Saturday, April 30, 2011

Pregnancy Update! 10 Weeks Today!

This pregnancy is going by sooo much faster than it did with Noah! I credit a lot of that to Zofran saving my life...and Noah keeping me busy lol. But that's fine with me! I am especially ready to be out of the first trimester so I can finally have some energy again!

I'm not near as nauseated anymore. I only have to take half a Zofran a day and I'm good usually. BUT now that the nausea is going away the headaches have come to visit. This same thing happened with Noah although the headaches aren't near as bad. When I was pregnant with Noah I got all out migraines and had to stay in bed some days because they were so bad. This time they are just that pain above my eyes that won't go away. Sucks. But other than that I feel good! Wish I had more energy, but I know that will come!

If I wear a tight tank top or shirt and low cut or stretchy pants you can seriously see my baby bump. I asked hubby if I just looked fat or if I did look pregnant and he said definitely pregnant..its that high baby bump instead of just chubby. Good answer!! Haha! Here's a pic I took this week at 9 weeks 5 days! PLEASE IGNORE THE MESS! (My house is always a mess lately..and my bedroom is always the last to get touched!)

Friday, April 29, 2011

Fun With Food Friday! Beef and Potato Soup!

Late again! Sorry guys! I had Noah's 2 year well check up this morning and we've been running around all morning! So then by the time we got home I passed out right along with him at naptime! But I'm awake and ready to share another favorite in our house!

This will be a huge hit if you have a meat and potatoes person in your house! My husband hates veggies and I can usually only get him to eat corn! So he loves this meal because there are no veggies!

Side Note- Next week I will have pictures to go with my recipes because next week I am actually going to start cooking and trying new recipes BECAUSE my morning sickness is finally wearing off (YAY!!). So make sure you send me recipes!!


- 1 pound ground beef
- 7-10 potatoes peeled and sliced into about 1 inch cubes
- 2 cans cream of mushroom soup
- 2 cans beef broth
- 1 16oz. sour cream
- 1 chopped onion

Boil potatoes for about 20 min or until soft. Then brown beef and onions. Drain. Add cream of mushroom, and broth and heat to boiling. Reduce heat to low/medium. Add sour cream. Cover and simmer for 10 min. Drain potatoes and add to pot. Let simmer until ready to serve!

Super Easy and Super Yummy!!

** Go check out Mama Chocolate to get another awesome recipe!

*** We need new recipes to try each week and review so we need YOU to send them to us! For every one recipe you send get 5 extra entries into any current giveaway on my blog! Email recipes to

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Toddler Talk Thursday!

Sippy Cup Mom

I am participating today in Toddler Talk Thursday for the first time! This is a really sweet link up hosted by The Life Of Sippy Cup Mom , Family and Life in Las Vegas, and Crazy About My Baybah! Each week there is a different subject to discuss about Toddlers! So after stalking for a while, I've decided to participate! You should too! 

This week's topic is.....
What is your toddler’s bedtime routine?

Noah has had a bedtime routine since he was about 6 weeks old and not much has changed since then. I really believe babies and toddlers thrive on routine and I definitely credit that routine to how well he slept as a baby and sleeps now as a toddler. 

When its time to get ready for bed, Noah first has a bath each night. We started this super early and now he knows bath time means its almost bedtime. After a bath we put on his diaper, lotion him up, and put on jammies. Then its time to brush his teeth with his awesome Dora toothbrush!  Then sometimes we read a book, and other times we skip that part. Then he gets tucked into bed with his stuffed monkey, we turn on his fan, kisses and hugs, and off to sleep he goes!  

We do this every night, even when we aren't at home and it seems to help bedtime go very smoothly each night! Noah sleeps about 12 hours each night too and like I said, I credit that to routine!! 

Here's little man in his toddler bed a few months ago! It's a phone shot so kinda blurry. (The paci is gone now, thank goodness!)

Now as part of the link up I have to suggest a let's see.... how about.... How do you and your toddler handle toddler tantrums?? 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Monkey Doodlez Tuck and Go Diapering System Review + Discount Code!!

I learned about Monkey Doodlez cloth diapers pretty early in my cloth diapering journey. I thought they were super cute and colorful! Monkey Doodlez has a number of different products that includes cloth diapers, swim diapers, pail liners and wetbags, and they are even a Canadian retailer of Rockin' Green Cloth Diaper Detergent! They also have a number of retailers here in the United States that carry their diapers and products!

I was given the opportunity to try the Monkey Doodlez Tuck and Go diapering system! This is an awesome diapering system! It is kinda like a mix between an AI2 or prefolds and covers! But much easier than both in my opinion! Here's how it works:

First you have your Tuck and Go cover. It is designed so the pad will fit snuggly inside of it without having to touch anything once its soiled! The front and back, as well as around the legs are covered with microfleece so its super comfy for your baby. The Tuck and Go cover is made so it can be used with the TAG pad, prefolds,  or even over a fitted diaper!!
Then you have your Tuck and Go pad which fits snuggly into the TAG cover! It just tucks right in and you put the diaper on your baby! No stuffing or snaps! It's a very simple system! With the pad in the cover so snug mess rarely gets on the cover so you can use it over and over again and just simply replace the pad inside! 

I REALLY like the Tuck and Go system. I think I've said it before but I'm not typically a AI2 type of girl. I am a pockets girl and love the simplicity of pockets. BUT the Tuck and Go is not really an AI2. It stays together like a pocket but because it is two party I can save money by using the cover more than once! The elastic and velcro on this diaper is sturdy and strong so I was able to get a great fit on Noah! I am definitely considering purchasing some more of these in smaller sizes for our new addition! The small size starts at 6lbs and the large size goes up to 45lbs! This diaper makes cloth diapering affordable and easy! I love it! 

Buy It!
Visit Monkey Doodlez to make a purchase!
Monkey Doodlez is offering my followers an awesome discount! For the next ten days(May 6) use code SECRET15 and get 15% off any Tuck And Go covers and inserts! 

Monday, April 25, 2011

New Look! What do ya think?!

I decided since I'm not going to be a first time mom for too much longer, I should give my blog a new name and a new look! Wacki Jacqui Designs gave me the new look and I think she did an awesome job! She did my last blog design and I just had to go with her again because she makes great designs and is so affordable! If your looking to give your blog a new look or just need a button or something, you should definitely check her out!

So tell you like the new look??

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Mom Blog Monday Blog Hop!

Are you a Mommy blogger? Do you blog about your kids? Do you blog about great things for Mommies?
 Do you wanna meet other Mom Bloggers?

The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom
This blog hop is hosted by Sippy Cups and Cloth Bums, The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom , and Luxury Living Frugal Style!


All we ask is that you follow Sippy Cups and Cloth BumsThe Not- So- Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom, and Luxury Living Frugal Style.We are the first three on the linky!Then follow spot #4 which is the featured blog! Be sure to leave us a comment so we can follow you back!

We would LOVE it if you'd grab our button and put it somewhere on your blog or in a blog post! This would help us spread the word. However, you aren't required to.

Each week we choose a random blog via to be the featured blog! This week's featured blog is...

Hi, my name is Kristen and I am a stay at home mom of 4 kids. 2 girls 10 and6 and 2 boys 4 and 17 months. I am also the proud wife of my Marine. My blog Our Crazy Bunch follows our everyday adventures of life with kids, military and moving recently from Florida to Boston. I have been blogging now for just over a year and have come to love so many of my fellow blog friends. 

**Be sure to check out my the awesome giveaways on the blog right now! There are 7 giveaways for My Little Toddler up right now!! **

Noah's Birthday Party and Easter!

Noah's birthday party turned out to be a huge success! He woke up not coughing at all and was happy as could be! I was so happy! Almost everyone still came to the party and he had a blast! Today was a great day too! The Easter bunny visited and we went to church and had a nice ham dinner tonight! It's been an amazing weekend! Here's some pics!!

My Mom made this cake! She did an awesome job!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

My Little Toddler Day 7! Happy Baby Organics Review & Giveaway! ***CLOSED***

Happy Baby  is an awesome company I have recently discovered! Happy Baby is a company that provides premium organic meals for your family! They are committed to providing families with the most healthy optimal nutrition possible! They have products for babies and toddlers that are super healthy and just like homemade!

Here's some of their awesome products for baby's and toddlers!
I had the opportunity to try some Happy Baby products. (Well Noah did haha) And although he didn't flat out tell me I can tell he LOVED them! His favorite were the HappyBaby Puffs! I love HappyBaby products because they are organic and as close to homemade as you can get! They have your baby and toddler in mind first! Happy Baby is easy to find and affordable too! I pick up Happy Baby products at our local Target! There's nothing like knowing your feeding your child something healthy and safe that's easy on your wallet too! 

Buy It!
You can purchase Happy Baby Products at many of your local grocery stores such as Kroger, Whole Foods,  Publix, and Target! 
Win It! 
One lucky follower will win 2 coupons for each product line at Happy Baby! These coupons are to purchase that product FREE! Plus the winner will receive awesome recipes along with the coupons! 
**Mandatory Entry**
Follow my blog via GFC and go HERE and tell me a product you'd love to have your toddler try! This must be done before any other entry. Be sure to leave me your email so I can contact you if you win! 
**Extra Entries**
(1 entry) "Like" Happy Baby on Facebook. Leave your Facebook name. 
(1 entry) "Like" The Not-So-Secret Confessions on Facebook. Leave your Facebook name. 
(1 entry) Follow Happy Baby on Twitter. Leave your Twitter Id. 
(1 entry) Follow me on Twitter. Leave your Twitter Id. 
(1 entry) Post on Facebook or Tweet about this giveaway tagging me and linking back to this blog post. Leave the link to where you posted. This can be done once every 24 hours. 
(5 entries) Blog about this giveaway linking back to this blog post. Leave a link to where you blogged. 

Giveaway will end May 1, 2011pm EST! The winner will be chosen via and emailed. The winner will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen. Giveaway is open to US residents only!! 

Friday, April 22, 2011

Sucky Second Birthday! :(

Happy Birthday to my sweet Noah bear!! I can't believe he is two!!

But it hasn't quite been the day I planned or expected. It began last night...Noah coughed all night long. My sweet husband let me sleep and got up with him multiple times last night. Then this morning we decided we still wanted to go to the Georgia Aquarium so we packed up and left. Noah coughed the whole way there and the whole time we were there!! While he still enjoyed himself, we just became more and more worried. :(

So on the way home we took him to the Urgent Care Doctor thinking hopefully its just allergies and they can give him something to knock it out. Well we got bad news...its a touch of croup. :( Poor little guy. So he's sleeping now and we've got some meds to help him. Have to take him to his pediatrician Monday to have him checked again.

Since all the arrangements have already been made and my mother has slaved in her kitchen all day baking and decorating his cake, we are still having his birthday party tomorrow. Its going to be outside and I let everyone know so they can decide if they want to come or not. But even if just family shows up we'll still make the best of it!!  So happy birthday to my wonderful little boy!! :))

My Little Toddler Day 6! Little Looster Review & Giveaway! ***CLOSED***

Little Legs Love Little Looster!!

What is a Little Looster you ask? The Little Looster is a booster for the Loo! It provides support for little legs during and after potty training so kiddos don't feel uncomfortable and unsafe while using the toilet! 

With the Little Looster potty training can be easy and fun! The Little Looster requires no assembly and doesn't even have to be moved when adults use the restroom! Its easy to clean and can be used for years until  little tots become big kids and can reach the floor when going to the bathroom! Plus with the Little Looster parents can potty train earlier and start saving money for not having to buy diapers sooner!! 

Now I'll admit...I haven't been able to "review" this product much with Noah actually on the toilet. He's still not going in the potty much and he's still pretty fearful of the big potty. He much prefers his little boy potty right now instead. But I can say, I can already tell the Little Looster is going to be an AMAZING accessory for potty training! I really really think it is going to be so helpful when he finally is ready to start using the potty on his own! I really think it will help him have the confidence to climb up on that big potty and feel safe and secure while he goes. Nobody likes to have dangly legs while they are sitting anywhere, so why would kiddos want that while learning something new? I think the Little Looster is an awesome invention and can't wait till Noah is ready to potty train so we can use this often! 

Buy It!
Win It!
Little Looster is giving away one Little Looster booster to one lucky follower!!
**Mandatory Entry**
Follow my blog via GFC and tell me another interesting fact about your little toddler! This must be done before any other entries! Be sure to leave your email so I can contact you if you win!
**Extra Entry**
(1 entry) "Like" Little Looster on Facebook. Thank them for the giveaway if you like! Leave your Facebook name. 
(1 entry) "Like" The Not-So-Secret Confessions on Facebook. Leave your Facebook name.
(1 entry) Follow me on Twitter. Leave your Twitter Id. 
(2 entries) Subscribe to my blog via email.
(1 entry) Post to Facebook or Tweet about this giveaway tagging me and linking back to this blog post. Leave the link to where you posted. This can be done once every 24 hours. 
(4 entries) Blog about this giveaway linking back to this blog post. Leave the link to where you blogged. 

Don't forget to leave your email with EVERY entry!

Giveaway will end April 29, 2011 at 11:59pm EST. The winner will be chosen via and emailed. The winner will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen. Giveaway is open to US residents only! 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

My Little Toddler Day 5! Shona Byrd- Stella & Dot Giveaway! ***CLOSED***

The next giveaway for My Little Toddler comes from my good friend Shona! She is the mommy of 2 and is seriously supermom! On top of working a full time job, and taking care of her family, she sells beautiful awesome jewelry and accessories as an independent consultant for Stella and Dot!

Stella and Dot sells the most beautiful jewelry! They have every style and design you could think of! They even have adorable jewelry for little girls!!

Shona is giving away 3 amazing pieces of jewelry for 3 winners! These are for the sweet little girl toddler in your life!

First piece is a mini bloom flower necklace: Sweeter than a string of gumballs, these coral acrylic beads are accented with an adorable double sided ivory enamel flower charm accented with a tiny sparkly flower.   
A tinier, but no less chic version of the Boca Necklace from our La Coco Collection that you wear. This item typically fits 3-7 year olds comfortably. My two year old loves hers!!

Measures approximately 13” in length. Lobster clasp closure. Each adorable style from our Girls collection arrives in a collectable tin.

Second is a Lola Stretch Bracelet in Pink: Precious faux pearl and playful plaid ribbon bracelet, accented with our silverplated signature heart.Measures approximately 1¾” inner diameter. Stretchable bracelet. Each adorable style from our Girls collection arrives in a collectable tin.

Third is a Lola Stretch Bracelet in Blue: Precious faux pearl and playful plaid ribbon bracelet, accented with our silver plated signature heart. Measures approximately 1¾” inner diameter. Stretchable bracelet. Each adorable style from our Girls collection arrives in a collectable tin.

 Super Cute Huh?! So here's how you can win!! 

***Mandatory Entry***
Follow my blog via GFC and check out Shona's website and tell me of a piece of jewelry you'd love to have! Leave the link to it! You must do this entry before any other entries! Be sure to leave your email so I can contact you if you win! 
**Extra Entries**
(1 entry) "Like" Shona Byrd- Independent Stylist for Stella and Dot on Facebook. Tell her who sent ya and thank her for the giveaway! Leave your Facebook name in the entry.
(1 entry) "Like" The Not-So-Secret Confessions on Facebook. Leave your Facebook name.
(1 entry) Follow me on Twitter. Leave your Twitter Id. 
(2 entries) Subscribe to my blog via email. 
(1 entry) Post on Facebook or Tweet about this giveaway tagging me and linking back to this blog post. Leave the link to where you posted.
(4 entries) Blog about this giveaway. Leave the link to where you blogged. 

Giveaway will end April 28, 2011 at 11:59pm EST. The winners will be chosen via and emailed. The winners will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen. Giveaway is open to US residents only! 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Little Toddler Day 4! Bobbles & Peanuts Giveaway! ***CLOSED***

Harmony is the awesome owner of Bobbles & Peanuts!  She is the mommy of two kiddos...a 3 year old boy and a 10 month old girl. Her business started because she wanted to create some fun hair accessories for her daughter! Since then she has branched out and started making scarfs, tutu's, and blankets! Her latest project is appliquéd t-shirts!

Check out some of her work!!

Buy It!
Check out the Bobbles and Peanuts Facebook Page to see what else she makes and place an order! 
Win It!
Harmony from Bobbles & Peanuts is giving away a toddler scarf each to two lucky followers!
***Mandatory Entry***
Follow my blog via GFC and follow the Bobbles and Peanuts blog via GFC.
**Extra Entries**
(1 entry) "Like" Bobbles & Peanuts on Facebook. It would be great to thank them! Leave your Facebook name! 
(1 entry) Like The Not-So-Secret Confessions on Facebook. Leave your Facebook name. 
(1 entry) Follow me on Twitter. Leave your Twitter Id. 
(2 entries) Subscribe to my blog via email. 
(1 entry) Post on Facebook or Tweet about this giveaway tagging me and linking back to this blog post. Leave a link to where you posted. This can be done once every 24 hours.
(4 entries) Blog about this giveaway. Leave a link to where you blogged. 

Giveaway will end April 27, 2011 at 11:59pm EST! Winner will be chosen via and emailed. The winner will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen. Open to US residents only! 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pregnancy Update!

I had my first doctor's appointment yesterday and I met with the Nurse Practitioner. She did a pap and breast exam, got my medical history, etc. Then I got bloodwork done and all that. But today was the real kicker! I was able to get an ultrasound scheduled for today and I got to see my little bean!!

I am measuring 8 weeks and 5 days and everything looks great! The little heartbeat was just a beating away! Noah and Brian were there with me and it was a very special moment for us all! As for being pregnant it hasn't been too bad the past few weeks. I still get nauseas and sicky sometimes but Zofran is helping SO much! But I am very ready to be in the 2nd trimester and have energy again! And get a little baby bump!! :))

My Little Toddler Day 3! The Willow Store Review & Giveaway! ***CLOSED***

So one big milestone those of us with toddlers face is POTTY TRAINING! I am still pretty clueless about the big potty training issue. We've tried it some but I think Noah is still a little unsure of when he has to go. He knows after he goes and he knows where he should go. But he doesn't know how to control it before he does go. So we are still learning some but I have discovered some awesome training pants to help us along with this process!!

The Willow Store is a store dedicated to reusing! They are the producers of Willow Pads, Sprout Change, and Willow Sprouts! Sprout Change are reusable diapers and reusable training pants. The training pants are one-size and adjustable. They snap on the sides for easy removal when your kiddo needs to go potty!

They are as easy to use as AIO cloth diapers and the size adjusts so you can get a perfect fit on your toddler every time! And just like cloth diapers and underwear you wash them instead of throwing them away! Plus you can even purchase snap extenders in case your little is not quite ready for real underwear so they can still fit in the training pants!!

Although we aren't quite fully potty training yet, I love these training pants! And I know they will be very helpful when we do start potty training! The side snaps are awesome and super easy to get off when we have to quickly run to the potty! Being able to adjust the size is super great too so I know no matter how long it takes to get Noah potty trained I will be able to use these training pants the whole time!!

Buy It!
Win It!
The Willow Store is offering one lucky winner a $20 gift certificate to their store!! 
***Mandatory Entry***
Follow my blog via Google Friend Connect and visit The Willow Store and tell me something else you love!
This entry must be done before any other entries! Be sure to leave your email so I can contact you if you win!
Extra Entries!
(1 entry) "Like" The Willow Store on Facebook. Thank them if you want to! Leave your Facebook name. 
(1 entry) "Like" The Not-So-Secret Confessions on Facebook. Leave your Facebook name.  
(1 entry) Follow The Willow Store on Twitter. Leave your Twitter ID. 
(1 entry) Follow me on Twitter. Leave your Twitter ID.
(1 entry) Follow The Willow Store's Blog.  
(1 entry) Post on Facebook or Tweet about this giveaway tagging me and linking back to this blog post. Leave a link to where you posted. This can be done once every 24 hours.
(4 entries) Blog about this giveaway. Leave the link to where you blogged. 

Don't forget to leave your email with EVERY entry!

Giveaway will end on April 26, 2011 at 11:59pm EST! The winner will be chosen via and emailed. The winner will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen! Giveaway is open to US only! 

Monday, April 18, 2011

My Little Toddler Day 2! Boogie Wipes Review & Giveaway! ***CLOSED***

Boogie Wipes are a must have if you have an infant or toddler in your house! Sickness comes through our house a lot and poor Noah still doesn't have blowing his nose quite down yet so he gets the yucky crusty nose and can hardly breathe and its just awful and no fun. :( But since I've discovered Boogie Wipes, my little guy can get some relief when he's sick now!

"Boogie Wipes are made with natural saline to dissolve boogies (mucus) caused by the common cold, allergies, or otherwise booger-filled kid moments."
They are soft and moist and have come in a variety of scents like Great Grape, Fresh Scent, Magic Menthol, and Simply Unscented! So your toddler won't pitch a fit and scream bloody murder every time they need their nose wiped!

I was sent some packs of Boogie Wipes to review and while Noah hasn't been actually sick since we received them, he has been hit by the awful pollen that coats Georgia this time of year, causing his eyes and nose to run like crazy! And like I said earlier, he can't quite blow his nose yet, so he gets the yucky stuck on crusty mucus. Boogie Wipes has been our lifesaver! With dry tissues its always a huge temper tantrum and battle to get his nose wiped. With Boogie Wipes, its painless for him and he doesn't mind getting his nose wiped! He even likes to do it himself!  Such a relief for mommy! Now, even when he's sick, its a little less horrible for mommy and Noah! 

Boogie Wipes has a super cute promotion currently going on right now called Save the Sleeve! Its a fun interactive website that teaches children to wipe their boogies on a Boogie Wipe instead of on their sleeve! They will learn that by wiping on their sleeve they can spread germs and make others sick! Go check it out! 

You can purchase Boogie Wipes at many of your local retailers like Target, Walgreens, Walmart, Rite Aid, and Toys R Us!
Win It!!
Boogie Wipes is giving one lucky follower 2 packs of 30-count wipes in their choice of scent! 
***Mandatory Entry***
Follow my blog via Google Friend Connect and tell me something about your toddler (or toddler-to-be!) 
This must be done before any other entries to count! Be sure to leave your email so I can contact you if you win! 
**Extra Entries**
(1 entry) Like Boogie Wipes on Facebook. Thank them for the giveaway! Leave your Facebook name.
(1 entry) Like The Not-So-Secret Confessions on Facebook. Leave your Facebook name.
(1 entry) Follow Boogie Wipes on Twitter. Leave your Twitter Id. 
(1 entry) Follow me on Twitter. Leave your Twitter Id.
(2 entries) Join the Boogie Bunch. (You also get a coupon for joining!)
(1 entry) Tweet about this giveaway or post on Facebook tagging me and linking back to this blog post. Leave the link to where you posted/tweeted!
(3 entries) Blog about this giveaway linking back to this blog post! Leave the link to where you blogged!

Don't forget to leave your email with EVERY entry!

Giveaway will end April 25, 2011 at 11:59pm EST! The winner will be chosen via and emailed! The winner will have 48 hours to respond to the email or another winner will be chosen! Giveaway is open to US and Canada residents only! 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Mom Blog Monday Blog Hop!

Are you a Mommy blogger? Do you blog about your kids? Do you blog about great things for Mommies?
 Do you wanna meet other Mom Bloggers?

The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom
This blog hop is hosted by Sippy Cups and Cloth Bums, The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom , and Luxury Living Frugal Style!


All we ask is that you follow Sippy Cups and Cloth BumsThe Not- So- Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom, and Luxury Living Frugal Style.We are the first three on the linky!Then follow spot #4 which is the featured blog! Be sure to leave us a comment so we can follow you back!

We would LOVE it if you'd grab our button and put it somewhere on your blog or in a blog post! This would help us spread the word. However, you aren't required to.

Each week we choose a random blog via to be the featured blog! This week's featured blog is...

My name is Mickey Coutts and I am the owner of A Helicopter Mom, a blog about my family and our life experiences.  I'm a happily married, stay-at-home mom who blogs and runs a small baking business in my spare time.  My husband and I have three children, girls ages 6 and 3 and a baby boy.  I just started A Helicopter Mom a few months ago, but already love the community of moms I'm meeting and learning from!

My Little Toddler! Little Green Books Review & Giveaway! 3 Winners! ***CLOSED***

The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom

Welcome to My Little Toddler!! A week of celebrating all things toddler! This week is my son's birthday week (April 22) and to celebrate I wanted to do something for other moms and dads of toddler as well! Having a toddler is so fun and challenging at the same time but this week we are celebrating how awesome our little toddler's are! There will be a giveaway each day so you have a great chance to win something for your little toddler or soon to be toddler! Good luck and thanks for stopping by!! 

The first review/giveaway I am bringing to you is Little Green Books

Little Green Books is an eco-friendly children's series of books from Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing Division. This series of books will get your toddler excited about going green! The books cover topics such as recycling, replanting, global warming and endangered animals! Each book is made from recycled materials too! So not only is the theme of the books being green, but the manufacturing of the books themselves is eco-friendly as well! 

I received three books to read to Noah and review! 

"This Is Our World"

"What Do You See?"
"My First Garden"

All of these books were super cute! Noah and I both really enjoyed them! "This is Our World" is about cleaning up trash and recycling and doing things to take care of our world. "What Do You See" is a lift-the-flap book about endangered animals. "My First Garden" is about how fun it is to grow your own garden! 

I love how they focus on being green and taking care of our world! There's no better time to start teaching our kids about taking care of the earth than when they are toddlers and learning at an amazing speed! And the books are also interactive with lift-the-flaps and puzzle pieces so the kids never get bored reading them! I believe these books will be ones we read for years to come!! 

Buy It!
Visit to purchase your own Little Green Books!
Win It!
Little Green Books is graciously giving away the three books I received to three lucky followers!
***Mandatory Entry***
Follow my blog via Google Friend Connect and go HERE and tell me another book you'd like to have that I didn't mention. 
(This must be done before any other entries! Make sure to leave your email address so I can reach you if you win!) 
***Extra Entries***
(1 entry) "Like" The Not-So-Secret Confessions on Facebook. Leave your FB name. 
(1 entry) Follow me on Twitter. Leave your Twitter Id.
(1 entry) Tweet about this giveaway or post on Facebook tagging me and linking back to this post! This can be done once every 24 hours. Leave link!
(2 entries) Subscribe to my blog via email
(5 entries) Blog about this giveaway linking back to this post. Leave link!

Don't forget to leave your email address with EVERY entry!

Giveaway will end April 24th at 11:59pm EST! Winners will be chosen via and emailed. The winners will have 48 hours to respond to the email or another winner will be chosen. Giveaway is open to US and Canada only! 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

MY LITTLE TODDLER! Event Details Here!!

The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom

My Little Toddler begins tomorrow April 17 and ends next Saturday April 23! This event will be celebrating all things toddler! Noah is turning 2 on Friday so what better time to celebrate how awesome toddlers are! So here's the details so we all know how everything will work!

  • Every day there will be a review/giveaway posted for an item that a toddler or parent of a toddler will love! Each giveaway will last 7 full days. 
  • There will be a mandatory entry for each giveaway that must be done before any other entries will count! This includes extra entries for grabbing the event button!!
  • Through today you can grab the event button and post it on your blog or website for five extra entries! Once you do so go HERE to fill out the extra entries form. This will count for five extra entries toward every giveaway! 
  • Giveaways will be open to US only unless otherwise stated! 
I am very excited for this event and I hope you are too! Be sure to spread the word and tell everyone about it!! 

Planet Wise Giveaway Winner!

The winner of the Planet Wise Bag Your Snack Stuff Giveaway is....

Comment #119

momtodc said...119

I follow planet wise on twitter as edmonton

Congrats!! The winner has been emailed and has 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Fun With Food Friday- Potato Bacon Soup

Sorry I'm a little late this week again. We are busy painting and cleaning and getting ready for Noah's birthday party next weekend. So on top of preggo brain, I'm a bit preoccupied and forget things very easily!

This week's recipe is a HUGE favorite at our house and I even plan on making some this weekend. Its fairly easy to prepare and makes for great leftovers too!

Potato Bacon Soup

What you Need!

  • 8-10 potatoes peeled and cubed
  • 1 onion (or we just use onion powder in our house)
  • bacon bits (I love the real ones you can buy already broken up) 
  • 1 pkg cream cheese
  • 1 can cream of chicken soup
  • 1 can chicken broth
Mix all ingredients together in a large crockpot and cook on low for about 8 hours! Topped with cheese is the best!!!  YUM!!!

For another awesome recipe visit Mama Chocolate!
