Lindsey and I have come up with yet another angle to this huge blog Event and it's going to be a Facebook Style Giveaway! If you're like me, I love these types of giveaways and they are getting fewer and farther in between as it's hard to adhere to the Facebook rules. Well, we've got an idea of how to do just this AND bring you some fabulous prizes, in addition to the great prizes that we'll be reviewing and giving away on our blogs during the entire month of January! I hope you're excited! Interested in being a Facebook Giveaway Sponsor? Here are the details:
- Prizes must fit into the categories of items that would be great for New Mama's or New Babies! You can get creative with this... but we just don't want prizes that don't fit into the Event at all.
- Prizes must have a minimum Retail Value of $10.00.
- We are looking to have about 25 Giveaway Prizes in this Album and will close the sign-ups when we reach this number... so sign up fast if you want to be sure to grab a spot!
- No review will be provided or conducted, as a Sponsor you'll simply supply a Giveaway Item to 1 or more Winners.
- The only requirements for readers to enter the giveaways will be to: {1} Like the Sponsor's Facebook Page, {2} Like the SEBG & The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a Second Time Mom's Facebook Pages. This is a fabulous way to bump up your Facebook Numbers!
If you're ready to sign up, please fill out this Sponsorship Form. If you have more questions, you can email me at:!
While we're on the subject, want to see a couple more sponsors that have confirmed for the Blog Event, here on The Not-So-Secret Confessions? Yeah, I thought you might!

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