Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Summer Blog Challenge! {Short Term Goals for this Month!}

Today we have to list our short term goals for this month. I don't normally make goals like this but I think it's a good idea because just doing this challenge has made me think of some things I really want to do this month! 

1. I really want to get organized. I tend to just keep everything all in my head and then I tend to forget things! I want to start putting things on the calendar and giving myself reminders for things. I want to take the time one day to organize all my blog responsibilities on the calendar and then another day to organize all my "mom" activities on the calendar! 

2. I really want to get out on some sort of adventure with the kiddos at least once a week! Something we haven't done before or in a while! It's summertime and there are so many fun activities for kids to do so I want to start doing them!

3. I would really like to go through all the clothes we have stored away (baby clothes and clothes that don't fit anymore) and donate all the stuff we aren't going to be using anymore because right now all it's doing is collecting dust!!

So those are my short term goals for this month! Not too many but I don't want to get ahead of myself and try to do too much! What are your goals for this months?


  1. I really need to sort through our clothing too. Especially mine. I have winter, spring and fall all mixed in my drawers with summer. They dresser is spewing clothing out like it's sick. I feel like the clothing is a never ending battle. It is on my list of things to do as well. Maybe before the summer is over, I can get it together! I also like the idea of an adventure with the kiddos. I make it a goal of mine every week to do at least ONE adventure with my boy. Something new and something fun to look forward too for both him and I.

  2. I hear you about the small adventure once a week thing. I want to do the same with my three. I found a website call Bored Austin Kids and it has so many different things I really want to do this summer with my three. I hope that ya'll are able to get out there and have fun.

  3. Great goals. I'm working on getting organized too. We have a move coming up and I want to make sure it's as nonstressful as possible.

  4. I too have been wanting to do more with my daughter. We go here and there and do lots of stuff, but I'd love to find more activities just for her. Not just things we do with some friends.


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