Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wordless Wednesday- 11 Weeks and Showing Already!!


  1. I have to ask, although I hate when people ask me this... Are you sure you're only 11 weeks??? I'm roughly that big at 16 weeks and I thought that was insane too!

  2. You look great! That little belly is adorable! :) Hope you are having a great day! :)

  3. Erin..the ultrasound measured me 5 days ahead last time but he didn't change my due date. So if anything when I took this picture (last Friday) I was 11 weeks 5 days. But I think a lot of it is a mix of pooch from Noah being filled out and some bloat. My very low tummy is very hard so I know thats all uterus but I think the upper part is pooch and bloat lol. Plus I only show that much when I wear a tight shirt and as you can see I'm holding my hands against my belly which makes me look bigger too! I can still fit into all my regular clothes with just a little bump poking out.

  4. People were already noticing a belly at 8 weeks in my second pregnancy...everything is just stretched out. You look super cute though! A plus is that you'll get past the awkward phase where no one's sure if you're pregnant or just putting on weight much quicker (at least that's how it was for me!) :)

  5. Awwwwe how cute!, I loved when I started showing early, I got sooo much more excited when I started to show, Like it made being pregnant and have another little baby more REAL! You look great!!

  6. So sweet, Congrats and Great shot!

  7. Congratulations! Super cute baby bump : ) You look adorable!

  8. You look just beautiful! I showed early, too. Every woman is built differently.

    Later on in my pregnancy, I got tired of the "Are you sure you aren't having twins?" comments. Isn't that just a "nice" way of calling someone fat?

  9. You look great and glowy!

  10. Oh my gosh, you are so cute! Love the preggo bump! I was that big already in my first pregnancy, and I'm thin like you. I bet I'm going to be ridiculously huge next time......oh geez, bring on the "twins" comments! lol

  11. What a perfect pregnant picture. You look absolutely adorable!

  12. I am 13.5 weeks and look like I'm sporting a bowling ball under there. No worries, you look CUTE! Some one looked at my tummy this morning and said "What happened to you?!" Um.. last time I checked I was growing a baby in there. :)

  13. Oh congratulations! You look so great in the photo! What an exciting time for you!


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