Saturday, January 26, 2013

Cloth Diaper Blog Hop! {Converting a Friend}

I'm a day behind, we've all come down with the sickies this week here at my house. But I wanted to write about this topic because I think it's a good one! In the three years that I've been cloth diapering I've definitely done my share of trying to convert others to cloth! Some attempts have been successful while others have not. But in my attempts these are the things that I have found to work the best in showing others how awesome cloth diapers are!

Have Cloth Diapers With You Everywhere You Go!

I always have Isaac in cloth and always have cloth diapers in my diaper bag. So at play dates or other outings when I go to change his diaper others see the cloth diapers and this usually strikes up questions about them. Then I get to explain to friends and family how they work and how cute they are and how easy they are to use!

Share pictures!

Almost everyone has Facebook and Instagram these days! There's nothing cuter than an adorable baby in his/her adorable fluff! I share fluffy photos all the time and this also sparks conversation! Facebook is also a great place for friends to ask questions they might feel awkward asking in person!

Here's a recent Instagram photo I shared of Isaac in his new Twinkie Tush cloth diaper!
Help Them Get Started

If you have friends who are interested and want to start cloth diapering, get together with them for a play date or for lunch and show them what they need to know to start. Help them find what type they want and where they want to buy them! Help them be sure they have all the accessories they need! Help them take that plunge! 

With these methods I have successfully converted a few friends to cloth! Everyone knows I cloth diaper so I get a lot of questions from others who are interested in finding out more about them. And I'm always super happy to share with them my love for fluff! 

Have you ever converted anyone to cloth? How did you do it?


  1. I won't take credit for converting anyone, but I know I have piqued peoples'interest by showing off my son in his fluff.

  2. I always try to make sure I have really cute diapers with me, and a few different styles in case somebody asks.

  3. I haven't converted anyone, but I did get a cloth diaper addict to try and to love Best Bottom Diapers, which are my favorite brand and the brand that I use almost exclusively.

  4. I LOVE LOVE LOVE teaching others about cloth! I am planning on calling our local hospitals and possibly the WIC office this week on my day off to see if there is anyway I could teach a class or two. =] I'm no expert but I'm passionate and I have experiance with a lot of issues, types of diapers, etc! That's why I started my blog!

  5. I love the look of cloth diapers. Wish I could have used them on my kids.

  6. I love talking about cloth diapers any chance I get! I haven't converted anyone, but I have made some open their eyes and be more into the idea of it.


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