chunky belly without giving him any red marks or rubbing him and the legs are just tight enough that nothing leaks out but it’s not super tight around his legs leaving little red marks. I have never been a big fan of Velcro but the Velcro on the Bummis Easy Fit makes me reconsider! It holds great! It hasn’t gotten pilly at all and it doesn’t stick to all my other diapers in the wash!

My Bummis Easy fit is seriously the first diaper I grab every time now! I just love how it’s built like a pocket but really an all-in-one! I love the fit on my chunky boy! And I love how absorbent and well made it is! 

Buy It!
Win It!
One lucky reader will win one Bummis Easy Fit diaper in their choice of color! 
Be sure to visit So Easy Being Green for a chance to win an Applecheeks cloth diaper! 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Applecheeks Little Bundle Cloth Diaper Review & Giveaway! {New Year, New Babies, New Mommies of 2!}

One cloth diaper I never tried when Noah was in diapers was the Applecheeks Two-Size Diapering System. I always really wanted to but never had a chance before he potty trained. So when I was pregnant with Isaac I knew I wanted to give Applecheeks a try!

I received the Applecheeks size 1 little bundle to review in Little Echo(black). The size 1 fits baby’s weighing approximately 7 to 20 pounds. The little bundle comes with an envelope cover and a one-size rayon from bamboo insert. The envelope cover is made from an outer layer of PUL with a soft inner layer of microfleece. It has two rows of snaps with soft elastic for a snug fit around the legs and waist. It has a wide envelope opening for easy stuffing and there is no need to unstuff it; the insert comes out in the wash! The insert is made from 70% rayon from bamboo and 30% organic cotton fleece. It is 12”x15” and folds into thirds to give six layers of absorbency!
I was so excited to receive the Applecheeks little bundle. I had never seen a diaper insert like the rayon bamboo insert. Rayon from bamboo is twice as absorbent as cotton and I could tell just from feeling the insert. I love that the website has lots of tutorials and videos. After washing the diaper I was very excited to give it a try on Isaac.  The envelope cover is so nice and soft and it was pretty easy for me to get a good fit on Isaac. The insert really is super absorbent! We never have any poopy blowouts or leaks! As Isaac grows the diaper does seem a bit tight around his big belly so he will probably move up to size 2 sooner rather than later. He’s my big chunky monkey though so I’m not too surprised. I have no experience with size 2 but I think with a skinny baby or even a chubbier baby the Applecheeks diapering system would truly last from infant to toddler!

I really love the Applecheeks little bundle size one diaper! It’s soft, absorbent, and easy to use. They are unique and a bit different from most cloth diapers, but work so well! The price is a little higher than I like to pay for cloth diapers, but the quality of the diaper is well worth the money, in my opinion. I also love that there are so many great colors to choose from! Overall, the Applecheeks Little Bundle is a diaper that works great! 

Buy It!
Win It!
One lucky reader will win an Applecheeks Little Bundle in their choice of color, size, and insert! 
Be sure to visit So Easy Being Green for a chance to win breastfeeding accessories from Pumpease!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Abby's Lane/Kissaluvs Fitted Diaper Review & Giveaway! {New Year, New Babies, New Mommies of 2!}

Abby’s Lane is one of my favorite cloth diaper retailers to shop at! With their free shipping, freebies for spending a certain amount, giveaways, and reward points they are one of my go-to stores for all my cloth diapering needs! I received a Kissaluvsfitted diaper from Abby’s Lane to review, and like always it shipped to me super quick!  One of my favorite things about Abby’s Lane is their shipping! Most of the time they ship my order the same day I place the order and it always gets to me super fast!

I received the Kissaluvs fitted diaper in lime green in a size zero for Isaac. The size zero fits approximately 5-15 pounds. They have soft elastic to keep any messes in and are made with super absorbent materials!
Kissaluvs Fitted without Cover

I was able to use the Kissaluvs fitted diaper on Isaac right away! He fit in it well at almost 7lbs and about one week old. I like how soft they feel. Nothing scratchy or itchy to bother my little man. When I first tried it he was still pooping every diaper change and the diaper held up well, without any leaks or blowouts. It wasn’t too bulky either even with a cover!  The price is pretty comparable to other newborn diapers at $13.95 a diaper. At Abby’s Lane though, the more you buy the cheaper they are!
Kissaluvs Fitted with Thirsties Cover.

Overall I think the Kissaluvs fitted is a great diaper! They fit my newborn very well and did a great job at containing mess! And I can’t say enough great things about Abby’s Lane! They have tons of cloth diapers, cloth diaper accessories, and mom and baby products to choose from! With free, super fast shipping, and even a rewards program, they can’t be beat! 

Buy It!
Win It!
One lucky reader will win a HUGE cloth diaper prize package from Abby's Lane!
(This is a joint giveaway between Lindsey and I! Please only enter once! Any duplicate entries will be deleted!)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sneak Peek: Fall in Love with Fluff- $500 Cloth Diaper Giveaway!

I know we are right in the middle of the New Year, New Babies, New Mommies of 2 event but I wanted to let you know of anther event I am participating in right after this event, starting February1!! Here's a sneak peek! 

Fall In Love With Fluff - Valentine's Day Cloth Diaper Giveaway Event
Do you want to win $500 of Cloth Diapers and Accessories?!
The Fall In Love With Fluff Giveaway Event hosted by Daily Mothering and Eco-Crazy Mom is right around the corner! Over 100 blogs are coming together to present this awesome Valentine's Day giveaway from February 1-7, 2012. We will be giving away a Cloth Diaper Prize Pack valued at $500 to one lucky winner!!

This giveaway event is generously sponsored by
Kissed By The Moon and Sandbox Lane,
two super awesome cloth diaper retailers!

Come back February 1-7 to enter this amazing giveaway!

This giveaway will be open to both US and Canada.
Some items will be substituted if a Canada winner is drawn
due to shipping restrictions on certain brands.
For now, here is a sneak peek at what you could WIN!
(Winner will get to choose colors/prints for most items!)
Fall In Love With Fluff $500 Cloth Diaper Prize Pack

Smartipants One Size Pocket Diaper Review & Giveaway! {New Year, New Babies, New Mommies of 2!}

One-size pocket diapers have always been my diaper of choice, but I was a little bit unsure of how they would work on an itty bitty baby. Were they truly one-size? I knew they truly did fit until potty training since I used them on Noah until he potty trained, but I wasn’t sure if they worked right at the beginning from birth. So when I was given the opportunity to review a Smartipants One Size Pocket Diaper, I was excited to put these questions I had to the test!

Smartipants One-Size Pocket Diapers fit babies 7-35lbs and are designed to grow with your baby. With adjustable snaps this makes it possible.  It comes with an absorbent insert that fits snuggly into the pocket. You don’t even have to pull it out after the diaper has been soiled, because it comes out in the wash! The diapers are free of any chemicals or irritants and breathable to keep away diaper rash!

I love how Smartipants one-size diapers are made. I love that the insert comes out in the wash so I don’t have to get my hands all yucky trying to pull the insert out, like most pocket diapers. I love the gentle elastic on the legs so they don’t leave red marks on my baby, yet they still keep messes in and provide a snug fit! I love all the bright colors the one-size diaper comes in! I just love them! But do they work on my newborn??

The answer is yes! Granted I didn’t try it on him right away, but once he hit about 7lbs I gave it a shot! It was a little bulky, but that’s expected of a one-size diaper on an itty bitty! But it did the job, and well! It fits a lot better now, with Isaac at 2 months and 12lbs, but when they say 7lbs and up, they really mean it! We’ve only had one leak with the Smartipants one-size diaper and that was during a nap. But all other times, even when he’s napped, we are leak-free! And no poop blow outs either! The insert is super absorbent and really holds up to newborn poop explosions!

Smartipants One-Size Pocket Diapers are truly that, one-size! They fit newborns up to toddlers and are a great diaper to use on your baby all the way until he/she is potty trained! At only $14.95 a diaper and bundle packages available I believe the Smartipants One-Size Pocket Diaper is a great diaper to add to your stash! 

Buy It!
Win It!
One lucky reader will win a Smartipants One-Size diaper of their own! 
Be sure to visit So Easy Being Green today for a chance to win a gift card from Three Happy Trees! 

Monday, January 23, 2012

Safety 1st Sink Snuggler Review & Giveaway! {New Year, New Babies, New Mommies of 2!}

Bathing a baby is not a very easy task! Especially when baby is teeny tiny and slippery and wiggly! It can be a nerve wracking task for any parent! The Safety 1st Sink Snuggler makes bathing your baby a little bit easier by providing an alternative to the typical infant bathtub!
The Safety 1stSink Snuggler is designed to fit in your kitchen sink for easy bathing and ideal comfort for your baby! It is made of all foam so it contours to your kitchen sink perfectly. It adjusts with Velcro to fit different size sinks. When you’re done bathing the baby it lays out flat for easy drying.

I think the Safety 1st Sink Snuggler is a great idea! It makes bathing your baby much easier because you aren’t bending over the tub trying to wash your slippery baby. When Isaac and Noah take a bath together in the tub I always have to bend over to wash Isaac and keep my hands on him so he doesn’t slip and by the time bath time is over my back is killing me! When I bathe Isaac alone in the Sink Snuggler my back doesn’t hurt and all because I can bathe him right at my level. It’s also easier to keep hold of him while washing him at the same time.
We have a double kitchen sink so Isaac wasn’t able to lay out in the sink snuggler as much. And since he can’t sit up on his own yet, I had to somewhat support him. I think it would work great if we had a single kitchen sink! It would work just like a bath tub! And once Isaac can sit up it will be even easier, even with the double sink! And I absolutely love that it hangs up flat to dry!
The Safety 1st Sink Snuggler Baby Bather is a great product for bathing your baby! It makes it possible to bathe baby at your level, making it easier and less nerve wracking! It works for infants and toddlers! I think it is ideal for single kitchen sinks, but also works if you have a double kitchen sink. If you get nervous about bathing your baby in the tub, or need something to prevent back pain, the Sink Snuggler is a great alternative to the typical baby bath tub! 

Buy It!

Win It!
One lucky reader will win a Sink Snuggler of their own! 
(This is a joint giveaway between Lindsey and I. Please only enter once! Duplicate entries will be deleted!) 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Mom Blog Monday Blog Hop! {RSS/Email}

Are you a Mommy blogger?
Do you blog about your kids?
Do you blog about great things for Mommies?
Do you wanna meet other Mom Bloggers?
So Easy Being Green


With the announcement that Google will soon be pulling the plug on GFC, Mom Blog Monday is beginning to evolve! We will be rotating Social Media Outlets each week, featuring different ways to follow some of your favorite {and new} Mommy Blogs!

The rotation will follow this sequence: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, RSS/Email
All we ask is that you follow the 3 Co-Hosts: The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time MomLuxury Living Frugal Style, and So Easy Being Green… the first three blogs on the linky!

We would LOVE it if you’d grab our button and put it somewhere on your blog or in a blog post! This would help us spread the word. However, you aren’t required to. Please be sure to link up to the correct Social Media of the Week and leave us a comment so we can follow you back!


Please subscribe to each blog via RSS or EMAIL, NOT Google Friend Connect! 

Baby K'Tan Review and Giveaway! {New Year, New Babies, New Mommies of 2!}

I purchased the Baby K’Tan baby carrier when Noah was just an infant. It was my first experience baby wearing. I knew absolutely nothing about it but knew I needed to get some things done and Noah wanted nothing more than to be held all the time!  The Baby K’tan carrier is like a wrap but without all the wrapping. It’s like a ready-to-wear wrap, which was perfect for me because I was clueless when it came to baby wearing.

Baby K’Tan was started by two couples, the Chesals and the Wernicks,  who were close friends and each has a child with special needs as well as two other children. Not finding the specific type carrier or sling they wanted to use to carry their babies, they began to create different designs to meet their needs. Once they created something that was easy to use, stylish, and comfortable, Baby K’Tan was born!

The Baby K’Tan can be used with babies 8-35lbs. It is a unique double loop system that requires no wrapping and can be worn in a number of different positions. It’s machine washable and dryer safe. It makes it possible to breastfeed discreetly while wearing your baby and can help calm fussy babies and still allow mommy to get things done! Check out some other great features of the K’Tan and compare it to other popular carriers  in this Comparison Chart!

Like I said earlier, I got this with Noah and didn’t really know anything about baby wearing but needed something so I could get stuff done without constantly having to hold Noah. The Baby K’Tan was super easy to use and figure out. After watching the instructional videos I was able to easily get Noah in the carrier and wear him around the house! Noah was about 2 months old when I started wearing him and didn’t care much for being  worn like I had hoped so I didn’t wear him as much as I would have liked. With Isaac I started wearing him right from the beginning and he seems to enjoy it very much! I wear him all over the place!

I first wore Isaac in the Baby K’Tan when he was 3 days old.  I wore him to his first checkup and it was great! I love that the K’tan is so easy to use and get baby in. It’s simple to just slip on and put baby in even from the car! I love that he was so close to me and I could even cover him slightly so he wasn’t exposed to all the germs out there. I love that I can nurse him while he’s in the Baby K’Tan and can even do it discreetly! The Baby K’Tan makes it easy for me to wear my baby wherever I need to go! I can slip it on for a trip to the grocery store, or wear him around the house when he’s being fussy and I need to get stuff done! 

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Win It!
One lucky reader will win their own original Baby K'Tan Baby Carrier!

Be sure to check out So Easy Being Green today for the chance to win some nursing pads from LilyPadz! 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Daddy Scrubs Review & Giveaway! {New Year, New Mommies, New Babies of 2!}

When a new baby is born the baby and mother get a lot of attention. But everyone forgets about the new daddy and how important he is and how he’s just been through a huge change also!  He wants to feel proud and accomplished just like the mother does! That is where Daddy Scrubs comes in to play! Daddy Scrubs has the perfect gifts for a new, proud dad including scrubs he can actually wear in the delivery room!

Daddy Scrubs was created by Robert Nickell who was about to become a new father but didn’t want to wear regular street clothes to coach his wife during her labor. So he created scrubs with the words “I’m the Daddy!” on them to separate himself from the doctors. Now Daddy Scrubs not only carriers scrubs for new dad to wear in the hospital but also has t-shirts, hoodies, mugs, bags, and more!

We received a Daddy Scrubs Certified New Daddy Gift Set and a set of Daddy Scrubs for my husband to review! The gift set comes with a New Daddy t-shirt, a custom frame magnet with a punch out middle, custom pen protector, and pens! Brian loves this gift set! He wanted to wear the t-shirt as soon as we received it! He took the frame magnet to work with a picture of Isaac and he has it in his locker at work. And of course the pens are very useful for Brian and myself!

Since Isaac was born a few weeks early we didn’t receive the Daddy Scrubs for Brian to wear to the hospital in time, but they are still really awesome! I took a picture of Brian in the scrubs so you can see how awesome they are! He was really disappointed he didn’t get to wear them in the hospital and show them off! He’s such a proud daddy!

I really think Daddy Scrubs are a great idea and make the perfect gift for a new dad! If the new dad isn’t too keen on wearing scrubs, then the selection of hoodies, shirts, and other items are a great alternative as a gift! New dad’s should feel just as proud and special as new moms, and Daddy Scrubs gives them the opportunity to tell the world “I’m the Daddy!”

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Win It!
One lucky reader will win a set of Daddy Scrubs for the new daddy in their life! 
Be sure to visit So Easy Being Green today for a chance to win a nursing pillow and accessories from My Breast Friend! 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Guest Post: Stacey from Getting Through The Day! {New Years, New Babies, New Mommies of 2!}

My husband always said he wanted three kids and I always said I wanted four. It was never a big disagreement, just part of our discussions when we talked about the future. After our second child was born, we both said we were ok if the next one came along sooner rather than later. However, we would never think the next positive pregnancy test would pop up when our daughter was only four months old. Then, four months later, we found out it was twins!  

We went from one child to four in 12 months and it has been quite a joyful, exhausting whirlwind.  People ask me all the time how I do it.  I just do what I have to do.  We've had to figure out how to manage with the children we've been given in the hours of the day we've been given.  It has been a bit of a crash course in parenting, marriage, and home management.  Here are the three of the biggest lessons in this course.

Maximize space.
Once we found out twins were coming, we immediately went into prep mode of figuring out where to buy and how to fit 3 cribs, 3 highchairs, 4 car seats and all the other gear that comes with not one, but two infants and a 12-month-old, not to mention our almost 4-year-old.  We purged a lot of stuff from every room.  I knew we would be adding a lot of baby gear again, two more wardrobes, double the bottles, and of course two more people.  I hate to feel cramped and I don't like clutter so clearing out unnecessary and unused things in our home opened up our space a lot.  The other thing we did that had a huge impact was close in our small, one-car garage and buy a shed for the backyard.  It was the most cost effective way to add space to our house.  It served as the twins' room initially and now it is a great playroom.

Communicate well.
The workload in our home took a huge jump when the twins were born with so many bottles to prepare and feed and having three in diapers that need to be changed along with the rest of the normal work that it takes to manage a household.  

I am a stay-at-home mom, so I do most of the housework, shopping, cooking, and care of the children since I'm home all day.  However, I could no longer get everything done during the day and just rest in the evenings when my husband came home from work.  It has been crucial for me and my husband to have consistent, honest communication.  We have to interact a lot about who's been changed, figure out who is doing what task, and how to get them in bed with as little chaos as possible.  The days are over of one of us taking care of the baby while the other rests or does something else.  So communication is key to maximize time and minimize frustration and confusion.

Love each child individually.
Each of my children are so very different and even from the youngest age, I have seen the value of spending time with them individually and relating to them in light of who they are, not who their siblings are.  This is key in bonding with each of them and showing love to them, but it's also important to recognize how they are each developing socially, physically, and emotionally.  Now, I am not yet at the place in availability to take each of my children out on little weekly dates and spend quality time with them.  So, I may spend longer playing with one of the twins after I change their diaper or spend more time with my 2-year-old as I put her down for nap or having a portion of the little ones' nap time to do something special with my oldest.

I have to work to consistently apply these principles and I know they will continue to be crucial to the joy in my household, my parenting, and my marriage.  There are so many other lessons I am in the middle of and so much I need to grow in.  I'm just trying to take what I've been given and do well with all of it, all of who I am and all of who they are.

Thank you Stacey! Be sure to visit Stacey at Getting Through the Day!

Be sure to visit So Easy Being Green today for a chance to win a Birth and Baby Kit from Earth Mama Angel Baby! 

