Sunday, July 31, 2011

Mom Blog Monday Blog Hop!

Are you a Mommy blogger?
Do you blog about your kids?
Do you blog about great things for Mommies?
Do you wanna meet other Mom Bloggers?

So Easy Being Green
This blog hop is hosted by The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom,Luxury Living Frugal Style, and So Easy Being Green!

Rules to Hop?

All we ask is that you follow the co-hosts: The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time MomLuxury Living Frugal Style, and So Easy Being Green... the first three blogs on the linky! Then follow Spot #4 which is the featured blog of the week! 

We would LOVE it if you'd grab our button and put it somewhere on your blog or in a blog post! This would help us spread the word. However, you aren't required to.
Be sure to leave us a comment so we can follow you back!

This week's Featured Blog is...
Marlee In Debt

Hello everyone! My name is Marlee and I'm finishing up my Master's in Counseling as well as additional schooling to become a registered dietitian. My blog is a mix of budgeting tricks I've discovered in my attempt to work my way through graduate school, weight loss tips from a psychological perspective, and anything crazy that I feel like doing (that you get to vote on!). My most recent poll is on the right hand side where you get to choose which country to send me to after Italy (the country you all voted for the first time around).

I'd like to describe my blog as witty, useful and funny, considering I've got a pretty sarcastic sense of humor and there's never been an awkward silence I didn't fully appreciate. Overall I'm pretty happy in life. I’ve got the best man a girl could ask for, an air conditioner, and a healthy collection of bad zombie movies.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Avon Beauty Prize Pack Giveaway! ***CLOSED***

I am a huge Avon fan! I love all the products Avon has to offer! Most of the beauty products I use and wear are Avon products. I used to sell Avon but stopped when I was finishing up school and was too busy with school and being a mommy to put in the time I needed to sell it. But luckily, my mother Sarah O'Donnell, still sells it so I can still get all my makeup and beauty products easily!

One thing I love about Avon is that the products are amazing quality for an amazingly low price! If I went to a department store to purchase the same things I can get from Avon, I would be spending WAY more. But just because the price is skimpy doesn't mean the quality is any less than what you would get at the department store! All my makeup is from Avon as well as my perfumes and a lot of the jewelry I wear! Avon sells all kinds of products for women including bras, clothing, shoes, makeup, jewelry, and fragrances! They also sell products for men and children! I have purchased many a gift for my hubby from Avon! They have so much to choose from!!

A few of my favorite Avon products are:

My Smooth Minerals makeup! I LOVE this stuff! It goes on smoothly and I can adjust how light or dark I want my makeup for that day so easily! 

My SuperFull Mascara! I love this stuff! It goes on smoothly without any clumps and makes my eyelashes look long and beautiful!

My Pur Blanca perfume! This is a light floral smell that I love and it smells like I paid a fortune for it but really I didn't at all ;)

The awesome thing about Avon is you don't have to go searching for a local representative! You can order online from any representative and have the products shipped directly to your house! To place an order from my mom, for example, just visit the website and place your order! The ordering process is super easy! Plus if you spend $30 or more you will ALWAYS get FREE shipping!! 

One lucky winner will win a Avon Beauty Prize Pack that I have picked out myself for my awesome followers! Included in the prize pack is: One(1) eight-in-one eye palette (water colors), one(1) Super Extend Mascara (black), one(1) Glazewear Shine lipgloss (tickled pink), and one Avon Naturals body lotion (Black cherry and nutmeg).
A $34 value!!! 

Mandatory Entry!
Visit Sarah's Avon Website HERE and tell me one product you love or would love to try!! Be sure to leave your email address with EVERY entry! This entry must be done before any others!
Extra Entries!
** Be sure to leave any Facebook names, GFC username, Twitter handles, etc. where needed.**
(1 entry) Follow my blog via Google Friend Connect.
(2 entries) Follow my blog via Networked Blogs
(1 entry) "Like" The Not-So-Secret Confessions on Facebook.
(1 entry) Follow me on Twitter.  
(2 entries) Subscribe to my blog via email. 
(5 entries) Blog about this giveaway using at least 5 sentences and linking back to this blog post. Leave a link where you posted. 
(1 entry) Post on Facebook or Tweet about this giveaway linking back to this blog post. This can be done once every 24 hours. 
(10 entries!) Place an order from Sarah's  Avon website!! Leave the order number in the comment! 

Giveaway will be open until Saturday, August 13th at 11:59pm EST! The winner will be chosen via and emailed! The winner will have 48 hours to respond to the email or another winner will be chosen! Giveaway is open to US residents only! 

Friday, July 29, 2011

Fun with Food Friday- Slow Cooker Taco Soup!

So I have become in love with my crock pot lately! Some friends of mine gave me some recipes and I want to try them all! So the next few weeks might be crockpot meals hehe! This one is super easy and sooo tasty! We are actually having it for dinner tonight!

What You Need

1lb ground beef (we use ground turkey)
1 onion, chopped
1 can chili beans, with liquid
1 can kidney beans, with liquid
1 can whole kernel corn, with liquid
1 8oz can tomato sauce
2 cups water
2 cans peeled and diced tomatoes
1 can(4oz) diced green chili peppers
1 pkg taco seasoning

What To Do

In a medium skillet, cook the ground beef until browned. Set aside. Place ground beef, onion, chili beans, kidney beans, corn, tomato sauce, water, diced tomatoes, chili peppers, and taco seasoning. Mix in a slow cooker. Cook on low for 8 hours. 

We eat it with lots of cheese and tortilla chips mixed in!! It's delicious!!

Be sure to check out Mama Chocolate to see what she cooked up this week!!

I still need more recipes to try, so for 5 extra entries into any current giveaway, please email me a recipe of your choice at

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Baby Planning is in Full Swing!

Since finding out we are having a baby boy we have been planning and talking about what we want to get, and what we want to do, and what we want the nursery to look like and all kinds of things! I love it! I didn't get to do as much for Noah because we were young and broke, so this time we decided to decorate Noah's room and baby boy's room!

So I went away this weekend to visit a friend and while I was gone hubby and my mother-in-law surprised me and moved Noah's room into the guest room and decorated it just like I wanted it! It was awesome! I love his new room and so does he! Here's a pic! (taken on my phone so not the best quality)

Then yesterday, we ordered baby boy's crib! We decided to do black espresso colored furniture for his room since Noah's furniture is white.  

We haven't ordered any bedding yet but I really want to do a sailboat/ocean theme for baby boy's room! I've been looking at a few things online so hopefully soon we can get his room decorated! 

And just's a 22 week belly shot of me!! 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Made with Love Winners!!!

Here are the winners for the Made with Love Event! All winners were chosen via and will be emailed! They will have 48 hours to respond to the email or another winner will be chosen!

JudysLilQuiltFix- Comment 69-ticklemetiffyyyy
SheDragon Body- Comment 12- Kerrific
EcoLips-Comment 11- Kerrific
A Novel Idea Crafts-Comment 12-orangefukurou 
Snugs Boutique-Comment 8- Sarah Hull
Fawn Maternity-Comment 56-Amanda
Rockabitty Baby-Comment 28- Jessica
Koliden's Gifts-Comment 1-Kerrific
A Mommy Made It-Comment 16-Sarah Hull
Charitable Creations Jewelry-Comment 27-ArtsyChaos
Baby Blossom Designs-Comment 39-boyzrule
Wee Expressions-Comment 57-Alisha L.
Made By Mom-Comments 38 and 22-boyzrule and Alisha L. 

Congrats to all the winners!! If you didn't win be sure to enter my other current giveaways for a chance to win more free stuff! :)) 

Monday, July 25, 2011

Belevation Maternity Review and Giveaway! **CLOSED***

**Giveaway has been extended until Tuesday August 9th at 11:59pm EST!! **

Belevation is the Belly Elevation Innovation! Belevation is a company located in the heart of the south that specializes in maternity undergarments for mothers-to-be! They offer a variety of supportive garments to provide moms-to-be comfort and style!From your typical support belly band to supportive yoga pants, they have an awesome variety of garments!  I was given the privilege of reviewing two products from Belevation- the support band and the support boyshorts!

I really really love both products I was able to review! The support band is great! It really offers a lot of support to my belly and back! It fits very snug and stays put! I feel like I have awesome coverage when I'm wearing it and don't have to worry about my back or the bottom of my belly showing when I'm wearing it. The boyshorts I was a little bit confused about at first. I wasn't sure if they were to be worn as underwear or not. But after talking to Susan at Belevation she informed me that they are indeed underwear! They have a material called Tencel that is 50% more absorbent than cotton! Which if you've been pregnant you know absorbant is good! The boyshorts are perfect for wearing under a skirt or dress! I tried them under one of my summer dresses the first time and they were so comfortable and supportive! I love that I can just wear one garment as underwear and support for my belly! Both of these products work great and are super stylish and affordable!!

Check me out in the Belevation Support Band! It just looks like a layered tank but gives me the support and comfort I need these days!

Buy It!
Win It!
One lucky winner will receive one Belavation product of their choice!
**Mandatory Entry**
Visit Belevation's website and tell me which product you would love to have!! This entry must be done before any other entries! Be sure to leave your email address with every entry!
**Extra Entries**
(1 entry) "Like" Belevation on Facebook. Leave your Facebook Name. (Thank them if you'd like!) 
(1 entry) "Like" The Not-So-Secret Confessions on Facebook. Leave your Facebook Name.
(1 entry) Follow Belevation on Twitter. Leave your Twitter Id.
(1 entry) Follow me on Twitter. Leave your Twitter Id.
(1 entry) Follow my blog via Google Friend Connect.
(1 entry) Grab my button and post it on your blog or website. Leave the link where you posted! 
(2 entries) Subscribe to my blog via email. 
(1 entry) Enter another one of my current giveaways. Be sure to let me know which one you entered!
(1 entry) Post on Facebook or Tweet about this giveaway tagging(or mentioning) me and linking back to this blog post! (This can be done once every 12 hours)

Giveaway will be open until Monday, August 8 at 11:59PM EST. The winner will be chosen via and emailed. The winner will have 48 hours to respond to the email or another winner will be chosen! Giveaway is open to US residents only. 

UPrinting Postcard Giveaway! **CLOSED**

Have you heard of UPrinting yet? It is an amazing online printing company where you can design and purchase a huge variety of printed products! Items such as business cards, brochures, gift certificate, postcards, and more! You can design how you want your item to look and choose from a number of customized designs! There are a bunch of postcard designs to choose from in all kinds of different categories from Business Services postcards to Fashion and Apparel Postcards!

One lucky winner will receive 100 5x7" postcards! 

**Mandatory Entry**
Just leave me a comment with your email address! 

**Extra Entries**
(1 entry) "Like" on Facebook. Leave your Facebook name. 
(1 entry) "Like" The Not-So-Secret Confessions on Facebook. Leave your Facebook name.
(1 entry) Follow my blog via Google Friend Connect.
(1 entry) Follow me on Twitter. Leave your Twitter Id.
(2 entries) Subscribe to my blog via email. 

Giveaway will end Saturday, July 30th at 12pm EST! The winner will be chosen via and emailed. The winner will have 24 hours to respond to the email or another winner will be chosen. Giveaway is open to US residents, 18 years of age or older, only! 

Disclaimer: This giveaway is sponsored by UPrinting, an online printing company, no monetary compensation was given and I will receive postcards for hosting. See more information about postcard and other available printing services they are offering plus postcard designs on

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Mom Blog Monday Blog Hop!

Are you a Mommy blogger?
Do you blog about your kids?
Do you blog about great things for Mommies?
Do you wanna meet other Mom Bloggers?

So Easy Being Green
This blog hop is hosted by The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom,Luxury Living Frugal Style, and So Easy Being Green!

Rules to Hop?

All we ask is that you follow the co-hosts: The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time MomLuxury Living Frugal Style, and So Easy Being Green... the first three blogs on the linky! Then follow Spot #4 which is the featured blog of the week! 

We would LOVE it if you'd grab our button and put it somewhere on your blog or in a blog post! This would help us spread the word. However, you aren't required to.
Be sure to leave us a comment so we can follow you back!

This week's Featured Blog is...

.I am a stay at home wife and mother to a wonderful 4 year old boy. I enjoy cooking (fast and easy meals), shopping (with coupons, of course) and a good date night with my honey!!

My wesbite Inspiration For Moms was designed to inspire. At my site you will find weekly menu plans, along with fabulous, easy recipes to help you get dinner on the table fast! Inspirational quotes to help us all remember what truly is important in our lives. My experiences of parenting-the ups and downs, so we all can feel connected. A great deal or good coupon, saving money is important and just plain smart! And as we all know, an organized home is a blessing to a mom, so I share many DIY projects to help not only organize your home, but beautify it too!

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Made with Love Event is Open! ***CLOSED***

Welcome to the second Made with Love Event, hosted by The Reynolds Mom, The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a Second Time Mom, and Becoming Brea!

Thank you for joining me in this awesome event! I will be featuring 13 awesome shops, all with handmade products! Each blog post will have a review and giveaway featuring each shop for you to enjoy! Just click each link below and it will take you to the sponsors review/giveaway! All giveaways will end on July 24th! Make sure you visit the social networking sites of these amazing designers and give them lots of love

Please feel free share this event with your handmade-loving friends on Facebook, Twitter, your own blog, and any other site your a part of! 

You will find promotional discounts offered by some sponsors. They are indicated below. Click on the sponsor's post to get more information. 

Sponsor's Post ~ Giveaway Item~ Coupon (if applicable) 

Made By Mom~ One kitchen play set,One $10 Gift Certificate ~
Wee Expressions~$15 Gift Certificate~
Baby Blossom Designs~ Custom Diaper Cover~20% off
A Mommy Made It~ Four Sets of Washable Nursing Pads
Charitable Creations Jewelry~ $40 gift certificate~ 10% off 
Koliden's Gifts~ Bow and $10 gift certificate
Rockabitty Baby~ One Custom Cloth Diaper~10% off
Fawn Maternity~2 Belly Bands or Maternity T-Shirt~20% off
Snugs Boutique~Swim Diaper~10% off
A Novel Idea Crafts~ Giveaway Item To Be Announced~
EcoLips~Gold Lip Balm on Eco Clip~
SheDragonBody~ Lotion Stick~
JudysLilQuiltFix~Wet Bag/Saddle Bag Combo~

Be sure to check out the other two blogs linked above to enter their Made with Love giveaways! 

Made with Love Event- Made By Mom Review & Giveaway ***CLOSED***

~This post is part of the handmade "Made With Love" event. All giveaways run from July 18th-24th. View all 13 sponsors on my blog and visit additional co-hosts for this event HERE~

I met Liz on the awesome website for moms, Babycenter! We have since been online friends and she has been sewing for quite a while now. So when I decided to be a part of the Made with Love Event, I knew I had to have her as a sponsor!! Her Etsy shop, Made by Mom, has a variety of items to choose from! She makes everything from children's clothing to handy bags for the car! She makes bow ties for boys and dresses for girls and everything in between! 

About the Designer:
Hi!  I’m Liz, I have a 2 year old son and we live in a small town in Wisconsin.  I started sewing about a year ago and haven’t stopped since!  I have tried to make a bit of everything.  My favorite things to sew are shortalls or longalls, but I also love trying new things!  The best part of sewing is seeing people enjoy things I’ve made, and that sense of accomplishment when I take a few pieces of fabric and turn it into something! 

The Review:
I received an adorable Dr. Seuss tie t-shirt for Noah to review!  This t-shirt is too cute and made really well! It fits Noah great and although it’s sewn I can still wash it with all his other clothes. I love how its casual but he could wear it with something nice as well! She sells the tie shirts/onsies for about $10 each so they are also super affordable! 

Here's Noah bear in his shirt and big boy undies hehe! 

Win It! 
One winner will receive a chef hat/mit/potholder play set shown below AND one winner will receive a tie onsie/shirt like the one I received to review!

-Leave one (1) comment per entry
- Leave your email address with every comment

To Enter: 

Mandatory Entry

Tell me which item you would prefer to win or an item you like from Liz's Etsy Shop! 

Extra Entries

(1 entry) Add Made By Mom's Etsy Shop to your favorites on Etsy. 
(1 entry) Follow The Not-So-Secret Confessions via Google Friend Connect.
(1 entry) Follow Liz's Blog Mom of Good Intentions via Google Friend Connect.
(1 entry) Follow The Not-So-Secret Confessions on Facebook. 
(1 entry) Follow me on Twitter
(1 entry) Tweet about the giveaway-mention the Made with Love Event, link back to this blog post, and mention me (@MommyFerg02) in it! This can be done once every 12 hours! Leave the link to each tweet in your entries.
(3 entries) Blog about the Made with Love Event using at least 4 sentences and linking back to my blog. Leave the link where you posted. 
(2 entries) Subscribe to my blog via email. 

Giveaway will be open to US residents only. Giveaway will end on July 24th, 2011 at midnight PST. The winner will be chosen via, emailed, and announced on my blog shortly after the giveaway ends. The winner has 48 hours to respond to the email or I reserve the right to choose another winner.

Made with Love Event- Wee Expressions Review and Giveaway! ***CLOSED***

~This post is part of the handmade "Made With Love" event. All giveaways run from July 18th-24th. View all 13 sponsors on my blog and visit additional co-hosts for this event HERE~

The product I was able to review for Wee Expressions is something I have wanted to try for quite some time. I was so beyond excited when I found a handmade business that sold these products at a great price and with so much variety!! 

About The Designer:
My name is Lauren and I currently live in Mississippi married with 4 beautiful girls and another baby on the way, totally unexpected, I might add! We are excited, though!
I make fitted cloth diapers, wipes, pull up trainers, mama pads, fleece covers, and am trying to get time to work on more! I started making diapers b/c a friend of mine made them and I wanted to learn how, and it saves a ton of money! I love the fitteds. My baby inspires me the most since she is the one wearing diapers and soon to be wearing trainers! I've been doing this for about 3 years, but just got my shop opened last year in September.

The Review:
So what did I receive that I was so excited about, you ask? Well I’ll tell you. A fleece cover! I think I’ve mentioned it before but I’ve only ever used PUL covers.  I’ve always wanted to try fleece covers though, but wasn’t brave enough honestly. So when Lauren became a sponsor for this event, I took the plunge and decided to try the fleece covers she makes. I received an adorable monkey print cover that was so soft and looked so cute! I was so excited for naptime (more than usual) so I could try the cover on Noah and see how it worked.  Well once naptime rolled around I put a fitted diaper on him and then the cover. It was a bit bulkier than I expected, but who cares for naptime right?! It fit him well with no gaps or anything. So he took his usual two hour nap, and when he woke up I checked him and the bed for wet, and no wet! I then took off the fleece cover and the fitted diaper was soaked! And do I mean soaked! What’s so strange is the fleece cover didn’t feel wet at all. I expected at least the inside to feel wet, but nope. I guess I’m kind of clueless when it comes to fleece but I do know that it works great at keeping the wet in. Lauren has so many varieties of prints and colors that you could purchase your whole stash of covers, diapers, etc from her!

Here's a shot of Noah's fleece bum! :) 

 I really love how well the cover was made, and I’m sure the rest of her products are made just as great! 

Win It!
One winner will win a $15 gift card to Wee Expressions not including shipping. 

-Leave 1 comment per entry
- Leave your email with every entry

To Enter:

Mandatory Entry: (must be done first)

(1 entry) Visit Wee Expressions and tell me a product you would love to have!

Extra Entries:

(1 entry) Add Wee Expressions to your favorites on Etsy. 
(1 entry) Follow The Not-So-Secret Confessions via Google Friend Connect.
(1 entry) Follow Wee Expressions on Facebook.
(1 entry) Follow The Not-So-Secret Confessions on Facebook. 
(1 entry) Follow me on Twitter
(1 entry) Follow Wee Expressions on Twitter.
(1 entry) Tweet about the giveaway-mention the Made with Love Event, link back to this blog post, and mention me (@MommyFerg02) in it! This can be done once every 12 hours! Leave the link to each tweet in your entries.
(3 entries) Blog about the Made with Love Event using at least 4 sentences and linking back to my blog. Leave the link where you posted. 
(2 entries) Subscribe to my blog via email. 

Giveaway will be open to US residents only. Giveaway will end on July 24th, 2011 at midnight PST. The winner will be chosen via, emailed, and announced on my blog shortly after the giveaway ends. The winner has 48 hours to respond to the email or I reserve the right to choose another winner. 

Made with Love Event- Baby Blossom Designs Review and Giveaway ***CLOSED***

~This post is part of the handmade "Made With Love" event. All giveaways run from July 18th-24th. View all 13 sponsors on my blog and visit additional co-hosts for this event HERE~

As a cloth diapering mama, I absolutely love to review cloth diapering products here on my blog! I love to try out a cloth diapering product and let my followers know what I think, because I know a lot of you are cloth diapering mamas as well! So when Baby Blossom Designs became a sponsor for the Made with Love event I was so excited, because she has lots of cloth diapering and baby products!!

About The Designer
I'm Andrea, owner of Baby Blossom Designs for 6 years now! I live in MS with my husband and we have three kids. We live in a quiet spot out in the country and have an assortment of animals that we enjoy taking care of. We also homeschool our children and are active in our church! 
Baby Blossom Designs offers a variety of items. Cloth diapers, custom children's clothing, bags, custom monogramming and more! 
I have been sewing since I was 8 years old. I was blessed with a wonderful grandmother who passed her love of sewing on to me. My mother also helped me a lot! When I was expecting my 2nd child in 2005, a friend introduced me to cloth diapers and I became hooked! I made nearly all of the diapers in my daughters stash and began making them to sell. The same friend had started Baby Blossom Designs and was selling it to go a different route! I bought it and took off on the wonderful adventure of making and selling cloth diapers. Over the years I've incorporated more of my other sewing skills (clothing, etc.) into the store and most recently has been the addition of monogramming and applique! 
I love to work with people to come up with the perfect custom outfit for their child. I love sewing for my own children and I just love sewing in general. I take great pride in my work and do everything possible to ensure that the quality is the absolute best it can be!

The Review
I received a PUL diaper cover from Baby Blossom Designs! I have always been a PUL cover user but I haven’t used covers in quite some time since I basically switched to all pocket diapers. Now Noah is still in diapers for naps and bedtime so I was able to give this cover the true test.  I used the cover over a Green Mountain Diapers workhorse fitted diaper. These diapers are great diapers, but definitely need a cover! So I snapped on the diaper, put the Baby Blossom Designs cover on it and put Noah down for his nap. Lately naps usually end up with a wet kiddo and a wet bed. But on the day I tried out the cover, both kiddo and bed were dry! I was very excited! I opened up the cover and just like I expected, the diaper was soaked! So this diaper cover definitely does the job of keeping all the wet in! 

Noah's not an easy one to get a good diaper shot of but here's what I did get! 

Coupon Code!
Use Code" mwlevent" to get 20% off at Baby Blossom Designs!
Win It!
One winner will receive a custom diaper cover of their choice!

-Leave 1 comment per entry
-Include your email address in each entry

Mandatory Entry: (must be done first)

(1 entry) Visit Baby Blossom Designs and tell me a product you would love to have!

Extra Entries:
(1 entry) Follow The Not-So-Secret Confessions via Google Friend Connect.
(1 entry) Follow Baby Blossom Designs on Facebook.
(1 entry) Follow The Not-So-Secret Confessions on Facebook. 
(1 entry) Follow me on Twitter
(1 entry) Follow Baby Blossom Designs on Twitter.
(1 entry) Follow Andrea's Blog, Mama Sews, via Google Friend Connect.
(1 entry) Tweet about the giveaway-mention the Made with Love Event, link back to this blog post, and mention me (@MommyFerg02) in it! This can be done once every 12 hours! Leave the link to each tweet in your entries.
(3 entries) Blog about the Made with Love Event using at least 4 sentences and linking back to my blog. Leave the link where you posted. 
(2 entries) Subscribe to my blog via email. 

Giveaway will be open to US residents only. Giveaway will end on July 24th, 2011 at midnight PST. The winner will be chosen via, emailed, and announced on my blog shortly after the giveaway ends. The winner has 48 hours to respond to the email or I reserve the right to choose another winner. 

Made with Love Event! Charitable Creations Jewelry Review and Giveaway! ***CLOSED***

~This post is part of the handmade "Made With Love" event. All giveaways run from July 18th-24th. View all 13 sponsors on my blog and visit additional co-hosts for this event HERE~

What woman doesn’t like some sort of jewelry?! I know I love some beautiful jewelry! And who doesn’t love helping a worthy cause? I do!  Charitable Creations Jewelry is a jewelry shop that creates simple, elegant, hand stamped and personalized jewelry. Each piece of jewelry is handcrafted by the owner Shelly and made with only the highest quality sterling silver, pearls, crystals, and accessories. The best part is each month a percentage of the total sales goes to a different charity! This month’s charity is the National Canine Cancer Society.

About the Designer:
My name is Shelly Medeiros and I am the artisan behind Charitable Creations Jewelry. I live in beautiful North Central Massachusetts along with my boyfriend, my two sons, two stepsons and four dogs! I started making hand stamped jewelry for family and friends and I just fell in LOVE with
it! I have always enjoyed working with my hands and I love all the different tools and materials that creating jewelry lets me 'play' with! Everything is inspiring to me, but mostly it is my family and the special people in my life.  I have been making jewelry for a long time, but Charitable Creations Jewelry has been going strong for almost 2 years!

My Review:
I received a Peas in a Pod Necklace with a Personalized Wave Tag to review. Here’s a description of the necklace from the website: “These adorable sterling silver pods are hand woven with sterling silver wire and feature your choice of pearl color. Available with up to 4 peas in the pod. A sterling silver 'wave' personalized with your inscription or names (up to 13 characters) dangles alongside and hangs from a 16" or 18" sterling silver cable chain.”  This necklace is gorgeous! I got two peas in the pod in the cream color and had Brian and my names engraved on the wave. It’s absolutely beautiful! I wear mostly silver jewelry and ever since I received the necklace I have worn it a lot! It’s fancy enough to wear to church or an event yet casual enough to wear any other day with any outfit. Charitable Creations Jewelry is super affordable too which is a huge plus! With so many varieties of jewelry you can find a gift for anyone or even pick out something special for yourself! 

Here's the beautiful necklace I received!! 
Coupon Code!
Use code MWL10 and get 10% off your order! 
Win It!
One winner will receive a $40 gift certificate to Charitable Creations Jewelry! 

-Leave 1 comment per entry
-Include your email address in each entry

Mandatory Entry: (must be done first)

(1 entry) Visit Charitable Creations Jewelry and tell me a product you would love to have!

Extra Entries:
(1 entry) Follow The Not-So-Secret Confessions via Google Friend Connect.
(1 entry) Follow The Not-So-Secret Confessions on Facebook. 
(1 entry) Follow me on Twitter
(1 entry) Follow Charitable Creations Jewelry on Twitter.
(1 entry) Follow Charitable Creations Jewelry blog via Google Friend Connect.
(1 entry) Tweet about the giveaway-mention the Made with Love Event, link back to this blog post, and mention me (@MommyFerg02) in it! This can be done once every 12 hours! Leave the link to each tweet in your entries.
(3 entries) Blog about the Made with Love Event using at least 4 sentences and linking back to my blog. Leave the link where you posted. 
(2 entries) Subscribe to my blog via email. 

Giveaway will be open to US residents only. Giveaway will end on July 24th, 2011 at midnight PST. The winner will be chosen via, emailed, and announced on my blog shortly after the giveaway ends. The winner has 48 hours to respond to the email or I reserve the right to choose another winner. 
