Saturday, October 22, 2011

October is SIDS Awareness Month

Did you know that SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) is the leading cause of death in babies age one month to one year old? According to the CDC, there are 4,600 Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths in the US alone each year. About half of those are determined to be SIDS, about 600 a non-SIDS/non-sleep related cause, and the rest are mostly sleep related.

The CJ Foundation and Aden+Anais have partnered up to bring awareness to these terrible tragedies and provide parents with information and recommend products to help prevent SIDS and protect our most precious possessions, our children.  The CJ Foundation's program Sleep in Safety, Grow in Style is designed to educate parents with positive information such as safe sleep practices and safe sleep environments for baby.

Aden+Anais  are leading partners in the Sleep in Safety, Grow in Style program and provide safe sleeping products such as their swaddles and sleeping bags. Swaddles promote good sleep on baby's back and sleeping bags are much safer than blankets or sheets because baby cannot pull the sleep sack over their face.

As a mother, I will be totally honest, this was one of my biggest fears and still is. SIDS is very scary and I cannot imagine losing my babies like that. It is a terrible tragedy to go through and I will do whatever it takes to try and prevent this from happening to my babies. If you are expecting or a new mother I highly suggest you do some research and take the steps to promote safe sleep for your baby and prevent SIDS if at all possible. 

Here are a few Safe Sleep Tips found on the Sleep in Safety, Grow in Style website: 

  • Always lay your baby to sleep face up. 
  • Remove all loose bedding, stuffed animals, blankets, bumpers, and pillows from crib. 
  • Consider using a fan to increase air circulation in baby's room.
  • Don't smoke while pregnant and never smoke near your baby. 
  • Offer your baby a pacifier at all sleep times. 
These are just a few tips. Check out the website for all the tips and even a printable version to print out and hang up in baby's nursery! 

Important Websites: 

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