Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Workout Wednesday!

Welcome to Workout Wednesday! Here we get together to encourage and support each other in our journey's to becoming healthier! Here you can talk about your struggles, your triumphs and everything in between!

So how has your week been? Did the Labor Day weekend cause you to fall back a little with healthy eating or working out? Right after I finished Insanity last Monday I got sick and didn't workout for nearly a week! It really put a damper on my routine! I'm feeling a lot better now so I've been doing a little bit of walking/running. I am running in a 5k race on September 21st so I want to be ready for that. I've also committed to an Ab challenge for the month of September and we're only on day 4 and my abs are sore already! I hope this gives me a little push towards that baby belly being completely gone! 

This coming Monday I will be starting Shaun T's new program, T25! It's a full body workout in only 25 minutes! I am really excited about this because I am so busy these days that only having to work out for 25 minutes sounds so awesome! 

So today let's talk about time! Is time one thing that keeps you from working out every day? Is there a time of day that you prefer to workout? How do you overcome the time issue to live a healthy lifestyle and be fit? 

For me, being fit has become a priority. It's become part of my daily routine. So I make time for it whenever I can. I usually work out when my youngest son naps but sometimes if I don't get to then I'll do it after the kids go to bed. Sometimes if I'm really busy I'll just go walking with my little guy in the stroller. I try to make time to do something active every single day. I know, I'm a stay-at-home mom and I imagine it can be a lot harder to accomplish as a working parent, but I feel that even 10 minutes a day is better than nothing and it's such an important thing that time should be made to do it. I mean, if we have time to check our facebook and play candy crush, then we should have time to get some kind of workout in, right? 

So tell me, does time make it hard for you to work out? What time of day to you prefer to workout? How has your workout week been? 


  1. I walk around at my job a lot. I am also up and down helping patrons. My daughter and I also dance together a bunch. I do not necessarily "work out" but get exercise throughout the day.

  2. Well this weekend, I skipped the gym because we had a ton of yardwork and housework to catch up one, but I stuck to my meal plan...which to ALOT of will power ;-)

  3. I've been taking the dog on a hike through the woods again almost daily. She loves it.


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