Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Busy Weekend!

Sorry I haven't been around much this weekend! We've had family over this weekend and our pool finally opened so we've been out by the pool most of the weekend! Noah is a little fish and loves the water! I have some more reviews and giveaways coming soon! (Possibly one tonight if I have the chance!) So be on the lookout!  I'll leave you with a few pics of my little fish!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Mom Blog Monday Blog Hop

Are you a Mommy blogger? Do you blog about your kids? Do you blog about great things for Mommies?
 Do you wanna meet other Mom Bloggers?

The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom
This blog hop is hosted by The Adventures of Curly Tot, The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom , and Luxury Living Frugal Style!


All we ask is that you follow The Adventures of Curly TotThe Not- So- Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom, and Luxury Living Frugal Style.We are the first three on the linky!Then follow spot #4 which is the featured blog! Be sure to leave us a comment so we can follow you back!

We would LOVE it if you'd grab our button and put it somewhere on your blog or in a blog post! This would help us spread the word. However, you aren't required to.

Each week we choose a random blog via random.org to be the featured blog! This week's featured blog is...

My name is Kristen. But only family calls me that. Non-family people call me Kris. I'm a 26 year-old stay-at-home mom to my 17 month old son Logan, a.k.a. Monkey and the soon-to-be Miss Bug who's due at the end of August. I love to read and write. I sew, crochet, and craft. I play video games. I hate the color orange. I went to college and got 2 B.A.s-one in English and one in Linguistics-and then decided I'd rather stay at home and take care of my house and family full-time than make any kind of use whatsoever out of my 5 years of schooling and thousands of dollars in student loans. Go figure. College was definitely worth it though, since that's where I met my amazing husband, Nick, without whom I couldn't have made the adorable baby boy that got me started blogging in the first place. We've been together for 8 years now (married for 5). We're sort-of a "crunchy" family, if you can call it that. Mostly we just try to save money and live naturally. And we extend that to our parenting style as well. The blog is mostly a mish-mash of baby updates and random thoughts that happen to run through my head as I contemplate parenting and life in general. I hope you'll stop by and check it out :)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Fun with Food Friday- Cheerio Treats!!

I've received some really great recipes from ya'll this week and last but unfortunately I didn't have all the ingredients for one single recipe. Quite annoying (I'm going shopping today) so I found a fun and easy recipe in one of my cook books to try! This recipe is SO easy and great for getting the kiddos involved in the kitchen! AND its super yummy!!

What you Need
3 tablespoons butter
1 package (10 1/2 ounces) miniature marshmallows
1/2 cup peanut butter
5 cups Cheerios
1 cup plain M&Ms

Place the butter and marshmallows in a large microwave safe bowl. Microwave, uncovered, or about 2 minutes or until puffed. Stir in the peanut butter until blended. Add the cereal and M&Ms; mix well. Spoon into a greased 13x9in pan and press down gently. Cool slightly before cutting.

This treat is so easy and yummy! I think we are going to be making it a lot this summer!! Especially when the boredom sets in!!

Be sure to check out Mama Chocolate to see what she's cooked up this week! And remember for sending in a recipe you can get FIVE (5) extra entries to any one current giveaway on my blog! Send recipes to mommyferg02 at gmail dot com.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wordless Wednesday- Summertime Stud!

I am a guest blogger over at The Adventures of Curly Tot!

Go check out my guest post at The Adventures of Curly Tot! She has an awesome series going on right now about Parenting and how we are all different at it and we don't always have to fit into this one particular mold that people expect of us! It's great! Go check it out!!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Coupon Craze

I started couponing about a year ago. I was very new to it and didn't give it a lot of effort. But I had hubby pick up a paper each week and I'd check out the coupons and clip the ones I knew I would use to buy. I still shopped at Walmart most of the time thinking because my husband got a 10% discount to there for being an employee of the Walmart company, that I was was getting better deals. Basically I was clueless.

I then discovered the match up blogs and websites that basically give you the sale items with the coupons that go with them. They tell you exactly which insert the coupon is in and everything! I was amazed! I remember being SO nervous the first time I went into Publix, but feeling so great when I saw how much I saved! The first time I saved more than I spent was like a high for me! It was a total rush of pride that I had beat the store at their own game!

So yes, I totally get the feeling these Extreme Couponers have on that show. I totally understand that awesome feeling when you get a bunch of stuff and pay hardly anything for it! BUT I do not condone the show anymore! I believe it is causing a lot of people to get into couponing and give it a try. Which is totally fine!! BUT I believe it is giving people a bad message that its ok to clear the shelf of 100 items you don't need or that its ok to steal people's papers from their driveway. The other day I was completely in shock at what I saw. After hubby went to two stores to pick up the Sunday paper for me on his way home from work, with no luck because they were sold out, we went to town to get dinner and try to find somewhere that still had the paper. Well after a few more stores that were sold out, hubby checked another gas station. He came back empty handed but then told me that there were a whole stack of papers in there, but every single paper had the coupon inserts STOLEN out of them!!

This is where it becomes too much! I used to could go in and pick up a Sunday paper no problem, with coupon inserts always in them. This show has caused such a craze that people are proceeding to STEAL the coupon inserts! And its not just here! I read online that a man told a friend that he bought one paper and took the inserts from the papers underneath and just didn't buy the papers. THIS IS STEALING people!! I'm fine with more people using coupons and learning how to save money, this is great! But if you do this you should be ashamed of yourself! If your using coupons correctly you'll make the money back you spent on the paper with your savings!

If you are a couponer or just getting into couponing, I really hope you have the decency to pay for your paper or coupons so that the rest of us can save some money too! We're all just trying to make our dollar go further but people acting like this make it very hard!

Ok, rant over! ;)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mom Blog Monday Blog Hop

Are you a Mommy blogger? Do you blog about your kids? Do you blog about great things for Mommies?
 Do you wanna meet other Mom Bloggers?

The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom
This blog hop is hosted by The Adventures of Curly Tot, The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom , and Luxury Living Frugal Style!


All we ask is that you follow The Adventures of Curly TotThe Not- So- Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom, and Luxury Living Frugal Style.We are the first three on the linky!Then follow spot #4 which is the featured blog! Be sure to leave us a comment so we can follow you back!

We would LOVE it if you'd grab our button and put it somewhere on your blog or in a blog post! This would help us spread the word. However, you aren't required to.

Each week we choose a random blog via random.org to be the featured blog! This week's featured blog is...
Hi, I'm Jeannette Fender - a momma who has left the corporate world behind (for now) to raise my two wonderful boys and be CEO of my household.  I'm a wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend and can't wait to share my adventures with you!
I have my degree in finance and have had careers in banking and college recruiting.  I had my first son pretty young and have done both the single mother and the working mother thing.  Then I met my wonderful hubby and my life was forever changed!  We have been married 4 wonderful years, during which he adopted my first son, and just welcomed our 2nd little boy in December.  Life is very, very good!
I am a coastal NC native who has been transplanted to the mountains in the name of love.  While I love the area I live in, I miss hearing the roar of the ocean and walking with my feet in the sand.  I would love to one day take my boys back to the coast to raise them like I was raised.
I love reading, socializing, trying out new recipes and hanging out with friends.  My passion is my family though.  Everyday with them is a new adventure and I am so blessed to have them!  This blog will chronicle my daily life with them; the highs, the lows and everything in between.  This is the real me.  I can't wait to share it with you!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Belly Charms Review & Giveaway!! ***CLOSED***

I discovered Belly Charms when I first started blogging! Sonya, the creator of Belly Charms, also has a blog and her blog is one of the first blogs I ever followed! I LOVE her products! Sonya is a work at home mom of two boys and she creates beautiful bracelets, belly charms, maternity belly button rings and lots more for every kind of mother out there! Her jewelry is absolutely gorgeous!!
Her newest product is her Mom-to-Be bracelets! These are just beautiful!!
Aren't they so adorable?! She also has bracelets and anklets for mothers and grandmothers that can be personalized in a number of different ways! 

One of her biggest sellers and the item I was  lucky enough to review are her Maternity Belly Button Rings. I am going to be pregnant in the summer for the first time and I always assumed if that was ever the case then I'd just have to take out my belly button ring and not have one. Well with the Maternity Belly Button Rings I can wear it during my whole pregnancy!!

Sonya sent me 3 different belly rings to try. She sells them in three different sizes for mommy's growing belly! The first size is your standard belly button ring, the 2nd size is 1.25inches and the 3rd size is two inches long. The maternity belly rings are easy to rethread or shorten also if you need to!

I have a little bump but I'm still not very big. The standard size belly ring still fits somewhat comfortably for me although I did take it out after a few days because it was starting to bug me. So I tried the 1.25" ring and it was very comfortable! It was easy to get on and fit well! I tried the 2" ring but it was a little long and hard to get in. I don't want to shorten it yet because I want to be sure it fits when I do get big so I can wear it then! Here's a pic of my belly with the 1.25" belly ring in!
And here's the beautiful 2" belly ring I received! I'll be sure to follow up and let you know how that one feels when my belly gets bigger!

Whether you are a mom-to-be or know someone who is a mom-to-be, mother, or grandmother...Belly Charms has beautiful, affordable products to make all moms feel special!!

Buy It!
Win It!
Sonya from Belly Charms is giving away a $20 gift certificate toward any item in her store to one lucky follower!
**Mandatory Entry***
Follow my blog via Google Friend Connect and visit Belly Charms and leave me a link to a product you love!
This must be done before any other entries! Be sure to leave your email with EVERY entry!
*Extra Entries*
(1 entry)Follow Belly Charms blog via Google Friend Connect.  
(1 entry each) "Like" Belly Charms and/or The Not-So-Secret Confessions on Facebook! Leave me your Facebook first name and last initial. 
(1 entry each) Follow Belly Charms and/or MommyFerg02 on Twitter. Leave your twitter Id.
(1 entry) Tweet or post on Facebook about this giveaway tagging myself and Belly Charms and linking back to this blog post. This can be done once every 24 hours. 
(1 entry each) Enter one or more of my other current giveaways.
(2 entries) Subscribe to my blog via email.
(1 entry) Grab my new button and post it on your blog or website. Leave a link to where it's posted. 

Remember to leave your email with EVERY entry! 

Giveaway will end on Saturday, June 4th, 2011 at 11:59pm EST. The winner will be chosen via random.org and emailed. The winner will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen. 

New Hair! You like??

I've been a blonde for a LONG time! I usually just do my own hair by touching up my roots once a month. I haven't actually had my hair done in a salon since 9th grade! (other than getting it cut of course) Well as a Mother's Day gift Brian told me to go get my hair done. I've been talking about doing something to it for a while so he finally convinced me of it and convinced me it was a "gift" so I shouldn't feel guilty about spending the money or anything. (I find it hard to justify spending $50 or more for someone to do my hair when I can do it myself for $4 a month lol). So yesterday I went and had lowlights put in my hair! I LOVE it! I love being a blonde but I think after all these years it was just TOO blonde. This feels more me!!



You like?? :) 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Weekly Totals! So Proud of Myself!

Today I did my deal shopping. I spent about two hours this morning getting all the sales for each store and the coupons to go with it. I went to Target, Publix, and Walmart. I think I did a really good job. Before I left I told hubby I didn't want to go over $40 if possible. And I got really close!

Target was my first stop. I didn't do as well as at the other store's but I didn't do horrible either. I got the Up and Up Baby Shampoo for $.62 each with a $.75 off Up and Up hair product Target Coupon. And I got the Aquafresh Training Toothpaste for $1.14 with a $.75 Manufacturer's Q stacked with a $1.00 Target Coupon. The rest I didn't have coupons for, but we're good deals. We always use Up and Up wipes because you get more for cheaper than Huggies and Pampers. The Skippy was on sale for $1.85 and we needed pb and Noah just had to have the bubbles but they were only a buck lol. So total was $12 and some change.
Next was my Publix trip. I failed to mention earlier that Noah and Brian were with me. Now when I go shopping with my coupons I have a game plan and I usually follow my list to a T. Well Brian gets in there and starts looking at the sale papers and asking about this and can we get this and just completely distracting me! Haha! But he did find me a good deal that I wasn't planning on getting. In the yellow Publix flyer they have a coupon for buy 10 Fuze drinks get 5 free. Well they are 10/$10. I already had 3 $1 off coupons making 3 free so I ended up getting 8 free Fuze drinks. I paid $2 each for the chips and under a buck for everything else. I spent $23 and some change at Publix for all this. 

My last and best trip was at Walgreens. I went in mostly for the $.99 pepsi 2 liters but got some other good stuff for SUPER cheap! I did the $2/5 Air Wick refills deal with a $1/2 coupon plus you get a free warmer with the purchase of a refill. So I got two of those free. Got 3 $.99 two liters and then got an 8 pack of Bounty paper towels that were on sale for $6.49. WELLL I had $11 in register rewards so total out of pocket was only $4.71!!! I was super thrilled!I basically paid for the Air Wick refills and got the rest FREE!!  Definitely my best Wags trip yet!! 
So how did you do this week?? Feel free to share you great shopping trips this week!! 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Charlie's Soap Review & Giveaway! ***CLOSED***

A friend of mine is the first one who told me about Charlie's Soap. She said she used it on all her clothes as well as her cloth diapers and loved it! So I was super excited when I had the opportunity to review this detergent! I'm always on the hunt for a detergent I can use on both my clothes and my cloth diapers, so I was very ready to try this out!

About Charlie's Soap

Charlie's Soap comes in a variety of products. There is the laundry powder that can do up to 80 full wash loads! There's also the liquid laundry detergent that is said to be the best laundry liquid you've ever used! You only have to use 1/8 of a cup per load with the liquid laundry detergent and is available in a number of different sizes! Then you have the Charlie's Soap All Purpose Cleaner, which is a multi-surface cleaning agent that is both safe and effective. There are also a number of other products for inside your home and outside!

Charlie's Soap is completely environmentally friendly. It contains no lye, phosphates, bleach, brighteners, dyes, softeners, petroleum, perfumes, or other fillers. Charlie's Soap doesn't leave any residue and cleans all the way to the fibers. It restores the natural softness to cotton, microfibers, and silk! It's completely biodegradable and an awesome stain remover!

My Review

I've tried a lot of detergents since becoming a mom. For our clothes and for the cloth diapers. I can easily say this soap is one of the best I've tried! I used this on my cloth diapers first. I didn't do a soak or anything..I just washed them like I normally do. My diapers came out feeling so clean! And the other great thing about them...they did NOT smell! I know most people like for their clothing to have a scent on them when they wash clothes but thats one thing you don't want on your cloth diapers! They didn't smell like pee and they didn't smell like scented detergent! It was amazing! I was so pleased! It was the same thing with the clothes! This just goes to prove that this soap really does rinse completely clean and doesn't leave any residue!

I really like Charlie's Soap and I give it a five star rating when it comes to washing my clothes AND my cloth diapers! If you are on the hunt for a detergent that will work for both, I highly recommend this detergent!

Buy It!
Visit www.charliesoap.com to purchase or go HERE to find a local retailer!
Win It!
Charlie's Soap is giving one lucky follower a 80 load of laundry powder and a sprayer of liquid cleaner to one lucky follower!!
***Mandatory Entry***
Follow my blog via Google Friend Connect.
This must be done before any other entry and be sure to leave your email address with EVERY entry!
*Extra Entries*
(1 entry) "Like" Charlie's Soap on Facebook. Leave your Facebook Name. 
(1 entry) "Like" The Not-So-Secret Confessions on Facebook. Leave your Facebook Name. 
(1 entry) Follow me on Twitter. Leave your Twitter Id. 
(2 entries) Subscribe to my blog via email. 
(5 entries) Email me one recipe for Fun with Food Friday! You can email the recipe to mommyferg02 at gmail dot com. 

This giveaway will end on June 1 at 11:59pm EST. The winner will be chosen via random.org and emailed. The winner will have 48 hours to respond to the email or another winner will be chosen. Giveaway is open to US residents only! 

Pregnancy Update! 12 Weeks

I had my 12 week OB appointment yesterday! All was well with baby! Little bean had a strong heartbeat of about 160, which the nurse said was very good. The doctor told me that he doesn't consider me at risk at all. Even though I had preclampsia with Noah he says I have a very small chance of getting it again. I also had a LEEP done in June to remove some pre-cancerous cells on my cervix so at my last ultrasound they measured my cervical length, which the doctor told me yesterday was good and there was no need to worry.

My mind is so much as ease now! I haven't been feeling very pregnant since morning sickness is pretty much gone, so I was worrying a little bit. But I feel much better now after that appointment!

The best part is..my next appointment is on June 9th! Which is also graduation day. I'll be 15 weeks and 4 days or something like that. The doctor told me if I made an appointment late in the afternoon and he was done with his patients (I'm seeing the LPN) and wasn't at the hospital delivering a baby..he'd do a gender ultrasound for me!! Four weeks earlier than normal!! That would be the best graduation present ever! So crossing my fingers that he's NOT busy that day!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Intelligender Gender Prediction Test Review & Giveaway! ***CLOSED***

If your anything like me, when you find out your pregnant one of the first things that pops into your mind is "is it a boy or a girl?". The Intelligender Gender Prediction Test is a fun way to bridge the gap between conception and that 20 week sonogram where you find out the gender of your baby! You can take this simple test at home and find out in just minutes whether its a boy or a girl!

I received an Intelligender Gender Prediction Test to review and I took it yesterday morning at 12 weeks. Its a very simple test to take if you just read the directions. You have to pee in a little plastic cup first thing in the morning. Then you take a little syringe and transfer the pee to the Intelligender cup. You swirl for ten seconds and then set it down on a white surface. Then you wait! (5 whole minutes hehe). I was not suprised one bit when my results showed this:

I told ya'll I have a feeling its a boy!! :)) It was very fun to take and I am very excited to see if the results were right! I'll be finding out sometime next month, hopefully, with an ultrasound! Quite a few of my friends have taken the test with their first and the results were correct! I didn't take it with Noah so I'm excited to see if it is correct!

Intelligender also sells a number of different products called IntelliCeuticals. These are "healthy, natural remedies to help moms and babies feel their best." It includes items for before baby and after baby. For before baby some of the items include elasti-oil, and baby's best milk drops. For after baby you have items such as Harmonic Baby Massage Oil, and Clear Away Cradle Cream.

Buy It!
Check your local pharmacy like CVS, Walgreens, or Rite Aid to purchase these Intelligender products!
Win It!
Intelligender is giving away one (1) Intelligender Gender Prediction Test and one (1) Harmonic Baby Massage Oil to one lucky follower!!
***Mandatory Entry***
Follow this blog via Google Friend Connect and follow the Intelligender Blog via Google Friend Connect!
This must be done before any other entries! Don't forget to leave your email address with your entries!
*Extra Entries*
(1 entry) "Like" IntelliGender on Facebook. Leave your Facebook name in the comment. It would be great to thank them for the giveaway! 
(1 entry) "Like" The Not-So-Secret Confessions on Facebook. Leave your Facebook name in the comment.
(1 entry) Follow IntelliGender on Twitter. Leave your Twitter Id. 
(1 entry) Follow me on Twitter. Leave your Twitter Id. 
(2 entries) Subscribe to my blog via email. 
(5 entries) Send me one recipe for Fun with Food Friday! Email recipes to mommyferg02 at gmail dot com.

Don't forget to leave your email with EVERY entry!!

Giveaway will end Tuesday, May 31st at 11:59pm EST! The winner will be chosen via random.org and emailed. The winner will have 48 hours to respond to the email or another winner will be chosen. 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mom Blog Monday Blog Hop!

(We are still on the lookout for another co-host for this blog hop starting June 12th! If you are a mommy blogger and are interested please go HERE for more info and how to apply!)
Are you a Mommy blogger? Do you blog about your kids? Do you blog about great things for Mommies?
 Do you wanna meet other Mom Bloggers?

The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom
This blog hop is hosted by The Adventures of Curly Tot, The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom , and Luxury Living Frugal Style!


All we ask is that you follow The Adventures of Curly TotThe Not- So- Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom, and Luxury Living Frugal Style.We are the first three on the linky!Then follow spot #4 which is the featured blog! Be sure to leave us a comment so we can follow you back!

We would LOVE it if you'd grab our button and put it somewhere on your blog or in a blog post! This would help us spread the word. However, you aren't required to.

Each week we choose a random blog via random.org to be the featured blog! This week's featured blog is...

I am a 30-year old wife and mother and LOVE every minute of my crazy life!  I have the most amazing husband that is currently working in his PhD and works 3 teaching jobs, so that I am able to stay at home with our three beautiful children.  I am a blogging, cloth diapering, baby wearing Mommma that just recently began sewing.  I'm not very good yet,but I keep practicing!  I love the outdoors and spend most of the summer playing in the backyard with my kiddos or at the pool :)  I plan on going back to school this Fall and am super nervous, but anxious to get back to working on a degree, to set a good example for my children!  

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Kiki's Fashions Maternity Review & Giveaway! ***CLOSED***

When I was pregnant with Noah I had the hardest time finding maternity clothes that were cute, inexpensive, and that fit well. And I was pregnant the majority of the winter so the few maternity clothes I do have are warm pants and shirts. So I have been on the hunt for some cheap maternity clothes for the spring and summer. I came across Kiki's Fashions and fell in love! I was super excited when I was given the opportunity to do a review for them!

How cute are some of these outfits! I mean you can get everything from maternity dresses to skirts and dress pants for work!

Here's a few I love:

I got to review a black rhinestone short sleeved shirt! I absolutely love it! Its soooo cute! I have a little bump now but not a very big and noticeable one. So this black shirt actually makes me look less pregnant right now. But the great thing about it is, there is plenty of room for my belly to grow! I feel sure I will be able to wear it this whole summer! I can't wait to wear it one evening when we go to the beach in June! I'll be looking super cute!! I wore it this past Thursday for date night and had hubby take a picture of me in it! Not the best shot of me, but you can see how cute the shirt is! 

I am a huge fan of Kiki's Fashions and definitely plan on getting some more outfits from there as I progress in my pregnancy!!

The awesome folks at Kiki's Fashions is offering one lucky follower a $25.00 gift certificate! 
***Mandatory Entry***
You must be a follower of this blog via GFC. 
Visit Kiki's Fashions and leave me a link of an item you love!! 
(This must be done before any other entry!)
Extra Entries
(1 entry) "Like" Kiki's Fashions on Facebook. Leave your Facebook name.
(1 entry) "Like" The Not-So-Secret Confessions on Facebook. Leave your facebook name. 
(1 entry) Follow me on Twitter. Leave your twitter Id. 
(2 entries) Subscribe to my blog via email.
(5 entries) Send me one recipe to review for Fun with Food Friday! Email recipes to mommyferg02@gmail.com 

Don't forget to leave your email with every entry!!

Giveaway will end on May 28, 2010 at 11:59pm EST! The winner will be chosen via random.org and emailed. Winner will 48 hours to respond to the email or another winner will be chosen. 

Friday, May 13, 2011

Fun With Food Friday- Easy Banana Bread!

Noah loves bananas but for some reason there is always one or two in the bunch that gets all mushy and brown. So I've been on the hunt for an easy banana bread recipe and since I got some bread bans for Mother's Day I had to give it a shot this week! So I came across a really easy recipe on www.allrecipes.com and it turned out AMAZING!!! Here it is!


1/2 cup margarine, softened
1 cup white sugar
2 eggs
1 1/2 cups mashed banana
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and flour one 9x5 inch pan.

Cream margarine and sugar until smooth. Beat in eggs, then bananas. Add flour and soda, stirring just until combined.

Pour into prepared pan and bake at 350 degrees F for about 1 hour (or until toothpick comes out clean. Remove from pan and let cool.

It is so yummy! I have been eating some every day this week for breakfast! Noah loves it too!

Be sure to check out Mama Chocolate to see what she's cooked up this week!!

