Sunday, November 27, 2011

Are you a Mommy blogger?
Do you blog about your kids?
Do you blog about great things for Mommies?
Do you wanna meet other Mom Bloggers?
So Easy Being Green
This blog hop is hosted by The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom, Luxury Living Frugal Style, and So Easy Being Green!

Rules to Hop?

All we ask is that you follow the co-hosts: The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom, Luxury Living Frugal Style, and So Easy Being Green... the first three blogs on the linky! Then follow Spot #4 which is the featured blog of the week!

We would LOVE it if you'd grab our button and put it somewhere on your blog or in a blog post! This would help us spread the word. However, you aren't required to.
Be sure to leave us a comment so we can follow you back!

This week's featured blog is...

Another Day in Paradise

My name is Nykki, and I’m a 23 year old massage therapist, but am currently a stay at home mommy! I am happily married to my husband, Kevin, and we recently welcomed our first baby girl, Olivia, on January 11, 2011. Expecting our second bundle on May 25, 2012! We live in Columbus, Ohio, and are trying to figure out this whole marriage & baby thing! I like to coupon and DIY, and am a pinning fool! You can find me on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest!

Newborn Fluff! {Photobomb!}

So Isaac is a week old and I've decided to give cloth diapers a try! I have a few to review for the New Year, New Babies event in January so I won't reveal any of those but I will show you a few that I bought myself for Isaac! I am really enjoying it and it's not near as hard as I thought it would be. The hardest part is you have to change newborns so often, but that's the case with disposables too, so it's no biggie! 

Above is Isaac in a Lil' Joey. These fit preemie -12lbs. Isaac is a little over 6lbs and they fit him well, but I don't think it will fit for very much longer. I have a hard time believing it goes all the way to 12lbs. But we shall see. 

Above is Isaac in a BumGenius Newborn AIO. These fit 6-12lbs. I really like these diapers! There is still plenty of room for him to grow. Plus it's an AIO so super easy to use, even for daddy! 

Above is Isaac in a fitted diaper with a Thirsties Duo Wrap size one! I have a few of these wraps to use with prefolds and fitteds and I really like them. They fit 6-18lbs. I have to snap down to the smallest setting right now but they still work really well. The leg gussets are great so no leaks! 

I'll have more pictures and reviews to come! I am excited to finally be using cloth again! Did you use cloth on your baby when they were a newborn? If so, what was your favorite newborn diaper? 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

I just wanted to write a quick post while little man is content for the moment! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with lots of fun, family, and good food! I know we did! We have so much to be thankful for this year! Two beautiful boys are on the top of that list! 

Here's a family picture from Thanksgiving day! Now I am super excited for Christmas! We plan on putting our tree up tomorrow!

Just a reminder, now that I have baby Isaac here I have lots of great products to review for baby and mommies! (Including cloth diapers!) So be sure to keep checking out the blog for the latest reviews/giveaways! 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Home Theater {Guest Post}

Contribution by Kennith Griffin

Who out there loves a good movie? I absolutely love a good one- and I love even more going to the movie theatre. However, with movie prices like they are now, it’s hard for me to justify taking my three kids to go see anything! By the time my husband, kids, and I leave two hours and 16 minutes later it has cost us over forty dollars! Plus, I always want to buy popcorn and a soda which leaves you at least twenty dollars less rich, too! I never thought that just going to the movies would cost me sixty bucks! Then if my husband and I want to go and hire a babysitter it’s even more (plus we don’t get to spend time as a family). Even though it’s so nice to be able to do the whole ‘theatre’ thing every once in a while, what I’d rather do is just turn on the television at our house, turn off the lights, pop some one dollar popcorn, and spend time together at home. That’s why I went to direct tv deals for new customers to research how to get movies delivered right to our television. It’s saved us so much money, and we LOVE IT!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Pearls and Whirls Jewelry Giveaway!

I have a great giveaway for ya'll! If you love jewelry or know someone who does you are going to love Pearls and Whirls

Pearls and Whirls is a jewelry store that specializes in metal stamped pieces, custom work, and whimsical earrings. Pearls and Whirls was created by Shauna, a single mother of a 2 year old little boy. She always wanted to be a stay at home mom, but being a single mother made that difficult. So she created Pearls and Whirls to help make that possible. 

Check out some of the beautiful jewelry!

Win It!
One lucky winner will win a $15 gift certificate to Peals and Whirls Jewelry! 

Our New Life

 Just wanted to give a little update on life now with two kiddos! Things are going surprisingly well! I really was worried about how Noah would react and if he would regress on anything such as going potty or sleeping, but he has adjusted really well! 

Noah is very protective of Isaac already and very interested in things I do with him! He loves to rub his little head and "help" me change his diaper. He doesn't seem to get jealous at all. I know its only been a few days, and things could change, but I'm very pleased with how things are going!

Also, breastfeeding is going so well! My milk came in late Saturday/early Sunday and he's been nursing like a champ! He's eating every 2 hours and starting to wake on his own to eat also. I'm not really having any issues at all. I'm a little sore from engorgement, but its manageable! I was so happy to tell the pediatrician at his checkup yesterday that I haven't used any formula at all! And he only lost 4 ounces from his birth weight which is awesome! 

I am seriously so amazed at how easy of a transition this has been. I know things could change and probably will, but as of right now I'm as happy as could be! Life with my three boys is amazing and I couldn't ask for more! I am so blessed! 

And just's some pictures of my sweet boys! 

Our big sister Kellie..she's been such a great help this week!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Mom Blog Monday Blog Hop

Are you a Mommy blogger?
Do you blog about your kids?
Do you blog about great things for Mommies?
Do you wanna meet other Mom Bloggers?
So Easy Being Green
This blog hop is hosted by The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom, Luxury Living Frugal Style, and So Easy Being Green!

Rules to Hop?

All we ask is that you follow the co-hosts: The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom, Luxury Living Frugal Style, and So Easy Being Green... the first three blogs on the linky! Then follow Spot #4 which is the featured blog of the week! <

We would LOVE it if you'd grab our button and put it somewhere on your blog or in a blog post! This would help us spread the word. However, you aren't required to.
Be sure to leave us a comment so we can follow you back and and be sure to hop on over to Michelle's blog, The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a Second Time Mom to congratulate her on the birth of her 2nd baby boy, Isaac!!!!!

This week's featured blog is...

Making Mama Happy
Hi, my name is Jamie. I’m a 30-something new wife and even newer mommy. My husband and I got married last fall and I gave birth to our perfect little honeymoon baby in August. I'm doing my best to adjust to the transition from life in the busy corporate world to one as (what feels like) an even busier stay-at-home mom! My life was changing very dramatically in a very short period of time so I began blogging during my pregnancy and used other mommy blogs not only as learning resources but also as a support system. And lets face it, mommy blogs are a great place to go when you need to laugh and celebrate! I can only hope that my blog, Making Mama Happy, will serve the same purpose for other women who are striving to become better mothers, wives, daughters, and friends while coping with the challenges we all face. I look forward to growing these relationships so that we can take the journey together!

Isaac James has arrived! {Birth Story!}

I am happy to announce Baby Boy # 2, Isaac James, has arrived! He is a healthy and beautiful little boy, weighing 6lbs 14oz and 19.7 inches long! Here's our story:

Thursday, the 17th, I woke up feeling very crampy and uncomfortable. I had been having contractions on and off since Monday. Some painful, some not so much. So I thought, well maybe something is happening. So I bounced on my exercise ball for a while and the cramps seemed to be getting worse. I didn't go in to labor naturally with Noah (I was induced due to preeclampsia) so I was pretty confused about contractions and what everything was supposed to feel like. So I took a shower and told Brian we should go to the mall to see if walking will get anything going consistently. So we did that and while things did get more painful, still nothing consistent. So I said, well lets go home and I'll lay down and see if they stop.

So I laid down and relaxed and sure enough, everything stopped. I was so frustrated. I finally just said "forget it, it's not happening today" and pretty much broke down in tears. I decided to just take a bath and relax. After my bath I noticed I was leaking. I wasn't sure if it was just some bath water or something so I didn't think much of it. But then I noticed as I walked around, I was leaking more and more! Right through my panty liner and underwear! After going through 3 pairs of underwear in 5 minutes, I called the doctor. He said, "come in and let's have a baby!". I couldn't believe it!

We got to the hospital about 6pm, after dropping Noah off with my mother-in-law. We got checked in and my doctor checked me out, and sure enough, my water had broken. I was having contractions, but still not consistent. So they waited about 2 hours to see if they would regulate and get closer together. They were still all over the place, so they hooked me up to some pitocin. The contractions started coming on much stronger and closer together! OUCH! I went about 2 hrs and then gave in and asked for the epidural. Got the epidural around 11pm and Brian and I decided to try to sleep. I was 4cm and about 80% when I got the epidural.

We "slept" (yea right) for a few hours and the nurse came in at about quarter to 3 to check me again. When she did I was all the way thinned out and almost a 10! So they called my doctor to come and got me all set up! I couldn't believe it!

I pushed for about 20 minutes and Isaac James was born at 3:21am! He weighed 6lbs 14oz and was 19.7 inches long! We did skin to skin right away and he nursed for about an hours as soon as he was born!

I couldn't believe how easy and smooth this birthing process was compared to my birth experience with Noah! They were both beautiful but my goodness, it was so much easier this time around! I am so happy! 

Noah is a great big brother already and just loves his baby brother! We are adjusting well as a family of four! 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

New Year, New Babies, New Mommies of 2 Event! {Update!}

New Year, New Babies, New Mommies of 2
So the big event is coming up soon! It will be January before you know it! New Year, New Babies, New Mommies of 2 is going to be HUGE! The entire month of January is FULL of reviews and giveaways of products new mommies and new babies will love! Whether your pregnant, a new mommy, or know someone who is a new mommy or going to be a new mommy, you will LOVE the amazing sponsors we are going to reveal to you!

Lindsey and I even have some awesome GRAND PRIZE giveaways for you to win! Each Grand Prize is valued at $75 or more!!

From now until the event you will have the chance to earn 2 extra entries in to any of my giveaways that I post on the blog just for grabbing the event button and posting it on your blog or website! The button needs to be on your main page sidebar and stay up through the course of the giveaways to count! Not only will you get extra entries to my regular giveaways but you will also get extra entries to EVERY giveaway during the event in January too! Just for grabbing the event button above!

I am still on the lookout for Guest Bloggers for the event, and even some from now until the event! (Since I will be busy with a newborn VERY soon!) If you are a mommy of more than one, a new mommy, or just have something family friendly to guest blog about, please contact me!

And just because I'm so nice, I'll reveal a few more sponsors for the event!

Carmex Healing Lotion and Healing Cream Review and Giveaway!

Carmex has been soothing lips around the world for nearly 75 years. Now, they have created a skin care line to sooth and moisturize your skin! 

I was sent a 5.5 oz and .75oz  Carmex Healing Cream, and a  4 oz and 1oz Carmex Healing Lotion to review!  I love that the lotion and cream both come in a travel size that I can stick in my purse and my car and have on hand any time I need it! 

Carmex Healing Lotion: 

- Use anywhere you skin feels dry
- Use daily to keep skin moisturized and protect skin
- Ingredients include Aloe and Vitamin E
- Non-greasy! 

Carmex Healing Cream:

- Use on your driest skin, like hands, elbows, knees, and feet!
- There are 9 healing ingredients to help repair your dry and cracked skin!
- Non-greasy! 

I am really enjoying the Carmex Healing Lotion and Cream! During the cold winter months my skin gets so dry and itchy!  I am constantly having to put lotion on my hands and all over my body to keep the itchy away! I have been using the Carmex Healing Lotion every day after I get out of the shower and my skin has been a lot less itchy lately. I love how the Healing Lotion feels on my skin. It's thick and creamy, but dries quickly and isn't greasy. It's like I can feel it moisturizing my skin! It's a cool drink of water for my skin! Seriously! 

I have the Carmex Healing Cream in my kitchen and I use it on my hands after I do dishes or finish cooking, which is when my hands tend to get super dry and itchy. The Healing Cream is great for the especially dry areas of you body! My knuckles so dry they crack and hurt so bad during the winter! Having the Carmex Healing Cream on hand has been so great for my hands! It really helps keep my skin from cracking and being so dry it's painful! 

Buy It!
You can purchase Carmex Healing Lotion and Carmex Healing Cream at Walgreens, CVS, and Walmart!
Win It!
One lucky reader will win a Carmex Healing Lotion and Carmex Healing Cream kit just like the one I received! 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

New Hobby?!

So I think the Made with Love Giveaway Hop inspired me to try to hand make some of my own stuff! So yesterday I decided to pick up some yarn and a little beginner's booklet and teach myself how to crochet! I figure while I'm waiting on little Isaac to arrive it will be nice to learn something new right? So yesterday during Noah's nap I took out the book and got going.

I am not very good yet and can only do a square but I find it very enjoyable and relaxing! I would love to learn how to make beautiful hats and blankets and pot holders, etc. I don't know how much time I will have once Isaac arrives, but maybe eventually I can make something as beautiful as some of the hand made products I saw during the event!

Here's my little square I was able to make:

Not bad huh?! So now I wanna you have a hobby?! Are you crafty? If so what do you do! I'd love to know! 

Monday, November 14, 2011

Made with Love Giveaway Winners!

The Made with Love Giveaway Hop was such a success! Thank you to all who entered and participated! 

Here are the winner's! I will be emailing them now and they will have 48 hours to respond before another winner is chosen! 

Asparagus Winner- Entry #384 Rita O'Neal

Charitable Creations Jewelry- Entry #593 Melissa Phinney

Cozy Creations by Heather- Entry #11 Katrina


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Mom Blog Monday Blog Hop!

Are you a Mommy blogger?
Do you blog about your kids?
Do you blog about great things for Mommies?
Do you wanna meet other Mom Bloggers?
So Easy Being Green
This blog hop is hosted by The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom,Luxury Living Frugal Style, and So Easy Being Green!

Rules to Hop?

All we ask is that you follow the co-hosts: The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time MomLuxury Living Frugal Style, and So Easy Being Green... the first three blogs on the linky! Then follow Spot #4 which is the featured blog of the week! <

We would LOVE it if you'd grab our button and put it somewhere on your blog or in a blog post! This would help us spread the word. However, you aren't required to.
Be sure to leave us a comment so we can follow you back!

This week's featured blog is...
I married my high school sweetheart 26 years ago.  We have 3 children, 2 beautiful granddaughters and a grandson due at the end of December.  I am a Coupon Coach and Author in east central Indiana.  I've been couponing and bargain shopping for over 30 years and have saved our family thousands of dollars over the years.  I wrote my first book earlier this year and just this month published my second one.  I also enjoy crafting and have been doing that since I was a pre-teen.  I enjoy watching NASCAR and love the m&m characters, Yellow is my favorite.  :)  My website is full of information from couponing tips, printable coupons, coupon database, household tips, recipes and more. If you enjoy crafts, there is a link to my craft blog in the sidebar. Hope you'll stop by and visit. 

Saturday, November 12, 2011


I woke up this morning and seriously could have cried because I was still pregnant. I thought for sure last night something was happening. But I guess I was wrong because I slept all night! I woke up once to pee and barely remember that, because I fell back to sleep so fast! That hasn't happened in a while! So yea, I've been grumbling and whiny and just plain miserable so I think I need to take the time to think about all I'm thankful for instead of grumbling about something that I have no control over. It is the month of Thanksgiving after all right?! 

I could go on and on for hours I'm sure about all the things I am thankful for and all the many things God has blessed me with, but I will spare you. But I will tell you I truly have been blessed. God brought me out of a life of rebellion and trouble and blessed me with a wonderful, loving, providing husband and a beautiful, sweet, adorable boy. And now another beautiful, sweet baby boy! When Brian and I first got married, we had nothing. We were broke and living with Brian's aunt. Now 2.5 years later, we own our own home, both our cars are paid for, and we have very little debt to take care of. We are able to live comfortably on just Brian's income, and we have a wonderful support group of family and friends. 

Isn't that so much to be thankful for?! I sure think so!

And if I want to go even further, here I am grumbling about being pregnant, but in fact, I am beyond blessed to have a full term, healthy baby in my belly! This pregnancy has been very easy and simple compared to my pregnancy with Noah, and even my pregnancy with Noah was simple compared to some others pregnancies! I did develop Preeclampsia with Noah, but I was full term when it popped up and so I was able to deliver a healthy baby boy with no further problems. I look at some of my friends who have had premature babies and had to go through months of hospital visits and doctor's appointments and I am just so thankful for healthy babies and easy pregnancies! And I don't have Preeclampsia with this pregnancy, now at 38 weeks so that is a blessing in itself!! Praise God for keeping me and both my boys healthy throughout both my pregnancies! And if I have to wait 2 or 3 more weeks to meet my sweet Isaac, then so be it! God knows what's best for his health and mine, and I have to trust that!

So thanks for letting me sorta make myself feel better and put things in to perspective. If your feeling down it really does help to think about all you are blessed with and how thankful you really should be! Just like the song.. "Count your blessings, name them one by one.. Count your blessings see what God has done" 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Stick a Fork in Me,I'm DONE!

So I'm 37 weeks and 3 days today according to my official due date of November 28th. I have reached THAT point. If you have ever been pregnant you know the point I'm talking about. The "ok let's just get this baby out of me, I am so over being pregnant" point!  

I'm starting to get irritable and almost sad. I am just so ready to have my body back and have my sweet boy in my arms. I had a doctor's appointment on Monday and they did an ultrasound. Little man is 6lbs and doing doc says he can come any time now and all should be good. So now it's just the horrible waiting! I was thinking last night I very well might still be pregnant on Thanksgiving, and I honestly just don't even want to deal with that! I know that sounds horrible, but 39 weeks pregnant and having to go from house to house to see family and friends and all that comes with Thanksgiving holiday just does not sound appealing to me at all right now. I want to eat my turkey on my own couch, all by myself, with my plate on my big belly haha! 

Brian is doing his best to be supportive but I know I'm not the easiest to deal with these days. I am trying to keep myself busy with cleaning and grocery shopping and even some Christmas shopping to help the time go by! I am trying to get outside and take a nice long walk every evening to hopefully get things moving...but no such luck yet. It is nice to get outside in the cool air though. 

But anyways, enough of my vent. Regardless of when little man is supposed to come, I don't have that much longer. Until then I am trying to remain in good spirits, enjoy time with Noah and Brian, and keep busy. Hopefully he will decide to make his appearance before my actual due date, but if not, that's still less than 3 weeks away!! 

Here's an ultrasound shot of my sweet boy's face..don't you just love his little nose?! 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Welcome to the Made with Love Giveaway Hop!

Welcome to the Made With Love Event hosted by The Reynolds Mom and Seventeen Sirens! This event features at least $25 or more in handmade prizes on each of the participating blogs. Be sure to go through the linky below and enter for your chance to win! This event will close on November 13th at Midnight EST. Good Luck!

The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a Second Time Mom's Giveaways!

All giveaways are easy Rafflecopter entries and are 3 separate blog posts, so be sure to click the link for each! 

Asparagus! - 5x5 Canvas and Headband in Winner's Choice! (for girl) 

Charitable Creations Jewelry- $40 Gift Certificate! 

Cozy Creations by Heather- The Best Baby Shower Gift Ever! (for girl) 

These are the participating blogs in the Made With Love Giveaway Hop! Be sure to check out each one!

1. The Reynolds Mom  43. Yankee Texan Mom  
2. Seventeen Sirens  44. Happenings of the Harper Household  
3. Keenly Kristin  45. Detroit Mom and Her Views  
4. Practical Frugality  46. Go Momma Coupons  
5. Randomosity  47. Brittleby's Corner  
6. Money $aving Michele  48. Andersons Angels  
7. Mama Chocolate  49. Raven's Rascals  
8. Fluttering Creations  50. How Was Your Day?  
9. Becca's Backyard  51. Baby Bella Hair  
10. ABCD Diaries  52. Diva Locks  
11. Mommy Who Loves Giveaways  53. Mom with a dot com  
12. Planet Weidknecht  54. The Steady Hand  
13. Libby's Library  55. C.E.O. of Me, Inc.  
14. Confessions of a Frugal Mind  56. Life Full of Laughter  
15. PortalElements  57. My Devotional Thoughts  
16. Midwestern Moms  58. Mummy Knows Reviews  
17. The Little Hedgehog  59. Rats and More  
18. Maxwell's Mommy  60. Pixel Berry Pie  
19. Punk Rock Momma  61. Maine PURSEnalities  
20. Rachel's Giveaways  62. A Little Inspiration  
21. Super Saver Mama  63. Jewels for Hope  
22. Mom Always Finds Out  64. Sweeping The USA  
23. My SoCal Life  65. gustosa giveaways  
24. The Kid's Fun Review  66. A Million Moments  
25. karina's challenge  67. The Saga of Surf Mommie  
26. Little Miss Kate  68. Whole Lotta Mama  
27. Energizer Bunnies' Mommy Reports  69. SAPsMaMa Natural Parenting and Green Living  
28. Put A Little Umbrella In Your Drink  70. Making Time For Mommy  
29. Becoming "Mom"  71. Front Porch Reviews  
30. Keeping Your Cents  72. Living On Limited Income  
31. Children Teaching Mama  73. Heck of a Bunch  
32. Minnesota Momma  74. Married to a Geek  
33. Amy Sue's Place  75. Traci66  
34. The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a Second Time Mom  76. Just Another Hat  
35. Ninth Street Notions  77. 4 Little Monsters and Me  
36. Heavenly Savings  78. Izzy B Designs  
37. Mom to Bed by 8  79. Freetail Therapy  
38. Full Price? NEVER!  80. Confessions of an Overworked Mom  
39. Fashion In The Forest  81. Big K Little A  
40. Fabulously Domestic  82. Still Blonde After All These Years  
41. Happy Baby Chronicles  83. Savvy Shopper Mom  
42. A Glimpse of My Life  84. Totally Reinventing Me  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

The Made With Love Giveaway Event will begin on November 8th and will end on November 13th Midnight EST. This giveaway event is opened to residents specified on each participating blog (US, Canada, Worldwide, etc) that are 18 years or older. No purchase is necessary to enter. Void where prohibited by law. The odds of winning are based on the number of entries received. This promotion is no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook.

Please understand that The Reynolds Mom, Seventeen Sirens, and the "Made With Love Giveaway Event" bloggers are not responsible for sponsors that do not fulfill their prizes. However, we are responsible for contacting our sponsors regarding the winner's prize at the close of the giveaway. We expect that our sponsors will fulfill their prize agreement and ship them to the winners in a timely manner. Please allow 4-6 weeks for shipping. If, after 6 weeks, you have not received your prize, please contact the blog that you won a prize from for a follow-up.
