Thursday, the 17th, I woke up feeling very crampy and uncomfortable. I had been having contractions on and off since Monday. Some painful, some not so much. So I thought, well maybe something is happening. So I bounced on my exercise ball for a while and the cramps seemed to be getting worse. I didn't go in to labor naturally with Noah (I was induced due to preeclampsia) so I was pretty confused about contractions and what everything was supposed to feel like. So I took a shower and told Brian we should go to the mall to see if walking will get anything going consistently. So we did that and while things did get more painful, still nothing consistent. So I said, well lets go home and I'll lay down and see if they stop.
So I laid down and relaxed and sure enough, everything stopped. I was so frustrated. I finally just said "forget it, it's not happening today" and pretty much broke down in tears. I decided to just take a bath and relax. After my bath I noticed I was leaking. I wasn't sure if it was just some bath water or something so I didn't think much of it. But then I noticed as I walked around, I was leaking more and more! Right through my panty liner and underwear! After going through 3 pairs of underwear in 5 minutes, I called the doctor. He said, "come in and let's have a baby!". I couldn't believe it!
We got to the hospital about 6pm, after dropping Noah off with my mother-in-law. We got checked in and my doctor checked me out, and sure enough, my water had broken. I was having contractions, but still not consistent. So they waited about 2 hours to see if they would regulate and get closer together. They were still all over the place, so they hooked me up to some pitocin. The contractions started coming on much stronger and closer together! OUCH! I went about 2 hrs and then gave in and asked for the epidural. Got the epidural around 11pm and Brian and I decided to try to sleep. I was 4cm and about 80% when I got the epidural.
We "slept" (yea right) for a few hours and the nurse came in at about quarter to 3 to check me again. When she did I was all the way thinned out and almost a 10! So they called my doctor to come and got me all set up! I couldn't believe it!
I pushed for about 20 minutes and Isaac James was born at 3:21am! He weighed 6lbs 14oz and was 19.7 inches long! We did skin to skin right away and he nursed for about an hours as soon as he was born!
I couldn't believe how easy and smooth this birthing process was compared to my birth experience with Noah! They were both beautiful but my goodness, it was so much easier this time around! I am so happy!
Noah is a great big brother already and just loves his baby brother! We are adjusting well as a family of four!

ReplyDeleteCongrats on your new son and a wonderful family of four
Congratulations! We have that exact same obedience for our son too lol
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! We have that exact same obedience for our son too lol
ReplyDeleteawwww yay congrats to you and your beautiful family!!! He is adorable and sounds like your labor was super easy!! My friend also had her son on the 17th but he weighed 10lbs 4 oz and 19 inches long!!
ReplyDeleteOnesie not obedience
ReplyDeleteCongratulations - he is gorgeous! Exact same size my son was when he was born, too, small but perfect.
ReplyDeletePerfect story! :) super fast labor, too! Love the pics <3
ReplyDeletecongrats he is beautiful as are you :)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! He is adorable! I'm so glad you had a smooth delivery and you're both happy and healthy.
ReplyDeleteAwww! Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteyou look fantastic..
ReplyDeletecongrats on Isaac and a swift labor!
Congrats!!! Beautiful family :)
ReplyDeleteHi! New follower from the Mom Blog Monday hop! I hope you'll stop by and follow back! Thanks! :) Through the Eyes of a Tiger
Congrats! Glad you had an easier time this time around :)
ReplyDeleteMichelle I am very happy for you! What a great story! I hope that you are doing well!