But besides all that this is a great time of year to be part of the blogging world! Lot's of events and giveaways going on this time of the year! Fun stuff!

As I've said before I'm participating in the Made with Love Giveaway Hop in November! I have some really awesome sponsors lined up for this event! Each prize package will total in value of at least $25 and I have prizes set up for mommy, baby, and family! It's going to be great!!

Another event I am excited about is the Merry Fluffy Christmas event! I participated in this last year and it was a huge success and so much fun! It's December 1-5 so I won't be participating since I will have a brand spankin' new baby, but there are going to be some awesome blogs participating with some great giveaways as well!!
If your participating in a blog event happening in the next few months please feel free to share and as I learn of new one's I'll post about them!! So excited for the next few months!!

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