Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I am proud to be a Mommy Blogger!

So my husband always picks on me because I am a mommy blogger and I tell him about other mommy bloggers. He says there are so many of us cuz we don't have anything better to do with our spare time. (so not true..we just choose to ignore those things and blog instead haha). He's just kidding but I always give him a little love smack and tell him to quit picking.

I love being a mommy blogger! I love talking about my family! I love reading about other people's family! The mommy bloggers are like a big community. Its like having a coffee playdate without  actually going to each other's houses! We get to talk about our families, the latest deals and steals, the weekly celebrity gossip and anything else we wanna talk about! Mommy bloggers are the best! I am proud to be a mommy blogger and I am so glad to know so many other mommy bloggers! Blogging is an awesome way to express your thoughts and feelings and get to know so many awesome people! I love it!

So on to today's business. I have my final exam today for my Office Procedures class and then I get a little break from school for almost 3 weeks! I am so glad to have a break!  Also, since this week is my birthday week, I am on the lookout to win some free stuff! So on my Facebook page, I am posting all the recent and awesome giveaways I can find on other blogs! So definately go check it out so you can enter some as well! Also, be sure and enter my Munchie Mug Giveaway while your here! It ends Sept 10th so get your entries in now while you still have time! I hope everyone has a wonderful day!


Monday, August 30, 2010

WOW!! Thank you so much!

I am so amazed at the awesome turnout of our first ever Mom Blog Monday blog hop! Thank you so much for linking up and helping us get the word out! Ya'll are amazing!

I am going to try to make sure I follow each and every blog that was linked up, but it may take me a day or two so bear with me! Welcome to all my new followers! I hope you'll come back and visit often!

A few things going on this week @ Not-So-Secret Confessions....

  • Don't forget to enter my first every Review and Giveaway! The Munchie Mug! Super cool product and it could be yours free!
  • This is my birthday week so I am determined to win something free! So make sure you "like" my Facebook page because I am on the hunt for all the greatest giveaways going on right now!
  • And last but definately not least, be on the lookout for a very special Review and Giveaway that will be posted this week! I am so excited to have the privilage to do this giveaway!
I am so excited for what the future holds for this blog! I have some great opportunities coming up and I love talking about my life and my family! I hope you will come back to visit and we can all get to know each other a little better! :))))

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mom Blog Monday Blog Hop #1!

** Welcome to my blog! I am so excited to be hosting Mom Blog Monday! Please be sure to leave me a comment so I can follow you back! And go enter my very first Review and Giveaway while your here!
The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom

Are you a Mommy blogger? Do you blog about your kids? Do you blog about great things for Mommies? Do you wanna meet other Mom Bloggers?

If you answered yes to any of those questions then link up!

I am so happy to annouce a brand spanking NEW blog hop hosted by Sippy Cups and Cloth Bums, The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom , and MidgetMomma $1200 Budget Deals and Freebies !

What is a blog hop?

A blog hop is an awesome way of meeting and reaching out to more bloggers.


All we ask is that you follow Sippy Cups and Cloth Bums, The Not- So- Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom, and MidgetMomma $1200 Budget Deals and Freebies. Be sure to leave us a comment so we can follow you back!

We would LOVE it if you'd grab our button and put it somewhere on your blog or in a blog post! This would help us spread the word. However, you aren't required to.

You can follow as many or as few blogs as you'd like.

*Each week one lucky blogger who links up will be the next week's featured blogger.*

Day 30! The last Day!

Day 30 → A letter to yourself, tell yourself EVERYTHING you love about yourself

Dear Michelle,

You are a beautiful, strong young woman. You have come so far in life and now you are living an amazing life. 5 years ago, I would have never guessed that life would turn out this way. But I am so thankful it has. I love that you have turned your priorities around and instead of putting yourself first by partying, poisoning your body with alcohol or drugs, and being completely stuck on yourself...you have put yourself last, and put your adorable son that deserves the world first in life. He is number one and the one who matters most. I love that you have done what you can to patch up your relationship with your parents. I love that we get along now and they are involved in your life and your family's life. I love that you try to do whats right. Which doesn't always happen. But you try. I love that your determined to finish school and kept at it, even while pregnant with morning sickness and even when you had a newborn and had to get up every 2 hrs. You still persisted and stuck with it. And now, next June it will all pay off when you graduate. I am proud. I love that you understand that you still have alot of learning and growing to do. You know when to admit you are wrong, and you know when you need to apologize. I love the woman I have become and I am so excited for the years to come.


A few Sunday Blog Hops! Go link up!

We are headed to church in just a bit so I thought I'd list a few Sunday Blog Hops you can link up to! I linked up as well so if your a new follower welcome!

**Don't forget to come back tomorrow and link up to Mom Blog Monday blog hop! Its the very first week and we are super excited!

I'll be back later today to do Day 30 of 30 days of truth!! Exciting!

Sunday Strolling Blog Hop

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day 28 and 29

Day 28 → What if you were pregnant or got someone pregnant, what would you do?

Well I can't get anyone pregnant but if I myself got pregnant I would probably be pretty excited. We plan to wait till I am finished with school to start trying again. But if it happened earlier it would still be a blessing.
Day 29 → Something you hope to change about yourself. And why
Hmm let's see. I speak my mind a little too much sometimes when I shouldn't. I can be a gossip. Hell, I can be mean. I would like to be a kinder, sweeter person and hold my tongue when I need to.

Announcing a new blog hop! And I get to host! Yay!

I am so excited to announce the beginning of a new, very awesome blog hop! It is called Mom Blog Monday blog hop! Anyone who has a mom blog, blogs about their kiddos, or is just a mom that likes to blog about different things can link up and find other mom bloggers! This blog hop is hosted by myself, Sippy Cups and Cloth Bums, and MidgetMomma $1200 Budget Deals and Freebies.

I am very excited to start this new blog hop and meet some new mom friends! I hope you will come back this Monday and link up! And feel free to spread the word to other mommy bloggers too! :)

The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom

Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday Blog Hops

Here's some Friday blog hops I am linking up to! Welcome new followers and be sure to enter my first review and giveaway! (the post below this one) Leave a comment as well so I can follow you back!



My Wee View


Munchie Mug Review and Giveaway! *** CLOSED****

I am so stoked to have the privilege of doing my first review and giveaway on the Munchie Mug! I am convinced this is one the coolest kiddo-friendly gadgets around!

A little about the Munchie Mug

The munchie mug is a kid-friendly snacking container. You unscrew the lid, put the snack of your kiddo’s choice into the mug, and screw on the cloth lid. The cloth lid stays closed at all times. That is until your kiddo wants some snack! Then they simply slip their hand inside and grab a handful! The munchie mug is made in America, durable, and made with your child’s safety in mind! According to the munchie mug website, the munchie mug holds up to “10 oz. of dry foodstuffs and is suitable for children 10 months and older”.

What the Ferguson Family thought about it

We were super excited when we received the munchie mug in the mail! Noah just knew it was something for him! So I took it out of the package and washed it right away for him! I stuck some crackers in it, screwed on the top and let him have it! He knew exactly what to do! He reached his little hand in there and got him a nice handful of crackers! He ran around with it for about and hr or so, and no mess! I was so pleased!! I really love that the munchie mug is so messy-free. Plus it makes life just a little bit simpler for me. Being a mom, my time is limited during the day. Especially chasing a toddler and trying to keep the house in order and keep up on my schoolwork. So being able to give Noah a snack without having to put him in his highchair and feed it to him piece by piece is awesome! Now I can just hand him the munchie mug and he can eat his snack anywhere without making a mess! It's awesome! Another great thing I love about the munchie mug is its dishwasher safe! The whole thing! (top rack only) So no need to take the time to hand wash!

Overall I give the product an excellent review! It is a great product for kids and their parents! It does what it says it will do and is simple and durable! The makers of this product definately had mom and child in mind!  I would recommend this product to anyone!

Buy It
Win It!!
You can win the munchie mug in your choice of color by posting the following entries in the comment box below! One comment for each entry please! And don't forget to put your email address at the bottom of each comment!
(Mandatory Entry) Visit the Munchie Mug website and tell me which color munchie mug you would choose and what about the munchie mug is most appealing to you.
Extra Entries
( 1 entry) Add Munchie Mug as a friend on Facebook.
(1 entry) Like The Not-So-Secret Confessions on Facebook and post on my wall that you are entering the Munchie Mug giveaway.
(1 entry) Follow me on Twitter.
(1 entry) Follow this blog via Google Friend Connect.

(1 entry) Grab my button and post it somewhere on your blog
(2 entries) Subscribe to this blog via email. (top right on this blog page)
(3 entries) Blog about this giveaway on your blog and post the link in the comment.
(2 entries) Mention this giveaway in your facebook status or tweet and leave the link in the comment.
* Don't forget to post your email in every comment so I can reach you if you win!!
Giveaway Ends September 10, 2010 at 11pm Est! Open to US and Canadian Residents!
Good luck!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 27

Day 27 → What’s the best thing going for you right now?

Well I just finished my last class of summer quarter today. I take the final tuesday and then I am done for about two weeks. Then I go back full time and if all goes well I will graduate in June! That's super exciting! That's probably the most exciting news going on right now. And of course I have a sweet, loving husband, and a beautiful baby boy, and gorgeous house. So yea...I've got a lot of great things going for me right now. :)

** Just a reminder....be sure to check back tomorrow morning! I'll be posting my very first review and giveaway!!

Yay for Today!!

Today is a good day! It's my last day of class for Summer quarter! Whoo hoo! Then I go take my final on Tuesday and I'm done for a few weeks! I'm so excited! Plus my 23rd birthday is a week from today! Yay! I'm excited and in a great mood today! So since I will be in class one last time, I'm doing some blog hopping! I hope you'll link up as well! If your a new follower be sure to leave me a comment with your link so I can follow you back! Ya'll have a great Thursday! <3

Obviously MARvelous

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 26

Day 26 → Have you ever thought about giving up on life? If so, when and why?

I can't say I have ever seriously considered ending my life. I remember as a young, immature teen thinking "if he breaks up with me I will kill myself", or feeling like life wasn't worth it anymore. But I've never seriously considered it enough to plan it out and have never really attempted it. So no I guess I haven't. And I hope life never gets bad enough to where I want to even think about doing something like that.

Some exciting news!

Just wanted to post about how excited I am because I have two review and giveaways coming up! They will be my first so I'm way happy and a little nervous! One is of a favorite cloth diapering product of mine, and the other is an awesome product for the kiddos! So be on the lookout! I'll be posting the first one at the end of this week! ;)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Catching up...again.

Oopsies! Here's day 24 and 25

Day 24 → Make a playlist to someone, and explain why you chose all the songs. (Just post the titles and artists and letter)

For my hubby:

All these songs remind me of you...us..our life together...and our love for each other <3

1. My Best Friend -Tim McGraw (our wedding song..and because you are my best friend)
2. Lollipop - Lil Wayne (our crazy party days)
3. Two is Better Than One - Boys like Girls (cuz it is)
4. Then - Brad Paisley ( Because I honestly love you more every day that I'm with you)
5. Suffocate - J. Holiday ( Remember you sent me the lyrics to this before we were even dating lol )
6. I run to you- Lady Antebellum( Cuz your my rock, my shelter, the one I run to)

Day 25 → The reason you believe you’re still alive today

I truly believe I am alive today because of my sweet baby boy. He saved my life and for that I owe him mine. If he hadn't of come into this world, I truly believe I would have ended up in jail, injured, raped, or who knows...even dead. I was headed down a bad path of drinking and irresponsibilty and when I got pregnant all that stopped. And I will never be that person again. Noah has saved my life and made me a better person. Don't get me wrong, I have a long way to go and lot of learning still to do. But he started me out on the path to better-ness. And boy does he make me so happy! He's my world and I love him more than I love the air I breathe!

Have you heard of Wacki Jaqui Designs yet?!

Wacki Jaqui Designs is an awesome blog I have found! She has the coolest blog designs and right now is having a Launch Party, giving away some really awesome stuff to make you blog cooler than it already is! The Grand Prize is a complete blog makeover!

So we all know The Not-So-Secret Confessions could use a little makeover. Let's face it, I just don't have the cutest blog out there. I think it would be amazing if I won because not only would my blog be super cute, but you, my followers, will have something cute to look at when your reading my posts. A cute blog makes you want to read what its all about. A cute blog is fun to see and is a way to express your individuality!

So yea, this blog is in definate need of a makeover! Cross your fingers and wish me luck! I really wanna win!

And go check out Wacki Jaqui's blog! She's giving out all kinds of cool blog stuff!

Monday, August 23, 2010

One of those days

Today is just one of those days where I wish I would have stayed in bed. And its sad cuz I woke up this morning just sure it would be a good day. Boy was I wrong. I am still dealing with silly friend drama, Noah is being super clingy, and to top it off my dishwasher is being psycho and making a horrible noise! So yea. Noah is finally napping and I have homework. So in between questions I am blog hopping and finding new blogs to read! I love it! Hopefully I find some funny blogs to lighten my mood haha.

Welcome new followers!  Be sure to comment so I can follow you back!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 23

Day 23 → Something you wish you had done in your life.

I'm sure I can probably do this at some point in my life. But I wish I'd have gone on a trip out of the country...anywhere really. Just so I could say I had. Now that we have kids its a little harder to do something like that. Who knows though, maybe retirement. :)

Admitting Mistakes

Don't you just hate it when you have to admit you've done something wrong? It's seriously like one of the hardest things to do. But when you make a mistake you have to admit your wrong or nothing gets resolved.

I am going through this right now. I have had to admit a mistake I made and its really hard. I was involved in some gossiping and the people found out. So yep, I had to admit I was guilty. I hate that but I was. Even more I'm mad at myself. I hate that I did the one thing I hate so much. I hate that I hurt people and broke people's trust in me. I am mad at myself. I am mad that I didn't choose to be the bigger person. I am hurt that I will probably never be the same in some's eyes because of one simple mistake I made. I wish I had done the right thing.

I guess all this rambling is just to maybe warn/tell you. Always try to do the right thing. Doing the wrong thing is never worth it in the end. And if you do mess up don't be afraid to admit your mistakes. It'll be better doing that in the long wrong.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Takin care of business!

I keep forgetting to do 30 days of Truth! And there's only like 10 days left too! Geez! Sorry guys! Here's yesterday's and today's.

Day 21 → (scenario) Your best friend is in a car accident and you two got into a fight an hour before. What do you do?

Umm completely forget about the fight and go be with her. Best friends don't let silly little fights ruin their friendship, especially when the other friend is in need.

Day 22 → Something you wish you hadn’t done in your life.

Wow thats a lot haha. No regrets though. Just wish I had been smarter. Probably would have to say some of the stupid crap I pulled when I would get drunk. I'm ashamed to say I did some not so great stuff (like making out with 5 or 6 guys at one party). I'm embarrased to even mention them all but I wish I hadn't done a lot of the stupid things I did back during my party days.

Ok and now I'm answering some more fun questions from Boobies, Babies, and a Blog.  It's called the Saturday Six and it looks like fun so go check it out!

BWS tips button

Who has it easier-men or women? Feel free to elaborate! I'd say women. Yea we have to go through PMS and childbirth and menopause..but we have special powers that can get us what we want and make the men melt at our feet haha.

What's the most scandalous thing you've done this week? wow this week. Hmmm. Had sex with my hubby. Scandalous huh?! LMAO

Worst pick up line you've ever heard? "Are you tired? Cuz you've been running through my mind all day"

Who's your celeb crush? Channing Tatum ...yum lol

Do you feel comfortable talking about sex? Yea..doesn't bother me. I'll talk about anything..including my period haha.

What's your all time favorite movie? Man on Fire. (Denzel Washington and Dakota Fanning)

** I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Hubby is at work this weekend so its just Noah and I. We'll probably spend the majority of today at home cleaning, doing laundry, reading books, and pushing around trucks and cars. ;) Tomorrow is church...I'm excited to go since I missed last week. What are your plans for the weekend??

Friday, August 20, 2010

Some Specifics

Ok, so I posted a few days ago that I wanted to find some bloggers to review some Avon Products for me. Well I have decided I want the bloggers I choose to review the Anew Skincare products. So here's exactly what I need

- 1 woman in her 20s (you will review makeup)
- 1 woman in her 30s
- 1 woman in her 40s
- 1 woman in her 50s

I may or may not have the reviews going on at the same time. Probably not. I'd like to have bloggers with 100 followers or more but its not a must. If you are interested and fit the criteria, email me at michelleod8975@hotmail.com. Thanks so much! Look forward to hearing from some awesome bloggers!


It's Friday. Which means Gymboree for Noah and I. We are actually thinking about cancelling our membership there and putting Noah in a Mother's Morning Out, when I start back to school at the end of September. He'll get more interaction with kids, for a longer period of time, and it'll work out good if he can go when I have class. So we're going to be looking into that real soon.

Yesterday was a big day for little man! We got him his first potty!! At first he hated it, but he had just woke up from his nap and was extremely grumpy. Later on we tried again and he sat on it and I clapped really loud and happy. Well that's all it took! He wanted to sit on it and clap the rest of the night haha! He never "went" in it. But we'll work on that eventually. If you have potty trained and have any tips at all I would LOVE to hear them!

I hope everyone has a great Friday and a wonderful weekend! Any fun weekend plans?? I am doing a little blog hopping so if your a new follower be sure to leave me a comment so I can follow you back! :)I leave you with some sweet pics of little man and I :)

And blog hops(go link up!):

New Friend Fridays


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Cross your fingers for me! (and day 20)

I am in dire need of a blog makeover and Shibley Smiles is having a giveaway for one! It ends tomorrow and I really hope I win! If you are in need of a blog re-design I highly suggest checking her blog out and entering this contest!!

Day 20 → Your views on drugs and alcohol.

Umm illegal drugs are bad! I've never seen any good come out of anyone who does illegal drugs. I mean unless they quit haha. Alcohol, I think if you drink it in moderation and drink responsibly, than thats ok. But once you start drinking and driving or getting crazy drunk and start doing crazy things than its not ok. I've seen first hand the consequences of drunk driving and its no good. So please drink responsibly!!!

Blog Hopping Thursday!

Today is a busy day! So during the short time I'm on , I'm doing some blog hopping!! Have a great Thursday!


The Two Savvy Sisters

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 19

Day 19 → What do you think of religion? Or what do you think of politics?

I don't get into Politics too much so I'll answer religion. I am a christian. I believe that you can choose to  have a relationship with Jesus Christ who saves you from an eternity in hell. I feel like this is very different from religion. Religion is following certain practices and traditions. But those aren't what get you to heaven. People confuse the two often and think by doing religious practices and being a good person, it gets you into heaven. But it doesn't. Asking God to forgive you for your sins and asking him to take control of your life and gaining a true relationship with Him is how you get to Heaven.

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How to look and feel sexy after becoming a mom!!

So everyone always asks me, "you look great, how do you do it?" or " what's your secret" or "your so confident!" . I don't see myself as "looking great" but I am confident and I do have good self-esteem. It got me to thinking..why aren't other women as confident as I am? So I am writing this segment for those of us who have a hard time with our self-esteem...those of us who would rather stay at home in pjs all day then have to go out in public...those of us who are unhappy with our bodies and the way we look after becoming a mom!!

1. A little bit goes a long way!

One of the things I MAKE myself do every day ...even when Noah was a newborn and up every two hrs..was get a shower and put a little bit of makeup on or do something with my hair (besides pulling it into a ponytail!) Now, not all days am I going to put on a bunch of makeup and get all frilly, especially if I'm not going anywhere all day. But just taking a shower and drying your hair makes you feel sooooo much better!! I try to do it in the morning so I feel good right away. When Noah was tiny I'd put him in the bouncer and put it right outside the shower and just let him chill in their while I showered. Now that he's bigger its a bit tougher. But now I give him my makeup bag and let him play with my makeup while I shower haha. That usually keeps him pretty busy long enough for me to take a shower.

You gotta make time for you! And that includes a shower! So do what you gotta to get one every day! I promise it will make you feel better and feel prettier!

2. Confidence happens from within!!

You can't fake confidence! Confidence is something that happens from within! You have to feel good about yourself for it to show through and for others to feel good about you! Some days I feel miserable. I feel fat, ugly, and unhappy. But then I tell myself ...I am a great wife and mom. My son and husband adore me. My husband finds me attractive and loves me for who I am. If you keep telling yourself your great, you will start to believe you are great and then everyone else will LOVE your confidence and agree that you are great!!!

3. You don't have to be rich to be beautiful!

This is sooo true! And one of the biggest myths ever! Yea it can get expensive trying to keep yourself up , but there are def ways to do it on a budget and for WAY less than you would think. Here are some things I do to keep myself looking sexy without spending out the butt!!
  • Don't spend $70+  at the hair salon! I buy the $3.97 Revlon hair color at walmart and it looks just as  good! They even have highlighting kits! If your nervous about doing it yourself, have a friend come over and help! It's very unlikely you will mess it up so bad you can't go out in public or anything!
  • Give yourself a pedicure at home! I buy the Avon footworks products..which includes a soak, a scrub, and awesome lotions and moisturizers! I can give myself a pedicure for half the price it costs at the salon! Feels just a great! Want the massage and pampering to go with it? Get hubby to give you a nice foot massage after you soak your feet in the awesome foot soak!
  • Target has lingerie just as cute as Victoria Secret! Want something sexy to show off your beautiful body? Don't waste all that money at VS when you can get sexy beautiful undies and nightgowns for way less at Target or Walmart! Believe me...your man won't know the difference!!!
  • You don't have to have a gym membership to stay in shape! There are so many ways to do it from home! I buy the workout dvds and do those while Noah naps. But you can walk or run while pushing the stroller around the block too! Whatever works best for you and makes you feel great!
Hope I helped! Let me know if you have any questions or want me to go over some other tips or a certain subject that pertains to this! Remember, you are one SEXY Mama!

30 Days of Truth, Days 17 and 18! I'm behind!

Day 17 → A book you’ve read that changed your views on something.

I am gonna be lame and say the bible cuz I can't think of any other book that has changed my views on something. But the Bible has changed my mind about some things and taught me many things.

Day 18 → Your views on gay marriage.

Ummm I think its wrong. As a christian I believe homosexuality is a sin. That being said, like lying is a sin...you can be forgiven for lying and you can be forgiven for choosing to be homosexual. That's another thing. I think this "I was born gay" is a load of crap. It's a choice. You can choose to engage in homosexual activities and you can choose not to. I just think its a sin. I don't judge gay people. I have gay friends. I don't approve of their actions but I will always be kind to a gay person. I just know that its wrong and I pray that those who engage in those activities come to realize that they are sinning and ask God for forgiveness.

Monday, August 16, 2010

I Need YOU!

So as you know if you truly read my blog, I am an Avon Representative. Well I'd really like to get my name out there in the online world. I know Avon sells amazing products so I have all the confidence in the world that once my name is out there and people can see the awesome products Avon has they will want to buy these products.

So what I need from you is simple. I am looking for a blogger to review some Avon products for me. Probably skincare or makeup products. I will need them to use the products for a certain amount of time and then write a review about it on their blog. There may possibly be a giveaway involved as well. I would need a woman... anywhere between ages 20-50...who is up for trying something for about two weeks. I would prefer to have someone who has a blog with at least 100 followers..but thats not a must. If you are interested please email me at michelleod8975@hotmail.com. Please subject your email as "Avon Blog Review" and in your email please tell me about yourself and your blog and why you would be a good person to review some Avon skincare or makeup products! I'll pick the blog (or a few) that I feel will be the best fit! Thanks so much! :)

Fun-day Monday!

Ummm not so much! But its fun in the blog world cuz I'm blog hopping! So welcome new followers! So glad to have ya! Be sure to comment with your URL so I can follow back!!

So for real, today will be filled with some cleaning, figuring out what classes to take next quarter cuz I register tomorrow, and folding about 4 huge baskets full of laundy...boo. All while chasing a toddler around all day! (Hopefully he takes a good nap today lol) So yea, not so fun but I'm gonna make the best of it!! Have a great day!!

mingle mondays button

Sunday, August 15, 2010

What an awesome weekend!!

So Idk if you mommies have heard of Babycenter.com..but if you haven't you must visit! There is a part of that website called the Community and its basically where moms can get together and talk about their lives as mom and get advice and encouragement(most of the time) from each other! Well I've met some wonderful mamas on that site and become really good friends with some. So long story short, some friends I met from there (and have seen previous to this weekend too) came to visit for the weekend! They are Holly and Brian and their daughter is Peyton. Peyton and Noah are 2 days apart and best buds!
We had an amazing time! We got to have a girl's night out and go dancing! I haven't done that in FOREVER with no boys! It was so much fun! Noah and Peyton adore each other and got along great! A great weekend enjoyed by all!

Ok now on to 30 days of truth...doing today's and yesterday's.

Day 15 → Something or someone you couldn’t live without, because you’ve tried living without it.
Internet haha. I'm hopelessly addicted. And I've had to go without it at our crappy appartment complex that we lived before here...for like 2 weeks. It was hell. I felt totally out of the loop and just about went nuts haha.

Day 16 → Someone or something you definitely could live without.
Family drama. We have too much of it. Not my family but inlaws and extended family. Everything has to be dramatic it seems and if we're not sucking up to someone we're "cutting people off or keeping Noah away from them" So annoying and I could definately live without it.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Fun Fun Fridays!

We are in store for a great day! Some family is coming to see our new house and then this evening friends will be here to stay for the weekend! It's going to be lots of fun!
I'm linking up again! Welcome new followers! Be sure to leave me a comment so I can follow you back! Have a great Friday and a great weekend!!

My Wee View

New Friend Fridays

Thursday, August 12, 2010

30 Days of Truth Day 14

Day 14 → A hero that has let you down. (letter)


I can honestly say you used to be my hero. I was your little girl. You were the most important man of my life. But then you let me down. You hurt me. You lost my trust. Seeing you the way you were and the pain you put mom through ruined all respect I had for you.

I do want you to know I do forgive you. And you have gained some respect back from me. But it is still hard for me to think about and deal with. I hope to one day be completely over it. But regardless, I will always love you.

Your little girl

Traveling through....

I'm just writing a quick hello to new followers from Traveling Through Thursday! Be sure to leave me a comment so I can follow you back! I am off to Noah's 15 month well checkup, then a busy day of class and preparing for company this weekend! Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Not So Wordless Wednesday

Gotta do 30 days of truth so it can't be wordLESS Wednesday, but I will share a pic of my sweet little man!

Plus I'm blog hopping! And finding some really awesome "Green" blogs! I love learning about going green and strive to myself...maybe one day I can truly be considered a "green" mama.

Day 13 → A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough ass days. (write a letter.)

Ooo this is a good one. I'm supposed to write a letter I guess through the band....umm so here goes.

Dear Rascall Flatts,
I love your music. Your songs are about love and loss and when I was going through loss I would listen to your music and cry my eyes out. I know that doesn't seem like it would help much but it did. It's always good to get a good cry out..especially when your hurting. Your songs did that for me. Helped me get it all out and start healing. Thank you for that.

A fan,

And here's a pic of my little guy...although he's not really little anymore!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

30 Days of Truth Day 12

Day 12 → Something you never get compliments on.

Umm lets see.....my skinny belly or beautiful nose haha. Cuz they don't exist! My belly is yuck and my nose is big. :)

And the winner is....

The winner of my 100 followers giveaway and gets the free Avon necklace is ....

Comment #11

Megan Whitney said...

Your button is on my blog roll!!

Congrats Megan!! I will be emailing you momentarily. Please respond within 24 hours or I will have to pick another winner. Congrats!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Busy busy week! 30 days of Truth! And need your opinions!

So this morning I am hosting a playdate. Gonna have a bunch of little toddlers and babies running around! Then throughout the week I have school. Then family is coming to visit for the day, Thursday I think. Then Friday and through the weekend some great friends of ours are coming to spend the weekend! So I am gonna be busy! So if I go a day or two without posting, thats why.

Don't forget! My 100 followers Giveaway ends tomorrow night at 7pm Eastern time! Its super simple to enter, so click the link and go enter! :)

Day 11 → Something people seem to compliment you the most on.

I get compliments on my hair and eyes all the time. People are always talking about how healthy my hair looks and all that. I just take care of it. I use good moisturizing conditioner. Wash it every day. When I dye it I just do the roots so my ends don't get fried. Stuff like that. I am proud of my hair and I love it too! My eyes..they are just big and blue and thats why everyone thinks they are so pretty. In my opinion Noah has prettier eyes than me! haha

Ok soooooo. I need your opinions. Since I now have over 100 followers I want to hear what YOU have to say. I want to know what you want to read about on my blog. Do you enjoy just reading about the silly happenings of my crazy life? Or do you want to read more? Do you like to read blogs that discuss the hot topics in the worlds today? Do you like product reviews? What do YOU want to read about? I'm up for anything so let me know! Give me any tips or ideas on what I need to change about my writing and my blog! Thanks so much! Ya'll are awesome!

I forgot yesterdays 30 days!!!


Day 10 → Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know.

Umm lets see...Brian's mom and brothers. I honestly wish I didn't know them sometimes. They are so different from Brian. They are selfish and rude and don't care about anyone else but themselves. They have taken advantage of Brian so many times and as soon as he gets anything they wanna be his friend and get something out of him. It really annoys me. I know that sounds really harsh to wish I didn't know them but there is a lot more into it than I can explain on here. I can't honestly say I wish I didn't know them, but if I HAD to choose anyone in my life to wish I didn't know..it would have to be them. :/

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday fun!

So just wanted to share..I taught Noah how to fist pump. Bad me. I think I've been watching WAYYYY to much Jersey shore!! He's so cute when he does it though! I got a video of it so I'll post that once I download it.

Anywhoo...I'm blog hopping again! Welcome welcome to all my wonderful new followers! Be sure to leave me a comment so I can follow you back!! AND be sure to go enter my giveaway for reaching 100 followers! I am giving away a beautiful silver necklace from Avon! So go enter NOW! haha.

I'll be back later with 30 days of truth! I gotta get Noah down for a nap and clean this disaster of a house!! Have a great Sunday!

Sunday Strolling Blog Hop

BWS tips button

Saturday, August 7, 2010

My First Book Review & 30 Days of Truth, Day 9

Before I start..don't forget to enter my GIVEAWAY! It ends Tuesday evening! So hurry up and get your enteries in!

So if your looking for a good book to read I have one for you! I just finished reading "The Choice" by Nicholas Sparks. I tell ya what , the man can write. I have been reading his books for a while now, and they just get better and better. The Last Song was amazing as was the Notebook. I found The Choice just as good!

The book starts in May 1996. You meet a bachelor,Travis, who is in love with adventure and being spontaneous. He is totally a free spirit! Then you meet his neighbor, Gabby, who is a lot less spontaneous. She likes to have things planned out. She doesn't do crazy things or have any adventures. Although, something deep down inside of her always wishes she did.

They cross paths of course and flirt and become friends and start to develop feelings of course. Gabby is playing hard to get and Travis is trying his hardest to get lol. They have to face some choices for themselves and its definately not easy.

I don't want to give too much of the book away, but then the book takes you to years later. And more important, life changing choices have to be made.

I highly recommend this book! It was great start to finish. Nicholas Sparks is such a good writer!

Day 09 → Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted.

That would be my best friend from High School, Jodie. She moved 4 hours away after high school and we just kinda grew apart. Not until we both got married did we really drift apart. I was in her wedding last year, and we still talk occasionally on facebook. But other than that, no contact. Makes me sad. I don't really know whats going on in her life anymore. I guess I can't even consider her a bff anymore since we rarely talk. I hate when people drift apart...its so sad.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Not sure what to title this....

Sorry I'm later posting today. We've been busy running errands and taking Noah to Gymboree. By the time I got home I had a headache so laid down for a bit while Noah napped. I've beens struggling lately. This may be TMI for some but most of my followers are women so I think ya'll can handle it haha.

Last Sunday I started having symptoms of a UTI. Monday they were really bad and I called my dr and had her call me in a Rx. Started taking those Monday evening. It's Friday and I'm still hurting. Not always. Seems lately just at night. But see this is what happened last November. I had symptoms of a UTI, the meds didn't work, they tested my urine..no bacteria. So the whole month of December I spent in pain. They tested my urine numerous times only to come back negative. So the end of December I was finally able to see a urologist. He asked me a few questions and put me on meds for overactive bladder. I was frustrated but thought I would try it.

Well the meds worked. I take a pill every morning and haven't had any problems. Until now. Its the exact same situation happening again and I am so scared. I am praying so hard that the meds are working and by the time I run out of them, I will be pain free. But I only have like 3 days left of them. :( If I still have pain when they run out, I will do like I did last time and have them test my urine again to see if there is still bacteria. If not..back to a urologist.

In doing research I think I could possibly have IC. But Idk. I don't think I have just overactive bladder. I think that was just a quick fix. Or maybe not. Idk. But I just pray and hope that this really is just a UTI and that it will go away. Last time this happened I got all depressed and couldn't hardly leave the house because I felt so bad. I felt upset that I couldn't get on the floor and play with Noah, or have the  whole house clean when hubby got home. It was so frustrating and upsetting. So I am going through this stage of fear that it will happen again and its tough on me. Keep me in your prayers please.

Now on to the next order of business....
Day 08 → Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like shit.

Hmmm nobody has truly made my life hell. I've had my share of crappy boyfriends who didn't treat me like I deserved to be treated. The spell with my dad was pure hell. But it didn't last. I was even bullied some in high school and that was hell. But none of it lasted, and now I am one lucky chick to have wonderful people in my life who try to make my life better..not hell. :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hoppin around, 30 days of Truth day 7

I'm hoppin around finding new awesome blogs and giveaways today (gives me something to do when I'm sitting in my boring class haha)So welcome new followers and please be sure to say hello so I can follow you back!  Hope everyone has a great day!


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Bassgiraffe's Thoughts Thursday Blog Hop

Day 07 → Someone who has made your life worth living for.

Well this one's easy. That would be my Noah bear. He really turned my life around. I always say he saved my life. He made me grow up and be the adult that I am. I love him for that. I know no matter what happens, no matter what my family goes through, he will always love me unconditionally. And I will love him unconditionally. And will always be there for him when he needs me. And no matter how hard my day is or how bad things seem to be, I just have to look at his sweet little smile and my world is ok. He is my world.

