Saturday, October 15, 2011

6 Weeks or Less!

I will be 34 weeks officially on Monday which means we are really counting down to when baby Isaac will be here! It could be a whole 6 weeks before he comes, but I'm hoping it's more like 4 weeks. I'm feeling pretty decent I would say. Definitively not my normal, energetic self, but not completely miserable either. I just move(waddle) a little slower than before and get achy and uncomfortable fairly easy, but that's to be expected right? It's getting harder to sleep at night. I was up at least 4 times last night because my back hurt, or I was stiff, or I had to pee. But I figure I better get used to it, because I'm sure Isaac will have me up at least that much at first.

I hope to get my hospital bag packed by the end of 35 weeks, just to be safe. I've known quite a few mamas who have gone early recently and I want to have my bag ready in case that happens to me. I'm excited about our breastfeeding class on November 3rd. That is something I really want to do this time and stick with. I'm also super excited to cloth diaper again! I can't wait to put some tiny little fluff on Isaac!

Here's my 32 week belly shot, in front of Isaac's crib! The nursery is almost done!! I'll update with more pics once it's completely finished!

I also wanted to mention today(October 15th)  is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day. I am so thankful I have never had a miscarriage or lost a child, but I know one too many who have.It really puts things in to perspective to think about when I'm complaining about feeling like crap while pregnant. I am blessed beyond measure to have a healthy child, and a healthy child growing inside of me.  If you have lost a child, my heart goes out to you and I pray you have peace in knowing that your sweet angel is in the arms of Jesus. 


  1. you're looking so good. With my second I felt HUGE when I was at the point you're at now. I love the nursery too!

  2. you look great! How exciting in a month or so you'll be holding your sweet baby boy. :)

  3. I am convinced that God created the last few weeks of pregnancy to prep us for the months of no sleep with newborns. Many blessings to you!

  4. Good luck! Having been where you are 3 times I can imagine just how you feel...I just recently started blogging and stumbled upon your blog...Thanks for sharing!!!


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