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All we ask is that you follow the co-hosts: The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom, Luxury Living Frugal Style, and So Easy Being Green... the first three blogs on the linky! Then follow Spot #4 which is the featured blog of the week!
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I am the Good Girl Gone Green…..
Seeing garbage cans overflowing with recyclables breaks my heart.
Therefore, I’d much rather store my compost in the fridge than see it in the trash.
Seeing plastic bags and disposable plastics wash up on the shores of our oceans, rivers and lakes makes me sad.
Therefore, I’d much rather pick up trash along the shore lines.
Seeing rows of cows bring force-fed corn makes me sick to my stomach.
Therefore, I’d much rather know where my food comes from than bite into a McMeal.
Seeing people turn a blind eye to the multiple harmful chemicals lurking in their everyday products around them makes me cringe.
Therefore, I’d much rather scrub my tub and toilet with water and vinegar than pollute my family’s lungs with toxic chemicals.
Hearing people say that global warming is a myth makes me twitch with anger.
Therefore, I’d much rather be the voice of change!
To say I am passionate about “all things green” and environmentalism is an understatement!
I am a tree hugger; I am almost vegan; I am an environmentalist.
I don’t have a filter. I am not sure if I was born without one or if I lost it somewhere along the way. Living without a filter creates interesting situations – some good and some bad.
That is what you will find at my blog – the unfiltered truth about the ups and downs of living the green life.

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My Cloth Diaper Stash
new follower from the blog hop.
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