The class was super helpful! A lot of the stuff I did already know but it was great to refresh my memory of it. And there was also a lot of new things I learned, like how to tell if baby is getting enough and ways to relieve sore nipples and breasts! Brian learned a lot too about how he can be supportive and helpful with the breastfeeding process. We were talking about how we wanted to do things in the car after the class and he was telling me how he would help because he knew how important it was now!
I really feel a lot more comfortable and confident with my decision to breastfeed and stick with it this time! I highly recommend taking a breastfeeding class if you are pregnant and want to breastfeed your baby! You will learn a ton!
Pregnancy Update - 36 weeks!
I also had my 36 week checkup yesterday! I can't believe I am already at weekly checkups! This pregnancy has flown by! Baby Isaac will seriously be here within just a matter of weeks (if that!). My checkup went well. My blood pressure was good, which makes me very happy, with my Preeclampsia history. I was measuring about two weeks behind, so the doctor wants to do an ultrasound at my appointment next week, just to get an accurate measurement. She wasn't too concerned since I've been measuring dead on every time until now. She said he may just be extremely low or was balled up when she measured me. But hey, I get to see my little guy! So I'm totally ok with an ultrasound!
Blogging may slow down a bit as we get closer to baby Isaac's arrival. I am hoping to go in to labor naturally this time so I may not be able to update when it does happen, but I will hopefully either update on my Facebook page or update after the little guy is born! I promise! Thanks for all your support and sticking with me! I hope you'll continue to follow my journey as a new mommy of 2 soon!

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