Sunday, December 30, 2012

My New Year's Resolutions for 2013!

It’s that time of again. A new year is beginning and it’s time for a fresh start! I like to make a list of New Year’s Resolutions every year. Sometimes I don’t keep them up and other times I do, but making that list is a great way to reflect on the past year and see what I’d like to do differently or do more or less of in the new year. So here’s my list! I hope you’ll share yours as well!

1.       Work out on a regular basis. I think a lot of people have this resolution. I am pretty happy with my weight right now, but I am not in shape at all. I want to be in shape. I want to be able to run! I want to be toned! I want to be healthy!

2.      Spend more time reading my Bible. I’ve gotten really good at doing my daily devotion and spending time with God in prayer, but I’d really like to read my bible more. I don’t think I’ve ever read the entire bible. Maybe I’ll do that in 2013.

3.      Set aside more alone time with my husband. I love that man. But we are both busy and have our two small kids who like to keep us up at night, and who destroy the house during the day and it seems that things always get ahead of us and we don’t spend enough time alone together. I really want to start having a date night once a week or once every two weeks. Even if it’s just a movie and popcorn on the couch.

4.      Do more fun things with my kids. I want to have more experiences with them! I want to go on our own little field trips! I want to explore with them! I hate when I go to bed and think that I didn’t do enough with them that day. I don’t want to feel that way anymore!

5.      Be more patient. I tend to not be very patient, with Noah, and with Brian, and with everyone really. I don’t want to wait for things. I want things to happen right away. It’s a bad flaw of mine and I need to work on it.

6.      Family always comes first. I need to make sure I remember that every day. Sometimes I get so overwhelmed with the mess and what I have to do with my blog and the house and grocery shopping and everything else that I let family time slip right by me. I need to learn to let go of the other things and spend time with my family first and foremost.

So these are my resolutions for 2013. I think I might print this blog post and hang it up somewhere so I can see it on a regular basis. These are some things that I really want to stick with and do this year. What are some of your resolutions for 2013? 


  1. Those are some great resolutions! I did goals for 2013 and being more patient is definitely on my list of goals!

  2. Great resolutions!
    Re: reading the Bible. This is a really interesting site. Shows you how you can read your Bible in a year if you set aside just 10 minutes per day. I have been thinking I really ought to follow this plan.

  3. Great goals. Maybe the Bible reading will go hand-in-hand with developing patience. It's hard to be a patient mom, I think. I have to work at it, too.

  4. I've made a resolution to work out at least 3 times a week. Like you I'm happy with my weight but I need to crunch out this last little bit of stomach pooch and tone up my legs. I'm also starting the Bible in a year challenge. And I want to focus more on truly enjoying the moments I have with my family.

    Happy Early New Year!

  5. Alone time with my husband is always a priority! We now have 3 kids, 7, 4, and 6 months so it is a challenge! We joined a monthly bowling league so that we are "forced" once a month to go and enjoy an adult dinner and bowling, no excuses! I have always had a rule that everyone sleeps in their own bed, no exceptions. Along with this, is my big resolution this year is to finally take a trip just my husband and I. We have not done this since we have had kids, I always find an excuse, but this year (and every year after) we are going to do it, no exceptions!


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