So I'm starting a bit late. I've been a mommy for 6 months already! And a newlywed for 7 months! So I'll recap the world on my crazy life as a mom and wife! (haha love how that rhymes!)
So I met Brian in April/May of 2008. We started dating like 2 weeks after we met and were living together like a week after dating. In August I found out I was pregnant. We weren't doing a single thing to prevent it so it wasn't that much of a suprise. His fam was super excited, mine not so much, but after a while it grew on them and they became excited too.
We already had names picked out and on Dec. 16 we found out we were having a boy. So right away we knew we were having a Noah Allen. We were both super excited.
On March 6, 2009 Brian and I got married in the courthouse in Lexington. Only his mom was their ( she invited herself) and she took pics. It took all of 10 min to get married. Then we went to Atlanta for our 3 day honeymoon. We went to the zoo, the aquarium and all over Atl. It was perfect.
On April 22, I gave birth to little Noah Allen after 22 hrs of labor. He was perfect. 6lbs 4oz and seriously came out smiling haha. We brought him home 3 days later and life really began. The first night we didn't sleep at all. My milk hadn't come in yet and little guy was hungry! So every half hr or so he woke up wanting more. It was a long night.
Now Noah is almost 6 months old! He's sitting up, almost crawling, eating babyfood, and has two teeth! It's amazing how fast they grow! He's the perfect mix of me and Brian. He's sleeping through the night and has never had any big problems. We are very blessed.
Brian and I are still going strong. We fight alot more than we used to. But we have alot more to deal with than we used to. Having a child is stressful. But its amazing all at the same time. I don't recommend having one unless you are completely prepared for anything and everything. But honestly, me and Brian fight more about money than anything else. I swear that stuff really is the root of all evil!
So thats a recap of my life as wife and mom. Now I'll start posting from today on. And be prepared! Your going to get the real me! And believe me, its not always pretty!!!
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