Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thunderstorms {Guest Post by Elizabeth of FTM!}

Well, it’s thunder storm season. Storms can be relaxing if you like hearing the rain dance on your window panes. They can be fascinating if you like watching the skies light up with electricity. They can even be annoying if you’re trying to fall asleep only to be awakened by loud, booming thunder. If you’re a toddler, this time of the year can be really scary. I mean think about it, you’re lying in your bed with your favorite stuffed animal or blanket, quietly and softly drifting into sleep when BAM!!!!!!!!!!! It startles you and suddenly you’re thrown into a state of alertness.

What do you do to help your child face their fear and understand that there really isn’t anything to be afraid of? Here are a few ideas to help ease them into a calm state:

  • Make up a story about what the thunder is. Maybe your mom or dad told you that the angels were bowling up above; when you hear thunder it’s the pins falling and the lightening means an angel got a strike. We tell our three and a half year old son that the clouds are hungry and the thunder is their tummies rumbling. The lightening is when they get their chicken nuggets.
  • Make a game out of the thunder. If a storm happens during the day make a picnic lunch and lay a blanket out under the table and have a picnic underneath the table. If they’re old enough, teach them to count between seeing lightning and hearing thunder. Again, if you think they can understand you can teach them that the number they get to when they hear the thunder is how far away it is. Make a fort, bring a flashlight in the fort and tell each other a story.
  • Take the opportunity to teach them how to control their fear. Because of our faith, hearing thunder has been a great way to teach my son that God is bigger than the thunder and will protect him. Then we read stories in the Bible that have to do with storms like Noah’s Ark and Jesus Calms the Storm.
  • Remain calm yourself. Kids are really observant and they’ll follow whatever you do. If you’re nervous then they’ll be nervous. If you’re calm hopefully they’ll be calm too.

Elizabeth is a mommy of 2 and writes over at FTM! I personally love her blog so be sure to go check her out! 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Eight Outdoor Learning Activities for Young Children {Guest Post by Julie from A Year With Mom and Dad!}

 We don’t have a swing set, pool, or piles of outdoor gear for our toddler son (and with a small yard, we need to keep it that way!). So we create activities as we go using whatever we have on hand! Here’s a few quick, easy, and fun activities we’ve enjoyed as a family!

1.       Paint with Water – get buckets of water, and some paintbrushes of various sizes. Have kids “paint” on the sidewalks, house, fences! This activity is virtually no clean up, safe, and easy to do. Plus can be a cooling activity for a hot summer day!
2.       Water Balloons – there are so many ways to use water balloons, from simply having a water balloon fight, to relay races, sorting by color, a ‘bean bag’ style toss (also can do by color), or target practice!
3.       Nature Sorting – give your kids a few cups in a basket and have them “collect” nature items to sort – acorns, flowers, leaves, sticks
4.       I Spy Nature Walks – add interest for your children as you walk through your yard, a park, or a trail, by asking them to find certain objects, colors or shapes (“I Spy something yellow,” etc).
5.       Bubbles and Chalk – Always good clean fun for kids!
6.       Water Plants – a good combination of life skills and fun times. Give small children what they can handle and show them how to water each plant a little bit (this also builds motor skill control!).
7.       Obstacle course – set up cones to run in and out of, a wide board to “balance” on, and buckets to “leapfrog” over and have kids run the obstacle course! Older kids can set up their own course once they get the idea!
8.       Spray Bottles – Instead of the constant running of the hose or sprinkler, let kids play water tag, or water the plants with squirt bottles.

These activities are easy, require common household supplies, and give kids a way to get out that energy in the great outdoors!

What are your favorite outdoor activities for younger children?

Bio: Julie Kieras writes regularly at her parenting blog A Year With Mom and Dad (where you can find great reviews and giveaways too), and can also be found chatting on Twitter!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Hi, Cinella from The Mami Blog here to bring you one of my favorite and requested recipes from fans. And I just wanted to share it with ya'll. I love to try new recipies but come on over and visit my blog for a wide variety of posts that include how to save money, being eco-friendly and just being a Mami! (Mami is the spanish word for Mommy and pronounced the exact same way, FYI) Thanks for reading.
Cinella @ TMB
Facebook Page:

Growing up it wasn't a meal if there wasn't rice or beans! Living in south Texas knowing how to cook spanish rice is a must and can sometimes be a deal breaker in relationships. When most Hispanics meet your significant other for the first time they make a "date" for when they will have the next BBQ and the "girlfriend" will make the rice and/or beans and they will see if she knows how to make them. It's not that hard if you know how to make it. But you need to remember, when you are cooking a bigger batch you need to stir it in between the simmering time so that it gets evenly cooked. My grandma would sometimes make extra big batches and just scrap off the top layer because it wouldn't cook right! That was her little secret. But everyone knew she did it. It came out perfect every time.

It took me about three years after leaving home to get it right. My hubby had already married me, lol. So he had to go through three years with crunchy rice! lol. Hubby had always told me that his dad had to show me how to make rice n beans, but he past away suddenly last January, but I got it right non the less.

Here is my altered recipe that I hope my daughter will one day master and find a suitable life partner who is satisfied with the recipe as well.... lol

1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1/2 cup diced onion
1/2 cup diced celery
1/4 cup diced carrot (optional)
1 tablespoon minced garlic
1 1/2 cups long-grain rice
1 (8-ounce) can tomato sauce
1 (10-ounce) can tomatoes with chiles, such as Rotel
3 cups chicken broth
1 teaspoon cumin

1. In a large saucepan, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add onion, celery, carrot, and garlic and cook, stirring frequently, for 5 minutes, or until onion is translucent. I don't like to add the garlic right away because if it burns you will be able to taste that burned taste and it isn't too pleasant.
2. Add rice to saucepan, stirring to coat with oil. Add tomato sauce, tomatoes with chiles, chicken broth, and cumin, stirring well. Bring mixture to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low.
3. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes, or until liquid is absorbed and rice is tender.

Note: Be sure to add the correct amount of liquid. If there isn't enough the rice will dry up on the bottom, it will still be eatable, but not all of it. If you add too much then your rice will be soggy. There are some people who prefer it a bit more tender than it's suppose to be.... it's all about preference.

I thought I'd add a recipe for Enchilada sauce that I am trying out. I got it from my grandmothers neighbor. It looks pretty simple. I've tried lots of different sauce recipes; from a can, with corn start, flour, lots of chili powder, diced tomatoes. Sooo many, hubby hasn't chosen one that he likes yet.

Yvette decided that she wanted to help me make the enchiladas, she loves them as much as daddy does. She likes extra meat in hers! Here are some pictures:

She loves to help in the kitchen!

Being silly and eating some cheese!
Yummy meat
My hand is getting tired from "stirring constantly"
I like to be organized with my ingredients... you should see my cabinets

Now for the Enchilada sauce. It turned out so great! Hubby loved it. I called Ms. Rosas right away (my grandmas neighbor) to tell her the great news and she said she knew he would like it. She asked me what color it was and I told her it was more brown than red and then she smirk'd and said, "Ah good, you did it right." I was so proud of myself and I felt lucky that she shared that recipe with me and allowed me to share it with my readers as well.


4 tablespoons flour
1/4 cup oil
2 1/2 tablespoons chili powder
2 teaspoons cumin
1 teaspoon salt
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1/4 cup grilled onions (optional)
2/3 cups water

1. Brown flour in oven until golden brown. In a frying pan with cooking oil put flour,chili powder, cumin, garlic, and salt (add grilled onions).
2. Blend well. Over a low fire, gradually add water, stirring constantly.
3. If flour begins to lump, remove from fire and stir until lumps are gone.
4. Then place over the fire and continue adding the water ,little by little.
5. Simmer gently for about one hour, stirring occasionally
I hope you liked this recipe and if you have any that you would like to share with my readers and I, please contact me!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Mom Blog Monday Blog Hop!

H A P P Y M E M O R I A L D A Y ! ! !

Are you a Mommy blogger?
Do you blog about your kids?
Do you blog about great things for Mommies?
Do you wanna meet other Mom Bloggers?
So Easy Being Green
To participate in the Mom Blog Monday Blog Hop, the rules are super simple! All we ask is that you follow the 3 Co-Hosts: The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom, Luxury Living Frugal Style, and So Easy Being Green… the first three blogs on the linky! After that, follow as many Mommy Blogs on the linky as you want... remember, the more you visit, the more visits you'll receive in return!
Remember: If you have a Self-Hosted Wordpress blog and are unable to connect with GFC, please detail, in your Title on the Linky, how you prefer other bloggers to connect with you!
We would LOVE it if you’d grab our button and put it somewhere on your blog or in a blog post! This would help us spread the word. However, you aren’t required to.

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Early Monday morning (Hubby says 5am!!) we are heading out to the beach for vacation! We'll be gone the majority of next week so I won't be around the blog too much but I have some AWESOME guest blog posts set up from some super great fellow mommy bloggers! You're going to love them! Plus there will still be Mom Blog Monday Blog Hop and Mommy Talk Tuesday this week too so be sure to come by on Monday and Tuesday to link up! 

I'm super nervous about how this vacation will go with the kiddos since Isaac hates the car and has never been away from home overnight. But I'm optimistic since he's slept a lot better this week than he has in a while. Either way, I'm super excited to get away and spend some quality time with family! 

Friday, May 25, 2012

Undercover Mama Review & Giveaway! {US and Canada!}

When I became a nursing mama things changed from finding something to wear that is cute and looks good on me to finding something to wear that I can nurse easily in and won't show too much when I nurse. I've always preferred to wear layers but even more so now that I am nursing so that I don't show of my belly or my back.  I was so excited to be given the opportunity to review an Undercover Mama nursing shirt because I knew the purpose of it was to provide the coverage nursing mamas want while nursing, but there are so many other great reasons I love it too! 

I like the idea of regular nursing tanks a lot, but I don't really like to go out in public without a bra on. I just don't feel right. And a lot of the nursing tanks I've tried with a bra make me feel squished and uncomfortable. The Undercover Mama nursing shirt gives you the concept of a nursing tank but without the built in bra feature and straps. Instead it hooks on to your favorite nursing bra but looks just like a shirt underneath! 

I really love how this shirt works because I have a few nursing bras that I really love and with this shirt I can wear those bras and still be covered. Also, because it clips on to my bra straps, it comes up higher on my chest so I'm not showing any cleavage off to the world. A lot of my other tanks show way too much cleavage. Another thing I LOVE about this shirt is it is   long enough to give me a layered look while wearing a shirt over it! It's super cute! 

Here I am with just the Undercover Mama shirt attached to my bra:
And here I am with a shirt over my Undercover Mama shirt:
So cute right?! The Undercover Mama Nursing Shirt is the ideal shirt for any mama who is nursing! It covers up all those areas you don't want showing while nursing and it works just like a layered tank so you can wear it with any shirt! I absolutely love my Undercover Mama nursing shirt! 
Buy It!
Win It!
One lucky reader will win an Undercover Mama nursing shirt in their choice of black or white! (excludes lace trim shirts) 
Giveaway is open to US and Canada! 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Six Months!!

My sweet baby boy is already 6 months old!! 

At 6 months Isaac is:
-about 17 pounds
-still NOT sleeping through the night :( 
-Rolling like crazy! 
-Can't roll from back to belly yet though
-Sitting up!
-Can army crawl and get up on all fours for a few seconds!
-Is on solids and loving them!
-Is still breastfeeding like a champ! 
-Has TWO teeth!

Love this little man so much! 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mommy Talk Tuesday! {Letters from Mommy!}

The Not So Secret Confessions of
a Second Time Mom

Welcome back to Mommy Talk Tuesday! This week's topic is Letters from Mommy!
Write a letter to your child/children telling them anything you'd like and post it as a blog post and link up here!

Dear Noah and Isaac, 

Oh my, where do I begin?! You boys have rocked my world in every way. Before you were born, Noah, I didn't know I could love someone with my entire being. I didn't know what the saying about wearing my heart on the outside of me meant until you were here. You changed my whole life. You saved me. Without you I honestly don't know where I'd be. I was a crazy kid who didn't care about anyone but herself until you came along and made me a mother. Instead of being selfish and careless I had to be selfless and very careful, and I loved that. I love being your mom. It was the hardest thing I had ever done but it was the best thing I have ever done. You are amazing and I can't even remember life without my Noah bear!

And then you came along, Isaac. Mommy and Daddy loved being parents to Noah so much that we wanted to be parents again. We wanted Noah to have a sibling to play with and love and we wanted to complete our family. I was so excited to meet you and was as close to heaven as it gets when you were born. You are the sweetest baby and we all adore you so much! Being a mom of two has proven to be once again the hardest thing I have ever done but it is so worth it! I am so happy to have you in my life! I love how you prefer me over anyone else, and I love how you love to snuggle (Noah never was a snuggler), and I love how you grab my face and give me wet sloppy kisses. I love the way you and Noah look at each other and just giggle. I love that bond you already have with him. I know you two are going to love each other so much as you grow up and that makes me so happy. 

Even though life with two little boys is crazy, and exhausting, and I feel like I'm running a circus sometimes I wouldn't change a thing. You two have given me purpose in life. You two are my life. If all I ever do is raise you boys to be happy, well-behaved, well-rounded young men then I am doing what I was called to do. Being your mom is the best job I have ever had and I am so thankful God chose me to be your mommy. I love you Noah and Isaac. 


I'm excited to read your letters so please link up! 

**This is not just a blog hop! Please do not link up unless you have posted on the specific topic!**

Next week's topic is : Best and Worst Baby Items! Which items are you SO glad you spent the money on or received as a gift and what items were not worth it and didn't get used? 


Shake, Rattle, and Roll-Baby, Toddler, and Kids Giveaway Hop! #ShakeRattleWin

Shake, Rattle, and Roll giveaway hop is finally here! I am so excited to offer you a prize package that is perfect for a toddler or preschooler! 

My prize package includes:

2 Kid Safety Bands (Read My Sponsor Spotlight HERE)
A $25 Gift Certificate to Little One Books (Read my Sponsor Spotlight HERE)
The Book "What Children Need To Learn to Read" by Michelle Vallene (Read my Sponsor Spotlight HERE)

A $56 value for all three prizes! 

The Shake, Rattle, & Roll Giveaway Hop features a variety of great products for kids of all ages! Once you have entered to win here, be sure to visit all of the participating blogs at the bottom of this post!

To enter simply fill out the easy Rafflecopter entry form! You can do one entry or all of them! 
Giveaway is open to US residents only! 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Mom Blog Monday Blog Hop!

Are you a Mommy blogger?
Do you blog about your kids?
Do you blog about great things for Mommies?
Do you wanna meet other Mom Bloggers?
So Easy Being Green
To participate in the Mom Blog Monday Blog Hop, the rules are super simple! All we ask is that you follow the 3 Co-Hosts: The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time MomLuxury Living Frugal Style, and So Easy Being Green… the first three blogs on the linky! Then follow Spot #4 which is the featured blog of the week! After that, follow as many Mommy Blogs on the linky as you want... remember, the more you visit, the more visits you'll receive in return!
Remember: If you have a Self-Hosted Wordpress blog and are unable to connect with GFC, please detail, in your Title on the Linky, how you prefer other bloggers to connect with you!
We would LOVE it if you’d grab our button and put it somewhere on your blog or in a blog post! This would help us spread the word. However, you aren’t required to. This week's featured blog is... 

Dogs, Dogtags and Diapers.
Hi everyone! I'm Sarah and it's great to be a part of the Mom Blog Monday Blog Hop! I am a stay at home mom to my 6 month old son, Boston. We are also an Army family. I started blogging originally because I was getting several private messages a day asking me about my sons awesome schedule, and how people could get their babies to nap like Boston! I decided to just start writing blog posts about it to share with whoever wanted to know. I talk about Army life, raising Boston (schedules, breastfeeding, starting solids, cloth diapering), as well as my personal life.

Shake, Rattle, and Roll Sponsor Spotlight! {What Children Need to Learn to Read}

I'm excited to tell you about another Shake, Rattle, and Roll Sponsor today! Michelle Vellene is the author of What Children Need to Learn to Read- The complete parent's guide to ensuring literacy, a love of reading, and school readiness and she is giving away her book to one lucky reader as part of the Shake, Rattle, and Roll prize package! 

Michelle Vellene is the mother of three children and has a teaching degree specializing in Reading and English. She created this books combining facts and proven educational techniques and fun learning activities to help parents give their children the opportunity to learn to read. 

I received this book to review and I love it! It is set up with ideas, tips, and activities to do with your children from birth to around age 5. It gives tips like read to your children every day and have books around the house and in the car so they will develop a love for reading. It provides checklists for parents to look at to ensure we are doing our best in helping our child develop language and literacy at every age. And my favorite part, it has fun games and learning activities for each age (birth to school age) to do with your children to encourage language and reading skills. I always struggle with activities and games to do with Noah that will help him learn, but now that I have this book I have tons of activities to do with him that are specific to his age and ability! There are even activities for babies! So I have activities I can do with Isaac too! The book also comes with a cd with songs and rhymes! It's so fun!

I am very excited to have this book and help my children learn to read! I love to read myself and I really want my boys to have a love for reading as well! I know this book is going to help me do that! 

Buy It!
Purchase on Amazon for only $14.95!
Win It!
One lucky reader will win the book/cd "What Children Need to Learn to Read" as part of the Shake, Rattle, and Roll prize package! 

Disclaimer: I was provided this product for free in exchange for a written review. I was not compensated any other way. The opinions expressed in this review are 100% my own. 

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Mahu Baby Bath, Body Wash, and Shampoo Review!

When looking for a wash for your baby you want something that is gentle and soothing and won't cause irritation on their sensitive skin. Mahu Baby Wash is specially formulated to be safe and gentle for your new baby! 

Mahu skincare products were created by midwives in New Zealand with moms and babies in mind. It is formulated with botanical oils that condition the skin. It is soap and sulfate free and free from potentially harmful chemicals.

I was given the opportunity to review Mahu Baby Wash which is a wash and shampoo. I absolutely love the scent! It has chamomile and lavender in it and it smells so good! Both of these are relaxing and calming to baby. I tried Mahu on both Noah and Isaac and neither of them had any sort of reaction to the soap. It's so gentle and leaves their skin feeling soft. I really appreciate that it is made from only natural ingredients and not from chemicals that could be dangerous to my babies.  Not only do they have baby wash but lotion, massage oil, and diaper cream! Mahu skincare products are a hit in New Zealand and now that they are available in the states I believe they will become a huge hit here too!

Buy It!
Purchase Mahu Baby Wash and other great Mahu products on Amazon

Disclaimer: I was given a product for free in exchange for a written review. I was not compensated in any other way. The opinions expressed on this review are 100% my own. 

Friday, May 18, 2012

How to Prepare for Working at Home with Your Children {Sponsored Guest Post}

Having small children and working at the same time can be tough, not only do you miss out seeing them during the day, but if you need to hire a baby sitter, it can be quite expensive. However, if you already are working from home or have the opportunity to work home, there are a few pitfalls to avoid, so that you can still be efficient while working at home and manage your kids, below, the following list is not an exhaustive list but should help you get started:
  1. Take breaks.  Your kids are more likely to let you work in silence (well near silence) if you make time in your work schedule to offer them your full attention in between bursts of work activity. Be entirely present for playtime for 20 minutes, and then ask them to cooperate with you when you return to work. When you’re done, reward them (and yourself-playtime can be a good way to leave the stress of work) with another scheduled play time.
  2. Create the perfect office. Working from home gives you the chance to have the office that you always wanted and somewhere you will actually be able to work. By using online auction sites in combination with shipping sites like uShip you can find feedback rated transporters always looking for courier jobs, Therefore, making, assembling that perfect office at a cheap price and shipping it you easy and at an affordable price
  3. Effectively and efficiently use naptimes. Get work the most vital work done when the house is quiet because your children are sleeping. Try to work straight through nap times. You can also get a significant amount done if you wake up an hour before your kids and work then or if the idea of waking up early sounds too horrible, work an hour after their bedtime.
  4. Call in reinforcements. It really helps to have a great, supportive partner. My wife is a high school teacher, so she needs to do a lot of work herself, so we take turns working at the computer while the other looks after the children. Take the kids outside, or take them to a park, or read to them, while your spouse does some work.
5.      Keep a notepad handy. Having to constantly switch between work and mom mode can leave you in a muddle, especially when it causes you to forget what you were doing. To avoid forgetting things, keep a notepad handy and write down deadlines, ideas and projects on it. It can also help to plan your day out ahead of time.

Written by Amar Patel

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Shake, Rattle, and Roll Sponsor Spotlight! {Little One Books!}

I am excited to tell you about another Shake, Rattle, and Roll sponsor today-Little One Books! Little One Books provides books, music, and videos for babies and children! 

I have worked with Little One Books before and I love them! They understand the important role books and music plays in the development of children.  They offer an awesome variety of books and music! Their books are categorized age appropriately so there's not hunting for hours for the perfect book for your child!

Little One Books has professionals that personally review every single item that they sell to make sure that it is appropriate for the age of that child and will be interesting and help them to learn about the world around them! Some of these books are favorites I remember reading like Goodnight Moon and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom! And some are newer books like Dora's Big Book of Stories! Whether you are looking for a book for a new baby or your preschooler, Little One Books has a huge variety in an easy to use website and you're sure to find something you like! 

Buy It!
Win It!
One lucky reader will win a $25 gift certificate to Little One Books as part of the Shake, Rattle, and Roll prize package! 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Shake, Rattle, and Roll Sponsor Spotlight!! {Kids Safety Bands}

Shake, Rattle, and Rolly-Baby Toddler & Kids Giveaway Hop is almost here and I am so excited to tell you about my sponsors this week! The first sponsor I am going to tell you about is Kids Safety Bands

Kids Safety Bands are silicone wristbands customized with your child's initials and your phone number in case your child wanders off or is lost someone can call you immediately so you can be reunited with them! You can also have any allergies or medical conditions put on the band! 

Kids Safety Bands were started by a father who was at the park and one of his sons wandered off. Luckily, he found him quickly but it got him thinking about ways to keep children safer if they do wander off like his son did. And the Kid Safety Band was born! 

We received a set of Kid Safety Bands for Noah to review for this event. It has his initials on it and my cell phone number. It fits perfectly on his wrist and he thinks its way cool! I really like these bands especially with summer right around the corner! We like to travel a lot during the summer and these bands give me a little more piece of mind. I try to keep my eye on Noah every second when we are out and about but he is a fast little guy and he likes to run off when he gets excited. So this band helps me feel a little safer if we are at the beach on vacation or at an amusement park or just hanging out at the local playground! 

Buy It!
Win It!
One lucky reader will win two Kids Safety Bands of their own as part of the Shake, Rattle, and Roll Prize Package!

Disclaimer: I was given these products for free in exchange for my review on the product. I was not compensated for this review. The opinions expressed in this review are 100% my own. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Baby Babu Cloth Diapers Review & Giveaway! {Two Winners!}

Baby Babu Cloth Diapers is a fairly new company created by a husband and wife who are parents to twin boys.They are located in Florida. They wanted to provide parents with a more affordable, environmentally friendly alternative to disposables diapers. Baby Babu carries one-size pocket diapers and covers, wetbags and inserts, and even biodegradable disposables diapers for parents who choose not to use cloth but still want something that is better for the environment! 

I received a one-size pocket diaper in Blueberry to review. The one-size pocket fits approximately 8-35 pounds with three size adjustments to get a great fit! There are two rows of snaps for a secure fit. There are two openings to the pocket and the microfiber insert snaps in place inside the pocket. The inside of the diaper has leg gussets to help prevent leaks. 

I have the diaper on the middle setting for Isaac who is almost 17 pounds. We get a good snug fit on this setting. The diaper fits very nicely around his legs and waist. I really like the snap-in insert! None of my other pockets have this feature so I wasn't sure how I would like it but it's not because the insert doesn't move so I don't have to worry about leaks in certain spots. I also like that the snap is in the front of the diaper. This works great for little boys who get the wettest at the front. The leg gussets are great! They keep everything inside! Isaac has pooped in this diaper quite a few times and we've never had any leaks or blowouts! If Isaac stays chubby like he is now I'm not sure if this diaper will fit all the way to potty training but once Noah started moving and got older he lost a lot of his chubby and became really tall and skinny, so Isaac may do the same. Other than that I have no issues with this diaper. It works great and is so affordable! You can purchase a Baby Babu One-Size pocket diaper for only $11.99! 

Buy It!
Win It!
Two lucky readers will win a Baby Babu One-Size Pocket Diaper! 

Mommy Talk Tuesday! {Breastfeeding!}

The Not So Secret Confessions of
a Second Time Mom

Thank you for joining us again this week for Mommy Talk Tuesday! 

This week's topic Breastfeeding!  

Did/do you breastfeed? If you do/did what was your biggest challenge during breastfeeding? What was/is your favorite part of breastfeeding? Do you think it's ok to nurse in public, covered or not? Do/did you ever nurse in public? Do you have any tips for moms struggling with breastfeeding or expectant moms who plan to breastfeed?

When I had Noah I knew hardly anything about breastfeeding but I planned to do it. I didn't do as much research as I should have and had no ideas that the more you needed to nurse your baby as often as possible during those first few weeks to establish a good milk supply. The very first night home from the hospital my milk wasn't in and we had a screaming hungry baby so we gave him formula. From then on I breastfed some, pumped some, and supplemented some. By 4 months I barely had enough milk and ended up giving up.

When I was pregnant with Isaac I was determined to give breastfeeding another shot. I wanted so bad to exclusively breastfeed and make it past just 4 months. So I did a lot of research and asked my breastfeeding mama friends a lot of questions and even took a breastfeeding class at the hospital I delivered at! So when Isaac was born I breastfed him right away! He latched perfectly and nursed for nearly an hour! He will be 6 months old this Friday and we are still going strong!! I am very proud of myself for sticking to it! 

I LOVE breastfeeding so much! This time around it has been great! I did struggle with some pain the first few weeks but it has been smooth sailing since! I hope to breastfeed Isaac past one year if he doesn't self-wean. I think it is perfectly fine to nurse in public! I don't think moms should have to go to a bathroom to feed their baby. I think it's a personal preference to use a cover or not. I personally like to use a cover because I still don't feel pro enough to not show something I'd rather not show to the whole world. But that's going to change soon because we are going to the beach in two weeks and a cover seems kind of pointless on the beach. So I'll probably go coverless at the beach.

My tips for new moms or expectant moms is to do your research and don't just give up right away! I know not all moms can breastfeed but it's ok to ask questions and try to find a way to make it work without quitting! Oh, and the pain does stop! Unless your baby is latching wrong, your nipples will eventually adjust and the pain will go away! So hang in there! 

We'd love to hear your thoughts on Breastfeeding so please comment below or write up a blog post and link up!  

**This is not just a blog hop! Please do not link up unless you have posted on the specific topic!**

Next week's topic is : Letter's To Your Child/Children
Write a letter to your child or children telling them anything you want to tell them and post it as a blog post and then come back here and link up! 
